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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Day 2 for me and I feel pretty good. It's 8:00 here. I went for a bike ride with my hubby and now we are getting ready to eat dinner. Then I'm going to relax with a book. I hope everyone had a good day today. On to Day No. 3 tomorrow. Going to start off at the gym in the morning before work and try to get back on track.


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Yay, WS! That sounds like a lovely way to spend an evening! You sound like a very cool, interesting, smart and funny gal and I'll bet it makes your hubby happy when you don't drink. I know it sure as hell makes my family happy when I don't, my daughter in particular. I'm having a relaxing night and will probably settle in with a book and/or some t.v. soon. Since I haven't had any wine since Friday night, I've been eating everything in sight! It's actually kind of fun, but if there is anyone who better get to the gym tomorrow morning, it is me! I hope everyone has a great evening!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Good Morning! Went to the gym and got in over 3 miles.....Day No. 3 for me and I feel great! Hope everyone has a great day!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Good Morning! My daughter kept me up last last night, so I did not make it to the gym. But she is leaving town later today for a week, and I plan to work out tonight. I finally am getting some energy back! Just a few days of not drinking and I can hardly believe how great I feel! I remember a great quote from the original "True Grit" ... Maddie says to Rooster (a huge boozer) "I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains." Here's to another day of keeping that thief out. Day 5, here I come!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Just wanted to chime in here. Day 4 AF for me. There is strength in numbers, so I'm one more joining the ranks of those wanting to be free from alcohol. Onward!!

            I'm with the rest of you regarding exercise too. I've been running 5 miles and am signing up with a new gym membership today. Can't even begin to tell you all how much better I'm feeling (not just physically but mentally too) even after just a few days without alcohol.

            Hope everyone has a super AF day!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Well, it's Day 5 and I've made it past the witching hour. My 17-year-old daughter just left town a few minutes ago and will be gone for a week ... so, I'm feeling a bit blue. But she is visiting her cousin and will have a great time. I'm always a little out of sorts when one of my kids goes away. Good news is .... I'm not drinking! I'm going to relax, read, watch t.v., sew a little bit .... and anything else I can think of to keep busy! I hope everyone has a relaxing, sober evening!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Just checking to see how everyone is doing......I did a yoga class last night that was awesome! Tomorrow I'm taking a Body Pump class....not sure if anyone has heard of it but you can burn between 500-700 calories in the hour class.

                Hope everyone has a great AF evening.


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  WS, I messed up again. I drank wine last night. I managed to get a week, and then blew it. So, I'm back to Day 1 again. I do believe that I'm learning a few things, though. Friday nights are going to be really tough and I absolutely MUST have something to do right after work so that I won't be tempted. I feel just awful today. Hungover, sore throat (I'm probably getting sick to boot), aches and pains. And, of course, I'm feeling very depressed.


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Clover....sorry I didn't see this last night. I was too busy drinking wine (I messed up too). Don't feel bad.....I feel like although we keep messing up we are making progress. It's Day No. 1 again for me today. I dumped half a bottle of wine down the sink. It might be helpful for us to share what we are discovering along the way. I figured out that one of my triggers is caffeine. I'm not sure why this is. Also, when I 'm feeling good from not drinking, I fool myself into thinking that I can have a couple of glasses. Well last night, a couple turned into about 4 1/2 glasses. I felt like crap this morning. I'm really starting to HATE the way I's not enjoyable anymore. Let's hang in there together....I really think we can do this. I think we are changing the way we think about AL, especially wine.......We must persevere!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      WS, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling lousy today. That was my Saturday, after Friday night's "festivities." When I think of myself, all alone in my house, getting loaded, staggering around and falling down - I just cringe! I could have been seriously hurt and NO ONE would have known! Well, I have a bump on the back of my head and a bruise on my back. So, yeah, you are not kidding - it is NOT enjoyable anymore. It has become downright frightening for me. I agree that something has changed a lot since I found this site. In a way, it has ruined my drinking because now that I'm thoroughly convinced I have a problem, there just isn't any fun at all in drinking. It has become a fatalistic, self-destructive thing for me. And I really must be here, really here, for my kids even if they're not little anymore. And, in spite of the difficulties I face, life can still be very good and actually great, if I don't drink. Let's make a pact to check in every single evening (I can't check at work) and try to encourage each other!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Clover and Winesucks, thanks for posting - i so agree with both of you! Clover, this site has made me realise exactly what i do (and don't do) - and i agree with the fact that my resistance is getting lower. I have had to hide in July as I am going to my alcoholic family - and instead of being disappointed because i failed, I decided to admit that I would. Sadly, I have used this as a reason to let July go out of the window. So my plan completely back fired. However, I have decided to go home, and come back - buy the CD's and more supplements and start again. I know I cannot do this unless I check on the site and that won't be happening when I am away - along with all the other stressors, so I am trying to gather up triggers, rationale etc to have a really GREAT august...keep going you two, and you will be so strong to help me in August - or the three of us will succeed together!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Clover - I agree....let's check in every evening - I can't get on the site at work either. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself. I think the funny thing with me is that I never know how the wine is going to hit me. Sometimes I can be fine and not drunk and sometimes 2 glasses has me downright drunk. It's crazy.

                          Scottish Lass - We are here for you. Maybe you could moderate while you are at with your family, even if you can't abstain completely (although I know what it's like to be with stressful family!). Hang in there....eventually, I think we will all just get REALLY sick and tired of being sick and tired and stop.

                          I read a good post on the fitness forumn....someone (sorry I can't remember the name), quit for 5 months and then came back and was able to moderate. No drinking during the week and only allows herself one bottle of wine over an entire weekend. It would be nice if I could do that but not sure....right now, I'm just trying to get 30 days AF so I can cleanse my body and mind and then try to figure out what to do after that.

                          I hope everyone has a great evening. I'll check in tomorrow night!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Scottish Lass, please keep checking in when you can, whether you are drinking or not. I've let this much of July go by as well, but I've had more days sober than drunk just because I have been trying to moderate/cut down. I've decided that doesn't work for me and I really want to completely abstain. Just don't give up!

                            WS, I'm the same with the vino. I used to be amazed at how much I could put away and still be reasonably functional. But lately it seems like I get wasted in a hurry. And really, what a sad, silly way to spend my precious Friday night - alone and stumbling drunk. Well, I paid yesterday and still felt weird today. But tonight is good! I spent some time with my son, got him some supplements from the health store to try and get his foot/leg better .... and got us Chinese food.

                            I'll check in tomorrow night, too!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hello all,
                              I have been lurking around this thread for a couple of days now, and thought I would jump in today. I to am a wine head. Last year at this time I gave up for 5 months, then I began to believe that it would be possible for me to moderate. Well, that was an epic failure! Since then I have had some sober time, however most of my days have been spent wine soaked. Last night we went to a friends for Sunday lunch and we all had a couple of Pimms and a bit of wine with the meal, very responsible drinking. Once we got home I ripped open a bottle of wine and didn't stop drinking until I passed out on the couch, having polished off a bottle and a half. Over the past 2 months I would be lucky if I was able to scrounge together a handful of sober days. My waste is expanding, my skin is retched, the laundry is piling up and I am getting virtually nothing done at work.

                              So here I am, ready to throw my hat into the ring again and try to regain my life. Try to get through this evening without wine. (Speaking of which, I am going to go dow stairs and pour out the bottle that is sitting in the fridge.) So hear is to us, to our struggle and to our success! Let's get through this day, in order to wake up to a better one tomorrow!
                              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                              Benjamin Franklin


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hi there, I'm new here, and trying to make today Day 1! My vice is similar. Bottle of wine each evening. Usually starts when putting kids to bed. I used to feel so fun and glamorous holding my glass of wine each evening. And now I look at it and cringe. I used to be able to stop once in a while, but this time is so much harder.
                                I'm on vacation right now and really really want to stop. Every morning I think today is the day. But by 7pm I'm pouring that glass. I too am just hoping for one week right now. Then I'll shoot for a month. But hoping today can be the first day of an AF week.

                                New shoes

