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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Hi Winesucks!

    Just wanted to mention something to make your task a bit easier!
    Develop an attitude of gratitude & forget how hard it is. I did that & it made all the difference.
    Make a gratitude list - no hangovers, extra money in your pocket, no guilt, remore or shame, a growning sense of self-worth, the freedom to do anything you want to do, etc. I did all this & it really helped take my focuse off of what I thought I was 'missing'. In truth, I wasn't missing anything at all but gaining so much
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Hi, Everyone! It's nearly 8:30 and so, Thank God, I'm pretty well past the witching hour. WineSucks, work is very stressful for me, too, and so I've been sending out resumes just to see what happens. Well, I got called for a job interview tomorrow! The next few days are going to be very tricky, to say the least. The most important thing is for me to NOT drink, but I'm also very worked up about going on an interview.

      I'm going to have a snack, watch some tv and just relax tonight - no bike rides or walks - extremely hot and humid by me, too. I need to just try and be calm about .... everything!

      Looking forward to Day 5!!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hi Everyone,
        Glad to see upbeat posts, well done! They certainly make me feel more upbeat.
        Lav I love the grattitude list, that's an awesome angle on it, I know I'm mentally doing one right now.


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Lav, I'm going to try and concentrate on being grateful, too. Day 5 has begun and I woke up with a clear (and not throbbing) head. I headed to the kitchen to make coffee and realized that in just these 4 days my house suddenly has a neater, more tidy look! That's because I do a little bit of cleaning up at night now, just a little bit each night, instead of sitting around getting sloshed. My 17-year-old daughter seems to notice. She came in rather late last night and had a friend over to spened the night; when I turned my light out to go to sleep, she came into my room to tell me that she loves me! I've been sending out resumes because I want to leave my lousy job, and now today I have an interview! Which makes me feel very excited and yet VERY nervous! Should be an interesting day. I'll certainly be checking back in this evening. I hope everyone has a good day!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            gratitude list

            no more hangovers; more energy; less depressed; more "plugged in" with my family; more money in wallet; no bloating; lose weight; have total control over life; able to drive children to places at night; read to son at night; improve sexlife; look younger; no more hangovers; no more hangovers; no more hangovers
            I just won't anymore


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Good luck with your interview, Clover! I'll bet you head into it today with an extra boost os self-confidence that comes from waking up and thinking, "Day 5, wow!" instead of the usual beating yourself up for drinking too much! I like what you said about your house looking just a little cleaner. This is day 3 for me, and I noticed the same thing too this morning. What I love is not finding a wine glass on the counter and a bottle in the garbage.

              Lavande, I really liked what you said about focusing on the things to be grateful about not drinking, instead of focusing on the negatives.

              To all of us on this thread... let's get another day under our belt!
              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                I made it through another day. The interview had me SO damned nervous, but I think it went really well. But afterwards, my car almost drove me to the liquor store for some wine! I came seriously close because I wanted something to calm me down SO badly. I stopped at my house to change into my comfy clothes and suddenly there was a downpour of rain. I waited a bit, but it just kept coming down and after about a half hour, I felt too damned tired to go anywhere. So, I made some dinner, ate and am now settling in for the evening. Wow. It feels like the only reasonly I made it past today's craving was because of the weather. But, here I am .... wondering if I'll get the job, what I'll feel like doing tomorrow, and mostly looking forward to going to bed!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  day 1 for me

                  this witching hour is a bitch.....i hate it. Feeling very anxious.
                  I just won't anymore


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hey Everyone....didn't get to post this morning....we lost electricity and I woke up late! Jenniech...I know what you mean about it being a bitch. Last night was awful for me. Hang in there and get something to helps.

                    Lavende - I like your perspective...thank you. I'll try to remember that the next time I start feeling pissy about the fact that I'm not drinking. I do love not feeling upset with myself, no hangovers and not spending the money.

                    Clover - I'm so glad that the interview went well. I hope you get the job. I'm also glad the rain came and kept you in the house. I know what you mean about being nervous and using AL to calm down....I did that all the time.

                    I have to tell you guys that tonight on the way home, I actually pulled into the liquor store parking lot and was going to go in but I thought about it, sat there and had the damn struggle with myself and left. I think my headache is tension related so for some dumb reason I thought it would help me....that's how the alcohol mind works.

                    Anyhoo.....I'm really hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow. I have noticed I'm not as bloated. I'm going to make salmon for dinner, take a bath and try to relax to get rid of this darn headache. Hope everyone has a great evening!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Good morning all, I'm in the land of OZ so I'm starting my Friday! I've been watching this thread and thought I might join in as I'm beginning my day 5 AF. I joined here many years ago and enjoyed 6 years AF then for whatever reason :upset: I thought I could manage the drunk who lives inside me!!! I haven't resorted to past amounts of drinking but I can still put it away. I know I could easily be right back drinking litres like I used to. I just don't want that life back so I'm staying strong at the moment. Feel pretty good actually and know I won't have time to drink this weekend so I feel safe. Funny isn't it (not in a ha ha sort of way), I make choices and take myself off to buy booze and make considered choices to drink it when in fact I absolutely hate the stuff! I've even gone out spent good money on wine only to pour it down the grate in the basement after I put my car away for the night. Insanity!!!! So, if I may, I'd like to join in here and be part of something good. Have a fabulous day/evening and I'll try to pop in over the weekend. Hugs and more, Amanda.
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Amanda - Welcome and please join us. We need all the support we can get. I know exactly what you mean about buying the wine and pouring it down the drain. I've done that more times than I can count and it's so stupid. Stay here with us.....everyone is so awesome. I'm nervous about not making the 30 days but I would rather try, fall down and get back up then not try at all. There is no judgement here.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          I feel very glad to be here with you all tonight. WS, when I think about you pulling into the liquor store parking lot, I can tell you that if it hadn't poured down rain earlier, I'd probably have pulled into the lot, gone into the store and be loaded right now. Amanda, I've poured many, many 1/2 and 3/4 full bottles down the drain, usually the morning after. I'm terribly anxious about making 30 days, when I think about how close I came today. But, like WS, I'm going to keep on trying regardless of how far I get this time. I feel very grateful that there is no judgement here; everyone understands!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            I've lurked for a few days because I didn't want to join only to post and say I failed if I did drink. I'm anxious about making 30 days too, but I'm anxious about the whole drinking 'thing' anyway, so I may as well be anxious about both at once - I guess.... I'm in - and feeling strong! Strength and courage to all!!!!
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              So witching hour has come and gone for me.....feel a bit irritated and anxious and I know I will probably have a headache tomorrow but it will sure beat a hangover headache!!!! So while I was feeling my worst tonight being day one ...this time......I thought long and hard about how I felt at that moment and compared it to my typical hangover....I decided it wasn't as bad as being hungover and that helped a I gather strength from you all and thank you for being the support I really need right now...tomorrow will be day two....
                              I just won't anymore


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Great job, Jenniech!! Tonight was tough for me, too. In a weird way it helped me to know someone else was struggling too. You are sure right about the witching hour!! Awful!

                                Boy, did I get close to giving in tonight. I'm stressing already about tomorrow, being Friday, but for now I'll put that worry on the back burner. Off to take a bath... a little cranky and out of sorts, but sober!
                                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -

