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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Maybe we can come up with some fun alternative drinks to wine during the week that you guys can drink sitting on the front's good that your friend isn't much of a drinker. Last week I made cucumber water with a sprig of rosemary.....although I know it sounds crazy, it was delicious and refreshing. I'll check for some recipes (now I'm on a mission).

    Let me give you a piece of advise on that little voice that is telling you that in order to get another job, need to stop drinking. Listen to that voice and don't try to ignore it. Without sounding preachy or to the extreme, I believe that those voices are God trying to tell us what we need to do. I bet there is something awesome right around the corner that He wants to bless you with. This could be in incredible opportunity.

    I'm so sorry you were hungover yesterday like that.....I hate it when that happens...but I'm glad you are better today! Well, off to the yard to plant my herbs!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      WineSucks;1137340 wrote: So while I am getting back up and not beating myself up...if you guys haven't given in and have been strong...don't - honestly it isn't worth it!

      I needed to see this. My husband is going away tonight for a few days and already the 'should I have a glass' thoughts are running rampant. Of course one would turn into a bottle. I'll have to make a green juice with my juicer--it always fills me up.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        WS, thank you so much for the offer of non-alcoholic drink ideas. A cucumber water with rosemary or anything like that sounds yummy and would probably delight my friend.

        I'm going to listen to that voice because I believe you are right about God directing me.

        I'm glad that Sunday is nearly over; this is NOT my favorite day of the week. As a matter of fact, I tend to get what I call "Sunday psychosis" which is a sort of mix of anxiety and depression. And I usually treat it with wine, starting at about 2:00 in the afternoon. My daughter and I had a fight and BOY did I think about drinking! She went out of town with a friend, so it would have been very easy for me to sit by myself and guzzle vino. But I didn't, thank God! I went to our local health food store and just roamed around, then there was a huge rainstorm which was quite lovely.

        I am really determined to have a fine, new beginning and it really helps me SO much to know that I can come here every day, as often as I want, and find such wonderful, non-judgmental support!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Jordan - I know what you mean about the husband being out of town and the (as I call it)...."yippie I can drink now" feeling! My husband was supposed to go out of town this weekend and I'm so glad he didn't. I would have gone next door to my neighbors and probably drank myself silly and been sick all day today. You are wise for not giving in.

          Clover - Hang in there. I had issues with my daughter today too and it totally stressed me out. Now she blocked me from Facebook (the nerve). I've been working in the yard to take my mind off of it.

          Hope everyone has a good evening and a hangover free morning!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hey WS, Clover et al...sorry I've been away...did my usual...managed 4 days..then for some stupid reason, bought a bottle of red...I'm struggling to understand my triggers...or perhaps there are too many! I think it's the same as was mentioned earlier..."I deserve it", so so so stressed at work..lonely at home in the evenings when kids at their dads or out and about...huge and heavy sadness that I just don't manage sober...ANYWAY..not giving up...finishing day 1 again...and just aiming for next Sunday for now...well done everyone...have a good few days...I'll be thinking of you x
            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              I would love to join in - day 1 again!!! I started here in April and this will be my 4th or 5th retstart - so many triggers that are thesame as the rest of you. I really need to kick this - day 1 really stinks - it is 5pm on a Sunday and I would usually be happy in my wine by now - and I am so tempted to go and get a bottle - trying to post and read posts to get thru the witching hours as i know how great tomorrow will feel if i do this! I feel terrible after my red wine day yesterday - it was cheap red wine too which makes it worse. Feel as sick as a dog, and the hair of the same is so tempting!
              Girls just left to a week camp today, so i am feeling sory for myself - and guilty as I drank on their pre camp evening, ended up fighting with their dad - they go to home for a week when they come back, so lots and lots of really good excuses to drown my sorrows.
              Goona felle better tomorrow - so need to be strong tonight - with you Queenbug, huge and heavy sadness that we will try to conquer sober!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                WS, my daughter "unfriended" me on FaceBook some time ago. Fighting with her causes me a great deal of stress. Today's spat was not about my drinking; I actually got mad at her for something, but later felt bad about it. I'm probably being bitchy because I'm at Day 2 again.

                Queenbug, I am SO familiar with that huge, heavy sadness and so much of it seems to revolve around my kids. I was much happier when they were little and life was more simple. Of course, I didn't drink back then. Yes, I was sober for most of their childhoods and didn't start up again until they were in their teens.

                Scottish Lass, please do join in. Doesn't matter if it's Day 1 or 2 or whatever! Red wine makes me feel worse than just about anything and I rarely drink it. But if I drink enough white, it's just about as bad. I had a dreadful white wine hangover yesterday, so I'm just relaxing tonight and feeling grateful that my head doesn't hurt and I'm not puking all over the place.

                Ladies, I hope you all have a good Sunday Evening and that we all feel great tomorrow morning!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Day 1 for me too......

                  Hi everyone. I too am back to day 1, I was sheepishly looking around the boards and it's helped looking at some comments here. Its just good to know I'm not alone. Wishing everyone some strength and determination! I said to my other half whose also dying with a hangover today that I was gonna quit...again....but never felt so good and happy as when I wasn't drinking, just wish this determination would stay. I like to think it's a blessing we WANT to stop...that took quite a while for me to get there, so at least that's something! xxxx:l


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Good Morning! Another Monday and I'm heading off to work without a hangover. It really is such a great feeling! I've got several things planned for after work, including the gym, so that I won't be tempted to uncork a bottle. I hope everyone has a great day!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      I made it through first day of husband's away trip--phew. Thought about taking a drink--we have a lot of wine in the house,but I got on the boards and read through and that helped--thanks everyone.


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Can I join

                        I just registered on this site and read WineSucks description---- it fits me to the T!!
                        I am home from work today because I overslept and felt so lousy from that bottle of wine last night. My drinking is way out of control and it is going to ruin my life. I would love to be a "moderate" drinker...but I can't for now. I need to be AF for awhile and would love the connection and support; btw I would also love to loose these 10 pounds


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Day 2 is here - such a shame to be at the little numbers again, but better than drinking. Praying that I can make it home from work without stopping at the store - there is no way I could manage if i had AL at home!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Day 3 for me. Amazingly enough, I didn't have much of an urge to drink tonight at all. I didn't sleep well last night, and was so tired after work that I just wanted to come home and rest for a bit. I'm trying to motivate myself to get to the gym now because I know exercise is so important. But it's a rainy evening, and part of me just wants to curl up on the couch. Either alternative is better than drinking, though. It's good to be here .... and sober!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hey Guys.....I can't believe it's after 10:00 p.m. on Monday and I am now just logging on. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing okay.....Clover, I am so proud of you! Lucky Lady - I am so happy you are here. Please join us....we are not perfect by any means but we are trying. Jordan - Hurray for you.........I never could have done that! Scottish Lass....Hope you made it home without stopping but even if you did, it's okay. We all have the will and determination to stop drinking and we are getting better.

                              Folks, all I can say is what a day....I had drama thrown at me every which way there is. The people at work were arguing because they are stressed, my youngest daughter was calling me at least 1/2 the day with drama and my husband called me in the middle of this with some serious family drama. Why does it seem when we are trying to get ourselves together it becomes a fight? I can't believe I have made it this late without drowning myself in wine. I am so thankful for this site and for all of you. We may not be where we want to be but we aren't where we were and it's going to get better each day.....hang in there!

                              Going to watch some TV, then going to bed. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep and a great day tomorrow.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Good morning, everyone; I hope this is a great day for all of you! It sure does feel good to wake up without a hangover or, what has been happening to me, the SECOND day hangover. Yup, mine can actually last a couple of days. Lord have mercy, why on earth would I ever pour alcohol into my head again!? Day 4, here I come. I hope we all get through this day without taking a drink! See you all this evening!

