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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    WineSucks, your situation sounds very similar to mine- same age, great family,great job-
    but stuck in this addiction to alcohol- wine most of the time. I have belonged here for a few years and haven't been around. I have an overwhelming desire/need to end this
    problem and have found it so very difficult to do. I know how hard a struggle this is and
    would love to get and give support . I'm so tired of hiding this secret . I feel like I am living a double life sometimes- and it is exhausting. Anyways- thanks for listening, I appreciate it. Be Well, Aquamarine
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Clover, keep going. It gets easier after 5 or 6 days, really. I am on Day 11, and I feel like I used to feel before I started over consuming wine! Aqua, you are not alone. There are several of us out here who have been taken by the wine addiction! When I got into two bottles a night, that was it for me. I am going for 30 days, and then I will see if I can have a glass or two a week. If I can't, then I am going away from it for good. You will have an urge, but you just can't give in, then it really gets better as time passes. I promise!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hey there....hope everyone had a great day. Aqua....welcome - we are glad to have you join us. NoMoreWime....Congrats on the 11 days. It will be interesting to see what happens after 30 days. I want to do the same thing and see how it goes after 30 days but I'm also a little scared. Clover...hope you had a good's nice to wake up w/o a hangover.

        I'm still worried about this weekend coming, since its a long weekend and the 4th of July. I'm trying to get myse;f mentally prepared and any advise/support would be helpful. Damn Wine!!!!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF


          My advice - (since you asked)
          1. Don't buy any wine!
          2. Say NO THANKS if someone offers you a glass of wine!
          3. Remember that there is no need/reason to drink just because it's a weekend, a holiday, whatever!
          4. Don't BS yourself, be honest & be true to yourself & your commitment!

          You can do this
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Thanks Lav - I needed that!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              I don't think I can do this right now; I drank last night. My finances are in a complete mess, house in foreclosure, opened up a letter from the IRS last night and I own a ton of taxes, which doesn't even make sense because I don't make ANY money. This morning I feel like crap, but have to go to work. The hangover is bad, but not the worst I've ever had; it is mostly the depression and the sense of hopelessness. I honestly don't know how I can go on. There is no one I can turn to. I love my wonderful kids, but they are 20 and 17, have lives of their own, and honestly don't seem to care very much about me. I just don't care anymore; it seems like whenever I try to turn my life around, there is another huge obstacle to overcome .... and I don't have any fight left in me.


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                this is a great thread.. I am here again starting AGAIN.. F*$k wine,,,, so sick of drinking... so fed up and bored with it. its not relaxing to drink any more its become a nessecity, something i have to do so i can stop the headaches and shakes. and oddly enough i notice all the other people going to the Lquor store first thing in the morning are all woman like me, buyin large bottles of mostly vodka and wine and gin. I feel sorry for them because i am one of them. there is only 1 reason why your buying a litre of vodka at 9:30 am... *sigh*. I am sad today.

                30 days? lets do it..

                AF since Sept 2013...


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Clover: What can't you do right now? Give up drinking?
                  Yes, you can - we tend to think that we drink because we are depressed or hurting but it IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND - booze causes the despair and depression.
                  I'm not going to lie and say that not drinking will make your other problems magically disappear...but at least you will have a clearer head to problem solve and think things through. A clearer head to think about who you can call and what resources are available to you instead of relying on the numbing effect of alcohol to forget your problems for 1 night, if that.

                  Think of it this're in the middle of the road and a large car is heading your way. Taking a drink is like sticking your head in the manhole and pretending that what you don't see anymore doesn't exist. Better to move your tired butt of the road and get out of harms way even if moving my hurt a bit. It hurts a heck of a lot less than getting hit by that oncoming car.

                  wine sucks: I hear you -
                  If it helps: I stay sober when I refuse to think that giving up wine is giving up something GOOD. You can still socialize, enjoy the deck or porch with friends, enjoy cooking, or watching tv. Those are the goods associated with wine - but wine is POISON and until you remember that and see it for what it is, you will always feel like you are making a sacrifice and that demon within will always try to tell you that the sacrifice is silly. Don't romanticize drinking!
                  Reread your earlier posts: wine made you gain weight, you have high blood pressure, and wine has stopped you from developing hobbies that improve life - not destroy it.
                  When I hear myself saying, "I would love a glass of wine to unwind and unrelax," I immediately change it to: "I would love a glass of poison that would compromise my health, give me cravings for junk food so I can put on more weight, send me to bed so I can feel and look like crap the next day, perform poorly at work, etc." And don't buy the LIE that you can just have 1 glass...once the poison enters the body, it makes us want to down the bottle.

                  1 day at a time....


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Clover - keep posting and letting us all know what is going on. Not drinking is HARD but being hungover and depressed is HARDER.........We are all pulling for can do it!
                    I just won't anymore


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Clover you CAN do this and there is no better time to do it then right now. You had a slip last night. Pick yourself up and start over. Life....take 2 is right, drinking doesn't relieve depression, it intesifies it. Give yourself a fighting to chance to fix your life. We'll help you fight. Good luck, Clover
                      AF since 06/27/2011

                      Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hi! I am new to posting, but have followed this site on and off the past few years. I feel exactly like the rest of the posts. I have been drinking too much for too many years, and really want to stop, but have been unable to do so. It is definitely causing problems with my husband, as I get really mad at him if I have had too much to drink. Plus, now when I drink, instead of getting a buzz, I feel nothing, until I black out. Not good. But I haven't been able to stop.

                        I want to jump on the bandwagon with the 30 days, but have a family reunion to go to where there will be heavy drinking going on. Also, my husband drinks almost every night as well, but he is able to control it. And it is hard not to join in. He knows I have a problem, but he is not willing to quit drinking around me. I want to be able to be a normal social drinker, on occassion, but not drink every night, nor drink until I black out.

                        So here I am, trying to figure it out. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Anyone interested in being a non-drinking buddy, where we call each other when we want to drink, and give support to the other to not drink?

                        Thanks for listening.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Life, Jenniech, Blues .... thank you so much for being so supportive and understanding. I really appreciate all of the advice! I'm doing okay tonight, and it is SO true that my horrible mood this morning was probably due more to the wine than the finances. But when I opened that mail last night, I was already a bit low and after reading it, I just freaked. I stormed out to my car and sped off to the liquor store. My anxiety was through the roof and so was my anger. Of course, it just made matters worse. I really need to make NOT DRINKING my priority. Maybe if I can string together some sober time, a lot of my other problems will start to seem less daunting. Okay, here I go again. Day 1 nearly over.


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                   much going on tonight and I'm just logging on now??? I have tried to respond a couple of times because I had somthing I wanted to say to each one of you but for some reason, it didn't work out.

                            Clover - you are dealing with so much right now. I would probably want to drink myself as well but we all know that AL makes things worse. Right now, it's all about you and taking care of yourself. Everything will work out....believe me, it always does and you will be stronger and in a better place to help someone else going through the same situation one day. Hang in there. We are all pulling for you. I'm just sorry I didn't see your post this morning.

                            Caper...I just wanted to welcome you....please join us. Like I say, we are not perfect but we will stick together to work this out. We may not be where we want to be but we will be better than we were before!!!!

                            And to everyone else that responded, thank you so much for your advice and support (I can't remember the names and I'm afraid to go back to look because I'll loose this reply). AL is poison and we do tend to romanticise it....I know I do!

                            I'm off to take a bath and relax before bed but I hope everyone has a great, sober evening. I may not be able to post tomorrow due to work....if not, I'll check in Friday. HANG IN THERE!!!!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Day 2 - I sure hope this is the last time I have to say that! I do realize that this absolutely MUST be my top priority right now. The financial mess will eventually work out, one way or another. I have a second interview this morning for a job I applied to. I feel pretty calm about it because, although it would be such a boost to leave the crappy job I currently have, it isn't the end of the world if the new job doesn't work out. My focus must be on staying sober.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hello again peeps...still here and holding out against my red wine demons...took a sip and STOPPED the other evening after opening a letter demanding yet again more money I don't have...on my own trying to juggle it all....very familiar to loads of you I'm sure...but STOPPED! I feel bit proud to be honest....Clover...I understand so much that you are going through...WS so glad you are still out there...anyway...big love to everyone x
                                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

