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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Good evening, everyone. I had my interview today and it seemed to go well. I'll find out some time next week if I got the job. But even if I didn't, that's okay. I've had a very nice night with my daughter, and I'm looking forward to a nice, long weekend. My friend is coming to visit and will get here tomorrow. I've planned some things for us to do in order to avoid drinking. If I could get through this weekend without wine, that would be amazing!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Good Morning Everyone.....well, I'm back to Day 1 again. Everyone went out for drinks after work last night to celebrate the end of our fiscal year and of course I went and I drank. I was able to stop because I had to drive home but then when I got home I thought it would be a "good" idea to drink two more glasses of wine. I'm trying to stay positive so I'll say that at least it was only two glasses and not the whole bottle but I feel kind of crappy this morning and I'm annoyed because I'm off today and it's such a beautiful day outside. This is definatley NOT what I had in mind for my day off.

      I'm going to take a vitamin C, drink some OJ and water and try to flush this out of my system so I feel better and then...........I'm done! Today is July 1st and I can't think of a better time to get my 30 days in than Independance Day. I have no events planned for the month of July that would be a reason for me to drink so I have no excuses.

      I hope everyone can hang in there with me and have a great weekend! Clover.....I'll be praying that you get the job. Try making some really good non-AL drinks this weekend that you guys can look forward to. I plan on staying close to the site over the weekend so I'll check in later.



        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        WS, I sure do understand how you feel today! I'm just glad to hear that you are getting right back on the wagon. It may take some of us several or even many attempts, but I do believe that if we want it badly enough and are ready, then we can definitely do it!

        Thank you for your prayers regarding the job. It would be such a boost for me to be able to leave my current one, because it sucks pretty badly. But, if it doesn't happen, then I'll just keep looking. Just like I intend to keep trying to kick the wine. Let's just make a vow to keep coming back here and checking in, whether we are alcohol-free or have had a slip. See you later!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Really struggling in so many ways - working out trigggers and coping mechanisms - lurking a lot and not posting as i try to work out my plan....
          saw this quote and thought i would share.
          I will get a grasp on this one day. I have a ton going on in July - i think my plan will be to get stuff sorted, order more supplements and the CD's and get ready to have some AF days in July and a really big aim for an AF 31days in August - my first whole month...

          "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
          ~Roosevelt, Eleanor
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Day 1 AGAIN!!! Jeeez what is wrong with me!? Its only 12.42 lunchtime and half a bottle down my neck...need a hole to crawl into in shame...don't think this is really possible for me
            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              ScottishLass - I'm so glad you joined us....start working on your plan and stay here with us. Let us know how you are doing.

              Queen - I know how you feel....we all do. This is an awful cycle and I am really starting to hate it more and more each time. One thing that came to me this morning is not to worry about the's gone! It's not about what you did it's about what you are going to do (or not do). There are only two days that and tomorrow.

              I was feeling a little down this morning because I am so sick of all of this....I'm sick of thinking about AL, sick of trying to figure out how to get through the cravings....I hate this. It takes up to much of my time that could be spent on other things. My heart breaks when I log on to this site and read so many wonderful people are trying to beat this shitty addiction.

              Let's stay committed to do our best and to support each other no matter what. I believe that although it might be hard.....we can do this!!! Have a good sober Saturday everyone!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Day 2 for me. My friend came to town Friday night, and we drank wine. Of course, Saturday was rough; I felt like crap for most of the day. I just want to get my life back together, damn it! Between the financial meltdown and the wine, I'm having a hard time keeping myself even marginally sane. Anyway, I just need to get through this holiday weekend without drinking. I told my friend that I'd had enough wine for a while and that maybe we should just drink iced tea and lemonade for the next few days. She wholeheartedly agreed; I think the only time she really drinks is when she visits me. Lots planned for today, swimming, movies, etc. and NO WINE!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  No wine for me eaither Clover. I drank Friday as well and spent the better part of yesterday feeling bad so it's Day No. 2 for me also. Let's just stick together and do the best we can. It's good that you hae a friend like that. So many of my friends drink and now I'm starting to re-think these relationships because they are built around AL. I need to make some new friends that want to do things other than sit around and drink wine.

        's Sunday, it's beautiful and I'm going to find some things to do today. I don't even want to think about AL for the next 7 days and I'm going to try to just put it out of my mind.

                  Have a great Sober Sunday everyone!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    WS, let's do try and stick together, every single day this week. I still feel somewhat foggy-brained from drinking Friday night! It seems like my hangovers last a good 2 days now. Well, we're off for a swim and some time outdoors. I'll check in again later tonight.

                    It is a lovely summer day and I hope everyone enjoys it!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Day 3 is here and I'm hoping I'll make it through. I feel good and optimistic and have enjoyed these last couple of days without wine. Happy Independence Day!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        That is all I want is 30 days and I am a wine drinker .


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Just for today

                          dancingon;1133605 wrote: Hi ladies
                          This does seem to be a common time of life to slip under the influence. My story is very similar, except no new marriage for me and not likely to be. I need to get myself sorted for sure before I'd ever go there again.

                          A habit might start through the stress of a bad relationship, but once it becomes a habit it's not just that easy to stop. I separated 18 months ago, and my ex has been in a different town for 6 months which has been bliss, as I haven't had to cope with the abuse face to face. However, although I've achieved more success in the last 6 months than ever before, I'm not competely free yet. Once it is a habit you don't even need a reason to drink. You may even have some strong reasons to not drink that day and still drink. It's a crazy old world and we need to stop the craziness.
                          I have been in and out for three years and for today I am sick and tired of this junk. Me too with marriage he yells at me all the time noting good to say calls me a drunk been married for 32 years so not that easy to just walk away.:new:


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Happy Independance Day! I feel like a jerk but I had 2 and 1/2 glasses of wine last night. So I guess I'm back on Day 1. It's so hard for me to come here and post this but I wanted to share what happened to me. I was not happy drinking at all. I thought "oh, it's only a couple of glasses of wine" but let me tell you that I wasn't happy when I was drinking the wine. Then it made me tired. I'm just thankful to God that I didn't drink any more. Now I'm wondering if I could be turning a corner. I have noticed that my way of thinking about drinking is changing. I'm also noticing that I'm no happier with it than I am without it. I know that this is a process, I just wish I could do better earlier into the process than later.

                            Clover........good going on the 3 days! Keep on going girl........I'm right behind you. I am curious about Friday night.......did you enjoy drinking with your friend? Was it the same or were things different?

                            FreeButterfly - So good to have you join us. Do you mind me asking how much wine you are drinking now? Also, one of the hardest things is facing problems sober, especially when we are in a stressful marriage. What I have learned is this is about Me (or in our case US). This journey isn't about or for anyone else. This is our health, our self-esteem, how we feel about ourselves....I hate to say this but right now, noneone else matters. So whatever we have to do to get through this.....we have to do.

                            I hope everyone has a Happy, Healthy and Sober 4th of July. I don't have a darned thing planned today except to relax and maybe watch a movie lately but at least I won't wake up tomorrow with a hangover!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              WS, please don't feel bad about last night. At least you didn't get bombed. And, no, drinking on Friday night was not particularly fun. I was going to try and NOT drink when my friend was here, but on my way home from work, my debit card was declined and when I got home and checked my account online, it was overdrawn. So, I took the last bit of cash I had and bought wine. I was mostly scared and angry that this had happened and my friend was coming. I wanted to feel relaxed and fun. Well, it relaxed me all right but I'm beginning to dislike the way wine makes my head feel, if you know what I mean - that buzzy, hazy, dizzy feeling - and that seems to happen with less and less wine. My pal and I have actually been having lots more fun since the last few days NOT drinking! We've been swimming, eating and going to the movies. My daughter is supposed to make dinner with us tonight and then another movie. All I know is that I'm going to try much, much harder this week and see if I can at least get a week! Hang in there, WS! Just keep coming no matter how many "Day 1's" you have!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Day 4, here I come! I have a lot of messes to start sorting out this week, but I know that drinking will only impede any progress I might make. I had a good weekend and my head is nice and clear this morning. I know we can all do this! Hope to see you all tonight!

