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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    WineSucks;1157248 wrote: Fly - Wow....I was just getting ready to start a new Thread to get some input from those who have gone AF for awhile and made the decision to moderate...wondering how it went and if the cycle just started over again. The thought of getting my 30 days in and then trying to moderate scares me because I'm not sure if I can do it.
    In my opinion if you're not sure you can do it then don't even bother trying. I keep asking myself why is it so important to us to reintroduce alcohol into our lives? Because if someone told me that I could never drink soda again for the rest of my life I'd think, okay. Maybe not always convenient but no big deal, right? It has to be the buzz that we all want. The craving, the addiction. If we were talking about heroin and getting our habit under control and then moderating our heroin use everyone would think we were nuts!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      So very true! Well, now that you put it like that, it kind of puts it in perspective....I wouldn't try to moderate heroin or crack why would I try to moderate POISON!:thanks:


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hey all, well I can only write briefly, still AF, 16 days now, no antabuse since last wed, no urge to drink. Very stressful last two days, car broke down had to have it towed-at shop right now and going to cost me $$$. Modem also broke when I made it home with daughter, which is why no post. I will catch up as soon as I can-hope everyone is doing well!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          WineSucks;1157253 wrote: So very true! Well, now that you put it like that, it kind of puts it in perspective....I wouldn't try to moderate heroin or crack why would I try to moderate POISON!:thanks:
          Believe me, I'm still trying to figure out how I can moderate! It's crazy. I can't make it work logically of course. :no:


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            akazia21;1157256 wrote: Hey all, well I can only write briefly, still AF, 16 days now, no antabuse since last wed, no urge to drink. Very stressful last two days, car broke down had to have it towed-at shop right now and going to cost me $$$. Modem also broke when I made it home with daughter, which is why no post. I will catch up as soon as I can-hope everyone is doing well!
            When it rains it pours, right? One thing after another. But the good news is that you're getting through it all without alcohol! Congrats on 16 sober days! :goodjob:


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Good Evening, Ladies. I'm finally checking in; it's been a very, very long day and I mostly just want to hit the hay. It was not a good day, but that's a long story and I'm too tired.

              SJ, I am very sorry. I can certainly understand why you desired to escape; I've used wine to escape many, many sad and stressful events. And it has made everything worse every single time. I'm just glad to see you here tonight!

              Shue, it sounds very wise to postpone having more children until your in a better, more healthy place. It would be an awful lot to deal with, having to quit and getting pregnant at the same time.

              WS, the option of escaping back into the bottle has crossed my mind a number of times over the last few weeks. There's more to the situation with my son than I've discussed here; although he is sick and I want to support him, he has also completely broken my heart. But I don't want to drink it away this time or anymore! I want a new beginning and a new life and this is the only way it will work. I've had quite a few nights where I needed extra glut!

              FlyAway, you make many great points! I'm not even thinking about moderate drinking right now. I can't imagine even wanting a glass or two of wine; what's the point? I drank to get drunk; I didn't want just a buzz, I wanted oblivion and, boy, was I getting it! Well, I sure as hell don't want it anymore!

              It has been a shitty week so far and today in particular was pretty bad. BUT .... I did not drink!! And tonight I will fall asleep sober and tomorrow I will wake up sober. How wonderful is that?!

              Good night, everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Clover you definitely sound like you have turned a corner when it comes to your sobriety. Being sober is so much better! Hard to imagine when you're drinking, but it's true.


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  WS ? I read a lot on moderation ? it apparently takes huge amount of planning and thinking and checking yourself. And it is not for everybody. I have started to feel less and less like an outcast for not drinking sociallybut long term I don't know what I really want.

                  Fly ? you are such a great support!

                  Clover ? I feel for you, I wish you could hear yourself through my ears, you sound soooo WISE. Sad and battered but also resolute and accepting the grief you are dealing with. I marvel at your perspective and resolve.

                  Akazia, SJ ? my thoughts are with you

                  I had a huge wobble last night ? an uncontrollable urge to drink that only posts helped. I need to figure out how to deal with stress and anxiety at work. I realize now that I have used AL as an escape far too many times.
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Thanks for all the kind words, you are all lovely.
                    Am feeling much better today & back on track.
                    Having computer probs so will sign off here.
                    Have a great day all. x
                    SJ xxx :groupluv:

                    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      hello back from my visits and just a quick check in...have left posts for most of you on other threads and will fill in tomorrow night...but Day 5 done...hello day the skin of my teeth..but hey!
                      SJ I remember reading an earlier post where you were mentioning your miscarriage...I was too low to post then, but when I'm less tired I'll tell you better how much I understood some of what you were/are feeling....
                      Clover, keeping you close...
                      Is Juja on this thread? I'm confused and can't scroll back..any way...big love

                      Catch you tomorrow..need sleep....stay safe xx
                      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Queenbug;1157724 wrote: hello back from my visits and just a quick check in...have left posts for most of you on other threads and will fill in tomorrow night...but Day 5 done...hello day the skin of my teeth..but hey!
                        SJ I remember reading an earlier post where you were mentioning your miscarriage...I was too low to post then, but when I'm less tired I'll tell you better how much I understood some of what you were/are feeling....
                        Clover, keeping you close...
                        Is Juja on this thread? I'm confused and can't scroll back..any way...big love

                        Catch you tomorrow..need sleep....stay safe xx
                        Juja is still here and kicking butt!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Go Juja! :moon: x
                          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF


                            I'm here, I'm everywhere! I don't know where I've posted what to whom.

                            Hello, all. I'm doing very well, but exhausted today. I'm wondering if there's a second go-round with tiredness after a couple of weeks? Weird.

                            Looks like a number of my peeps are struggling...don't like that, and want you free, happy and feeling good. You'll get there, and if you don't, well still be here. I'll try to respond more personally when I'm back with the living.

                            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Know that confusion Juja...and btw...yep my fam were most definately confused...oh well...that's something I'm leavng them to deal with for now

                              Nitey nite...big love to all :wave: x
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                :bedtime: Good night Queenie!

