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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Ranting alert!

    I haven't posted for awhile due to too many incredibly difficult, life-changing events occurring at the same time. I'm afraid if I start typing, I won't stop-- just like my crying of late. However, I want to rant, and maybe that will help my relieve some of my grief and frustration. So this rant is about husbands.

    Many "DHs," as I've learned from 30 years of marriage, and from talking with friends, are insecure, lack sensitivity, must be the alpha human in the house at all times, so are therefore controlling, no matter what it takes. Their jabs, sarcasm, passive aggressive behavior, and plain old meaness leave me speechless, whether for me, or my friends. We, for the most part, avoid those negative tendencies at all costs. I can't tell you how many times my husband has noticed my attempts to not drink, but will bring home my favorite wine, or call and ask me if I'd like some wine from the store. That sabotaging from someone who's suppose to love me, and have my best interests in mind, would leave me dumbfounded. However, after 5+ weeks of being AF, and during one of the worst periods of my life, he's finally showing some respect. I don't know what's changed, but I am damn sure it's had something to do with HIM, and not necessarily caring about me or my well-being. He's yet to say a word about me not drinking, or how happy is he for me/us, etc. He's reduced his AL intake, and is now exercising. He feels a need to one-upp me by pointing all this it out without once encouraging me.

    A dear friend once said, "Men are good for lifting heavy things, and that's about it." Mine can't even do that because he'll hurt his back, his shoulders hurt, etc. I firmly belive that nature plays on trick on us when we fall in love, and decide we can't live without this person, crave sex all the time, and marry. It's simply nature's way of saying "procreate, procreate!"

    Another thing: Many people will say that wars are caused by religion, and I always disagree. I believe wars are caused by testosterone. Period.

    I know this sounds harsh, but I'm angry and hurting about many things, and getting no support; just neediness from my DH, who should be holding me as I cry.

    Dear Shue, Wine, Tons, QB, Enough: I've been with you for awhile now, and couldn't have made it AF without you. I haven't deserted you--- just too much happening now, and I don't have the energy to post. I love all of you.

    Twinkle, Beautiful, Ally, cailingng: I truly support you, and will try to be there for you in the near future. Just remember: don't look back, don't look forward, just keep going.

    Gregorino, and other dear males who possess the security to ask for help, and who interact positively: I'm sorry if my rant hurts you. It may not apply to you guys at all, and if it doesn't, I apologize for what may seem to be a huge generalization. I've seen this behavior from far too many men, and therefore am not imagining it. My friends and I are baffled by it, and can't understand it. Venus/Mars, I guess.

    So, that's my grief-stricken rant for the day. Many of you won't agree, or don't have the same experience, but that's my take on DHs and marriage.

    I leave you all with hopes for a wonderful AF weekend. Mine will defintiely be AF. This past week has been a test, and I have passed with flying colors.

    xoxox Juja
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Juja! Just this morning I thought, where is she? I'm a bit worried, hope all is ok. I missed you.

      I think the best thing about this thread is being able to rant and be in (to use a cheesy, over-used saying) a "safe place."

      I have to say that my husband is none of those things, and once he realized I am serious this time he won't even whisper a question about whether i want wine when he goes to the liquor store. But, lemme tell you, he's got other issues: like always having to be right; like being reasonably brilliant about supreme court decisions, Einstein's theory of relativity, and estate law (yeah, he's a lawyer) but loving to show off about his knowledge; like being totally, completely incapable of doing anything that remotely involves mechanical skill; and being a slob. But he is supportive, I'll give him that.

      I agree, it's the testosterone that causes war.

      It's so good to hear from you!
      Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Girlies - I once heard an old woman saying "All men are the same, they just have different faces so we can tell them apart "!!!

        Thank God for our safe place to rant and to be listened to ! 14.29pm on day 3 of AF. Thank you x


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Evening Ladies, just a quickie before I prepare Sat night tea and not a drop of wine in sight!

          WS - Feedback about the HB thing on my earlier posting was for you and not SJ - sorry for any confusion, my brain's not used to functioning so early! You were totally justified in feeling P***ed Off - HB's have a tendency to come out with the most untimely and infuriating comments and on such occassions need to be reminded of how immature and childish they can be! I bet you HB is secretly very proud of you as we all are.

          Caili - Well done on day 3, that's fantastic news and a good foundation to build on a day at a time. Alcohol does not feature heavily in my DH's life either and I would often pour him a beer (he hates wine) when he didn't want or ask for one just so I didn't feel so guilty drinking on my own. I'm very jealous of him being able to take or leave AL but I suppose we're all wired up differently. He's being very supportive with my quest for AL freedom because he doesn't feel the need to drink himself - if I was trying to abstain from watching sport on TV I don't think I'd get the same level of co-operation or kindness!!

          Juja - My heart goes out to you and I'm sending you huge hugs. I'm sorry your HB isn't giving you the support and love you so need and deserve at this difficult time. You are such a 'rock' to everyone else and it makes me cross that people take you for granted. I hope things are a little easier next week .

          Beaut - Don't worry, enjoy your party and see where you're at tomorrow. WS is right,it has to be in your own time but when you feel ready we'll all be here for you.

          Tonst - I have visions of you and I darting out to the recycling/trash bins to hide evidence - What are we like!? I would go out in the pitch black, wind and rain and usually in my PJs!!

          Enjoy the rest of the weekend x


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Evening Girlies - Day 3 AF but the Witching Hour has well and truly arrived. I keep saying, "it's Saturday evening - 7.56pm and I nearly made Day 3 " I wonder can I survive this evening? Might just light a candle or something or else I will have no fingertips left from posting !!!!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Good afternoon Ladies, just quickly checking in!

              Caili- Hang in and resist it! GO AWAY, WINE MONSTER (that is from my children's fav. book "Go away, Big Green Monster")... I know I am not one to talk, but you you are amazing and on your 3rd day AF. You can do it! Monitor your thoughts, have some water, wash your face, do the dishes..laundry... and before you know it it will be time for bed and that monster will go!

              Have to go for a moment and help my HB... I'll be back soon!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Juja, I can hear the pain in what you wrote. Never worry about ranting -- I think this is just the place for it! I've had incredible struggles with my husband, too. My struggles have more to do with getting married *way* too young (I was 19 at the time and he's 15 years older than I am) and, as I've "grown up" over the course of our 20 year marriage, just not feeling compatible with him on a lot of levels. The frustration and trapped feeling of that is one of my drinking triggers. I never hide my drinking from him, but he just doesn't seem to notice my drinking, the pain that causes it -- or the pain that it causes.

                WS, questioning whether I drank (especially from someone with wine in hand!) would seriously irritate me, too. You need support not suspicion.

                twinkle, I think everyone is right. Get this party over first. Maybe try to delay by sipping something non-AL first and if you have wine, drink s-l-o-w-l-y. No matter what, STAY here, read and post! We all understand your struggles.

                My Friday night went surprisingly okay. I mostly felt restless, sad and a little bored. Rather than my usual wine-induced falling asleep on the couch, I wasn't sleepy at all and didn't get to bed until nearly 1 a.m.! I had a vivid dream of having a conversation with my late mother, which made me feel even more sad. I think that's going to pop up a lot for me, since I've pushed it down for so long pouring wine down my throat.

                Day 3, caili! That's quite an accomplishment! We can both do it again tonight, right?


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Oh yes a man rant! One of my lovely clients who I was treating for menopausal symptoms said to me-'How come as married couples get older the women blossom & the men get cranky?' That just about sums it up!

                  My DH is mostly supportive but it can be very tough at times. There are certain things he doesn't like, such as me spending too much time with girlfriends or spending very much time doing anything to improve myself. He mocks my personal development books and anything else that I am passionate about. He never complains about me cooking,cleaning, doing 1001 things with the kids or working. I think he feels threatened if I get too independent. Like WS said- it can remind me of my Father not my husband- sometimes I feel like a teenager again.
                  He has been ok about the AF thing- I have declared so many times over the last few years that I was giving up. This time I said nothing, kept saying 'no thanks' when he offered me wine at dinner. Last weekend was our 22nd anniversary & he was pouring wine at dinner & asked was I planning on drinking at all- I said I had done enough of that for 22yrs- I will have the next 22 yrs off. He said that sounded like a good idea! I will talk to him about it properly one day, but this is very important to me & I don't want to mess it up. The one thing I need to work on now is communication, I used to be able to talk openly after 1 or 2 glasses. Now I need to grow my confidence so I can clearly say what I think.

                  Juju I am sorry you are feeling so much pain. Trust that it will get better. I know I have to work on telling my DH what I need from him. But first I need to work out what that is.

                  Beautiful- I will be thinking of you at your party. Lots of water & eat plenty before you have even a sip of AL. It will get better.

                  Cailinog- you are doing great! Keep going-you can do it. Get through this weekend & it gets easier.

                  Must fly & make homemade pizzas for dinner. 30 days tomorrow.
                  SJ xxx :groupluv:

                  'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hi Ally, we were posting at the same time. Yes, lots of sadness seems to come up when the AL stops. I really felt that with my miscarriages. But suppressing our problems isn't living life to the full. I also feel that when I am out of balanced & feeling rotten then my DH irritates me SO much. Other times I am mad about him and couldn't imagine life without him. I was married at 23 which now seems so young, wow 19 was so young.
                    Back to the pizzas!
                    SJ xxx :groupluv:

                    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      To : Beautiful Life and Sarah Jane - thank you for your wonderful love and hope in me. Only for you all, I cannot imagine sitting here day 3 AF.

                      Allybee - we started out the same time. We need to stay strong together eh ? Where in the world are you all ?


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hello, Ladies! It's a beastly hot Saturday where I am (Florida, ugh). This is a miserable place to be in the summer and I feel lethargic and a little bit crappy. Not from drinking, though, thank you Lord! I can't wait to start spending more time outside again, maybe tending my poor neglected garden.

                        WS, I would have been pissed off, too. I can't say much about husbands because I've been divorced for a few years and no longer have to deal with having a man around. Of course, some men are wonderfully supportive; the one I was married to was not, although he is a good guy. We get along okay now, but we STILL argue if anything of importance is discussed. We've had MANY arguments over my son, but that's another story.

                        My daughter is the one who mostly gave me a hard time about drinking, but now I actually appreciate that she did. About 2 weeks ago, I went out for dinner with a friend and my daughter asked me to PLEASE not drink. I just told her that I wouldn't and didn't even mention how long it had been since I drank. I can understand that she had/has doubts, but she is a kid and a worrier.

                        I'm going out tonight with a friend to listen to music. I still don't feel very tempted to drink, which seems strange to me. The thought of having even that small, initial buzz in my head sounds kind of scarey and when I went out last weekend, it was actually more fun to be clear headed. However, I know how sneaky AL can be and during the last month or so it has really felt like life is testing me.

                        I hope everyone has a great, sober weekend!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Clover - delighted to hear that you went out for dinner and no drink. Imagine you all the way over in Florida and we supporting people across the Atlantic. Enjoy your music tonight.


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Caili - in my first few wobbliest days of being AF...I buried my nose deep into the forum and read and read and read. It was healing time for my body....and I was inspired tremendously by those who have come to get and give support here. You WILL make it through the evening. Drink a lot of water. Make yourself a cup of tea and if your circumstance allows...check out some of the other sections here on the forum. The holistic health threads are very interesting. AND...the abstinence threads are also quite helpful.

                            RE: men. I once saw a great poster featuring a 1940s style comic book heroine who lamented:

                            I wanted to have a baby...not marry one!"

                            My spouse was also clueless to just how much I was drinking. My tolerance was so high that I could appear to function quite ably after nearly polishing off a BIG bottle of wine or even 8 beers. It was taking more and more to get to the buzz. I not only drank large quantities, but drank quickly. My poor liver. I visualize healing energy going to it and every other part of my body.

                            Back to spouses...mine HATED having to share wine with me. He was a competitive, piggy drinker who actually ended switching to white wine because he knew I didn't like it and that meant he could have the whole damn bottle(s) to himself. He even switched to a brand of beer that I couldn't stand. I would still drink his though if my 12 pack didn't get me the buzz. Now that's desperation!

                            Spouse is fairly impressed I'm not drinking. But I have not told him I will NEVER drink again. Last night, he decanted a really nice bottle of Malbec and let it breath right by my place at the dinner table. Oddly enough, on this, my 4th AF weekend in a row, it didn't really tempt me. He drinks like his parents: everyday...until a little buzzed and on weekends...until wobbly. He looks silly. I feel sorry for him. Sometimes.

                            Finally...I have a question? What does DH stand for? Dear Husband or Dreaded Husband?

                            Off to pull a toilet and install a new one. Someone's gotta be the muscle and brains around here!
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Cailinog, it's just a few hours in the evening. Try to keep yourself busy and distracted from thinking about the wine monster.
                              Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                To Turnagain and tonstandweader - you have no idea how much you help me. To answer questions, the DH stands for Darling Husband - mind you at times, I could strangle him. He is being really good the last few days. I haven't said a word about not drinking but I know the time I spend on the laptop drives him mad. He hasn't a clue how to work one and at times he feels neglected. I am really trying this evening, but you know something - here we are at 10.04pm of a Saturday night and no AL. Never thought this would happen. Love to you all xxx

