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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Good Morning Everyone............Day 3, No hangover and went to the gym at 6:00 this morning! Hope everyone has a good day today.......keep the momentum going!

    Day 3 here we come!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      [QUOTE=WineSucks;1134117]Clover - I'm with you. I've made it past my witching time and I feel fine. Getting ready to settle down and read a least I'll remember what I read!

      I used to hate that--wake up and not remember what I've read the night before and have to reread while sober. Ugh.

      I'm day 12--wine was my drink of choice,but sometimes I'd drink beer as it didn't seem to be as noticable on my breath and such, and it doen't hit as hard as the wine does so I could drink more without falling asleep at inappropriate times, but I've lost three pounds in the 12 days without adding any extra exercising--which I do.

      I've been hating the alcohol weight. I quit drinking for over a year about 20 years ago and lost so much weight my mother thought I had cancer. I got skinnier than my high school days! Looking foward to feeling sexy again.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        WineSucks;1134395 wrote: Good Morning Everyone............Day 3, No hangover and went to the gym at 6:00 this morning! Hope everyone has a good day today.......keep the momentum going!

        Day 3 here we come!
        Congrats on day 3!!!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          wow, you are inspiring me. I need to get rid of the wine in my house and make a date for sobriety. I have ordered book/hypnotherapy/vitamins......
          I workout ALL THE TIME at the gym and still 30 lbs overweight....and I eat very very carefully.....I am making myself miserable with this bottle a day habit. No one knows my secret and if I try to tell them (ie my mom, husband) they say "you don't have a drinking problem! You work hard and are entitled to a glass of wine after work".....they are in denial!! But I am not...I have rules around my drinking (never before 5pm) and I think about it obsessively. So tired of the constant struggle! I just have to find the strength and willpower to give it up. Posting here will help. So, my date will be ...... as soon as the damn wine is gone from the house. Only 1.5 bottles to go...
          I just won't anymore


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Day 3: so far, so good! It was an interesting day, to say the least, and I sure as hell thought about stopping for a bottle of vino on the way home from work. BUT, instead my kids and I are going out for a bite to eat, and then the movies. I am awfully tired today because I did not sleep well at all last night. But, I feel pretty cheerful about just hanging out with the kids tonight and NOT drinking! If I can just manage to sleep well this evening, I should be able to drag my lazy ass to the gym in the morning. I remember how wonderful it used to feel to get up at dawn-thirty with a clear (and not aching) head, hit the gym, and get my day off to a great start. I'm beginning to see why it's so important to set goals and have PLANS to get through the witching hours!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              good night sleep

              Have you tried Melatonin? It is natural and helps you sleep without any grogginess in the AM. If I have had a particulary bad night sleep, I will take 2 tablets the next night and sleep like a baby.
              I just won't anymore


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hey Everyone.....what a day! It's almost 10:00 where I am and I'm just posting. I didn't get home until after 8 from work. Well, I know I started this post with "All I want is 30 days AF" but honestly, all I wanted tonite was a damn glass (or 2 or 3) of wine! I'm trying not to be irritated by the fact that I can't have just one glass and I think I'm making progress this time. I honestly think there is something to the hunger issue because I stopped at the store and got a bag of trail mix...the kind with nuts, chocolate, etc...and ate it on the way home and it was enough to stop me from going to the liquor store. Also, the fact that I am posting here everyday has helped me.

      's amazing how in denial some people can be about our drinking. Honestly when I think about a bottle of wine, it's only 4 glasses and that doesn't seem like much but I guess it is ( I guess its kind of sad that I feel that way). Sometimes I would ask myself "when did I start to be able to drink a whole bottle of wine"?

                Clover - you are right about having a plan. That has been a major problem for me but it's key! I'm so glad everyone is doing well......looking forward to checking back in tomorrow.

                Good Night!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Oh and Jordan....I forgot to say welcome and I'm encouraged to hear you lost so much weight when you quit the last gives me hope.......I want to feel sexy again too (and I don't mean impared by the wine and thinking I'm sexy...LOL)!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Jenniech, I've been thinking about trying melatonin because I do sometimes have trouble sleeping. I'll look for it at my health food store. I'm afraid to take sleeping pills (and just about any other prescription drug) although I certainly haven't minded putting away a bottle or more of wine on any given evening!

                    WS, I was having those EXACT same thoughts at the end of my work day. Thank God my daughter called me and suggested going out for dinner and my son asked me to a movie. All of that got me past the craving part of my day. Knowing that I can spend some time here in the evening helps me a very great deal, too! Well, gals, looks like I will not have a hangover tomorrow!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hi! all I wish I could loose the weight but hasn't made a diference so far
                      I've watched a lot of dvd's the last 5 weeks sleep may get better ( hope so )
                      I did 30 days af now I'm aiming for 60


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Good Morning.....just wanted to say hi before we all start are busy days. Day No. 4 and no hangover this morning!

                        Merry - Congrats on making it past 30 should go for your 60 here with are an inspiration. I can't imagine getting past 30, let alone going for 60.

                        Hope everyone has a good day and hoping we all make it through witching hour tonite. I'll check back later!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Good Morning to everyone and to Day 4. I had such a nice evening with my kids, saw a delightful film and woke up without a hangover! WS, it was interesting how we both were thinking about getting that bottle after work last night. I'm SO glad we did not. Someone on these boards referred to it as the "zombie walk" to the liquor store. That is EXACTLY how it feels for me now when I give in to that urge! I hope today is a great, booze/wine free day for everyone and I also hope to see everyone here later today!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            The title of your post got me. Yes! All I want is 30 days AF! I am so, so tired of this struggle. I'm right there with the rest of you.. A bottlle (and sometimes more) of Pinot Grigio every night. I thought I was really ready to kick this beast a few weeks ago and made my first post. I only made it a few days, and wasn't able to bring myself back here since then.

                            Last night I managed my first AF night since I slipped up, and this morning the first thing I thought about was logging on to this site. I'm glad I did. The first post I saw was this one, and you all sound so much like me... and you are doing it!

                            I think the biggest lesson I learned (again!) these last few weeks that at least for now I have to completely stop drinking. I come up with all kinds of plans that sound so reasonable, but go out the window once I start drinking. Once the bottle is opened it's gone. Every time. Lesson learned. Time for some AF time... and no renegotiating with myself when the going gets tough.
                            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              negotiating with yourself

                              I find it amazing how much time I spend arguing with myself about drinking and then justifying the act of pouring that glass of wine. And yes, isn't it amazing how one glass always turns into the entire bottle!! With each glass consumed, the discipline lessens and before I know it, I am drunk and forget stuff....and I miss reading good books. I don't ever have a problem getting to the gym in the morning. I wake up hungover and tired and go to the gym as a punishment to myself for the wine I consumed the night before. But I feel HORRIBLE.
                              This must end.
                              I just won't anymore


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hey everyone....well it's 7:00 and witching hour is almost over......I'm hungry so it's a struggle and work is very stressful and will be until next week. I like the statement about the zomby walk....I can so relate to that! It's too hot and humid here for a bike ride so I'm going to go make some dinner then take a bath and hopefully watch something on TV. I just don't understand why this is so hard but I guess if it were easy, we wouldn't all be posting here for support. I hope everyone has a good evening.

