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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Lecture much appreciated ...from the corner of those who are struggling .

    Thanks Tons, your insight is fantastic, as always
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Thanks Shue. I have found sobriety so rewarding that I really want to pass it on. Also, since I'm 55 and wish I had done this for good years earlier, I hope that others can see that a life without alcohol is not one of misery and deprivation, but our culture is so insidious with its insistence that alcohol must be a part of everything. I grew up in an alcohol-free home because of my father's drinking problem, but my parents were both very social and entertained all the time with no alcohol. Of course, now that I think about, all of their friends were from AA, so maybe that made it easier!
      Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        I am right with you tons. I had a sober time of 5 years and it all started with trying to moderate and now 5 years later I was drinking worse than the first time I quit. I am finished with it, I want that wonderful feeling of sobriety again, it is wonderful isn't it?



          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Shue and Juja - Please don't stop posting. Remember that this is a process and we are here together through the good and the bad. This is a safe place where we can share our thoughts and feelings, our successes and failures. You never know who you could be helping by posting while also helping yourselves...we are here to encourage each other. You guys have helped me more than you know.

 are an inspiration!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hooray, managed Monday AF yesterday, I know it is pretty pathetic but I have been struggling to have an AF day since Sep 29th .

            ODAT for me it is, why did I think that I am better than that?

            I had thoughs of AL last night but the voice was meek and knew better than to insist. I know it will try again later, I just have to be better prepared to silence it. I read more Jason Vale, more valid points to chew on. It all makes sense and I can feel it eroding the idea that I had about AL and I am questioning the reasons I though I need and like AL. But it was not a "light bulb moment".

            My Eureka moment came when i read Doggy Girl's comment yesterday: "

            Doggygirl;790508 wrote: Hi Time2Live. ......, but I certainly recognize the progression that you described from "hard partying" in college, to "work hard play hard" on the career path, to "work and drink at home." The next step for me was "don't work and just drink all day at home."

            Tons , WS and Juja (also Enough from another thread) - I would not be here if it wasn't for you, I am still in the fight, my sweets.

            WS, I wanted post again when I managed at least 1 day AF ( as you can see, that proved tricky recently) - I feel like a failure when I fall off the wagon, especially when I do it in a spectacular manner.

            wish you all a lovely AF tuesday.
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              2 days AF and 2 days on the blessed herbs detox = 2 lbs less


              I know it was just water retention form the weekend drink + food binge but still .
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Shue - Congrats on Day 2......keep on going!!!!!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  still going, day 4 coming to an end, all I have to do is get home, get juicing for my detox and turn down my hubby's offer for a drink with a smile on my face.

                  sounds pretty straight forward ( but hown many times it went downhill !!!)

                  big kiss from me
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hope your day 4 was a success shueaddict. I am on day 4 today and feeling really good, in fact I don't know why I would ever drink again.

                    But I've been here before.

                    I am being very open about this with my family this time. My kids are very supportive and some how my wife is too...not trying to make her sound bad its just that she is at her wits end....she doesn't drink.
                    Last night I came up with a couple ideas for my plan that they can help me with.

                    A little back ground on how I do my drinking. I am a huge do-it-yourselfer so I have an excuse to go to a hardware store any time I need more booze....I don't go to bars. I drink in my truck on the way home from work and when I want to make an errand, then sneak it into my garage or basement. I have been finishing our basement for the last 4 months so I have been having a drunk time down there all summer long...I don't think there has been one morning when I told myself I need to cool it.

                    Added to my new plan:

                    As soon as I get home from work I look my wife right in the eye and let her know I did not drink...two beers will turn my right eye extremely red...its always been a sure give away...before I would just avoid her.

                    Also, when ever I need to go on a errand I will not go alone...there is nothing I need that can't wait until someone is available to ride with me.

                    Right now this all sounds fine and dandy but its day 35 I need to focus on...I have been where I am at right now before. I feel confident I can do it. I get compliant and forget about how hard I need to work on this thing and I fall backwards.

                    sorry for the long what ever this is called....I will never be a writer....just felt like talking this morning.

                    Good luck to all!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Jim, I am not a DIY girl at alll ... But I cetrainly did a lot of Drink In, by Yourself. It is the worst ... having no accountability ...good luck, you sound like you have a good plan.

                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF


                        Sounds like you have a good plan. I'm in the same place. I need to be much more honest with my family. I guess there is something to the saying "the truth will set you free". Best of luck to you and keep us posted!

                        Shue - Sounds like you are doing well!

                        I played cards with my friends tonight and all we drank was coffee. The most I have to worry about tonight is being able to get to sleep. That's alot better than worrying about what I said the next morning, who I called and don't remember and where I hid those damn little wine bottles. I'm looking forward to waking up tomorrow without a hangover and going to the gym!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Good morning,

                          How is everyone?

                          I am still on the detox but had a few glasses over the weekend. For some reasn I found it hard to have no AL at all ( one glass here and there did it though) Did what ? Absolutely nothing but I had the wine anyway ...

                          Have a great week
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Had a AF weekend and still feeling great/ is day 7.

                            Stayed close to the family all weekend. Friday night High School football game. Saturday worked in the basement and then 8 hrs of couch and football time with my son and his friends. Sunday went my daughters gymnastics meet and worked on my sons car. The garage is a mess and while trying to find certain tools I uncovered so many empty beer cans and a few clear bottles hidden here and there...same thing in the basement...lots of hiding places for empty''s. I need to do a thorough cleaning and get rid of reminders.

                            I hope its the campral working because I have had several frustrating moments at work and at home this past week and I am noticing that drinking just doesn't sound good....I know before the campral I would struggle with these moments and try telling myself not to drink and then fail. I also know in the back of my mind that it could be like it has been so many times before with the beginning stages of where I am so pumped up and filling so good about being sober then getting complacent and then falling off.

                            Good luck to all!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hey, Winesucks,

                              are you still around?

                              Haven't posted here in a while ... but I am back on and missed the vibes of this thread.

                              4 days AF now and hope for more.

                              wish you all a great day
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hello all oldies, and newbies I haven't met. Like, Shue, I'm back, too. It's Day 1 again, and I'm hanging onto Shue's coattails til the 11th. Her goal is my goal.

                                I lost my will, and took a hiatus from MWO for awhile. I wasn't in a place to go AF, but I am now, I hope. Haven't been blasted too often, but enough to make me hate AL and myself.

                                So, here I am, hanging out my dirty laundry/failure.

                                I hate AL, hate myself when I go to far, and am worried about my health. At 58, I can't be playing around with this fire. I can't expect my body to hold up to the abuse, and my mental health is always fragile (genetics), and AL wreaks havoc with both.

                                So, it's a HFM (hangover free morning), and I'm feeling great!

                                Wine, you there?

                                Love to all.

                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

