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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Enjoy your weekend WS - with all of your senses !


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      mid-day 5

      Dear WS, have a lovely ?dry? weekend at the beach , looking forward to hearing from you when you get back, let us know how you got on.

      Clover, you sound more and more positive each day, and real supportive of others too. :h

      Lucky Lady, I would love to be a happy fit grandma someday (like my mom and gran) ? I also started on this Monday in pain. Let?s pull it through !!!

      :crazymonkey: is the monkey off your back yet?
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Day 12 AF

        It's crept up but suddenly 30 days appears reachable ....

        Keep the faith - I drank just about every day for the last 20 years or so and have made it to day 12 in one piece so it is possible ....
        AF July 4th 2011


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Day 7 is here! And it's Friday (uh oh). But I have my plan for tonight and I'm feeling good about it. Won't it be lovely for all of us to have a pleasant Friday evening? And to wake up feeling great Saturday morning? I'm really looking forward to this weekend! I hope everyone has a wonderful and sober Friday!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            friday night plans

            Yay, go Clover ... what will you do tonight?

            For tonight I am visualizing the dinner at my parent's house: saying no to the offer of wine, then beer then sherry and opting for the naturally sparkling water I grew up on as a kid. And I'll have my mom's cherry pie (which I normally forgo in favor of the night cap) After dinner I'll go for a nice long walk with my dad.

            keep you posted.
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hello all,

              WS hope you have a wonderful weekend at the beach! Welcome remorsebegone and lucklady.

              I have a challenge this evening. We are taking our children to the opening of Harry Potter tonight at this lovely boutique cinema near our house. I love seeing movies here because it is intimate, has large leather seats, and table service with a great wine list. It is one of my favourite places to drink, and I have never seen a movie there without a large glass of wine in my hand. I would have bowed out, but as it's Harry Potter I can not. My plan is to substitute wine with fresh mint tea and a bowl of chocolate covered honeycomb.

              I found this on line and thought I would share it. It is a web article from Glamour Magazine listing various celebrities that either never drank or are gave it up. For me it highlights the fact that drinking is not glamours, nor a means to being successful in life. I particularly like Jada Pinkett Smith's, as she admits to having had a 2 bottle a day wine habit before she went cold turkey. Thought this might be good to share. Teetotal Celebrities | Celebrities who don't drink ( UK)

              Happy sober Friday everyone!
              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
              Benjamin Franklin


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Not Tonight, thank you very much for posting the teetotaling celebrities; it was really quite inspirational. They all look so healthy and radiant. I was expecting this evening to be a huge struggle for me, too, as Friday is my night to get bombed. And it has been a very, very difficult week. But, I'm not drinking! My daughter and I are going out for dinner soon and then I plan to just stay home, read, watch t.v., etc. I am almost in shock that I have no cravings tonight. But, boy, am I grateful! I have made 7 days!

                  Your plan to have mint tea and some sort of yummy treat to eat sounds perfect! I am really finding that eating when I feel like drinking helps so much! I hope everyone has a fun and sober Friday night!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Happy Sober Friday Everyone! My beach trip was postponed until next weekend (darn). Clover - I'm so glad you are doing okay, especially since it's Friday. I didn't have any cravings today, which is a miracle as well. Not Tonight.....thank you for posting sober celebs....I agree with Clover, it made me feel better.

                    Getting ready to go watch The Fighter, eat some popcorn and drink lemon water. Going to the gym in the morning. Hope everyone is having a great night!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Day 8 is here. Wow! It has been a very long time since I've gone this long without wine. It just felt so incredibly great to wake up early on a Saturday morning feeling fine! I've been thinking that my main problems over the last few years were anxiety and depression and that drinking helped me escape, at least temporarily. But now that I've gone for a week without wine, I just can't believe how good and stable I feel ... not anxious, not depressed. I'm looking forward to the rest of this day!

                      I hope everyone has something fun, distracting, productive, whatever (anything but drinking) for the day!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Happy Saturday Everyone - Up early this morning...had a cup of coffee outside then went to the gym for a Body Pump class. Getting ready to go out with Hubby for the day. What a difference not being hungover makes.

                        Clover - I'm so glad you made it through Friday night! I think AL makes us even more depressed!

                        Have a great, sober day everyone.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Hya everyone...sorry I've not been here...very busy at work and unexpected visitors...but happy to say I've managed it all, plus a work celebration evening last night, without a drink! I just can't believe it...longest time in over 10 years! Could not have done that without you all.
                          I absolutely agree with what you are saying about learning to like not having a hangover...
                          I'm really proud of us...:goodjob:....shall we see if we can manage another week together?
                          Big love to you all...hope you are all ok xx
                          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Good evening all,

                            WS sorry to hear your beach weekend was postponed, but is sounds like you are making the most of it anyway!

                            Clover - congrats on day 8, getting close to double digits! Isn't it remarkable, once you get a few AF days behind you how your perspective on life changes. I mean your problems don't magically disappear of course, but the anxiety , hopelessness and depression does fade.

                            QB - kudos for getting through a work social event without a drink. These sort of situations just provides you with more arsenal for the next time.

                            Well thank yo to you all for a great first week. Here is to our next! Hope you all have a great Saturday night and I will check in tomorrow.
                            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                            Benjamin Franklin


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Happy Sunday peeps! Thanks for being there...:heart:
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Good Morning, Everyone! I can hardly believe I'm writing this, but it really is Day 9! I feel so great today and have plans for several fun activities so that I can have another terrific sober day. Funny thing is, it was really a pretty awful week. My son needed additional medical tests (we'll get the results tomorrow, hopefully) and I also found out that he has gotten himself into some serious trouble. Normally, I would have been drinking/drunk even more than usual this past week. But I didn't. And I have this site to thank for that; something seems to have clicked. I can't predict what I'll do under any given circumstances, but I feel stronger than I have in years. Yesterday, my daughter decided she wanted 2 additional piercings in her ears. Since she's 17 I had to go with her. After she was done, she told me I should get my cartiledge pierced. I hesitated, and then thought ... what the hell, maybe I can think of it as a symbol of a brand new beginning for me. So I now have my new beginning earring to remind me to be as strong and brave as I can possibly be! I hope everyone is doing well and that you all have a great and sober Sunday. I am so grateful to be able to come here. I took some time last night to read through lots of threads. Thank you!!

