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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Hi girls,
    QB- have been wondering about the date- so pleased it went well. More information please!
    WS- hope you tummy is better. You are doing so well, will be great when you are feeling much better physically.
    Twinkle-you can get L-Glut in any good Health Food Shop. Get a powder, it will be around 3.5mg/tspoon, take it 3-4 times a day. Really helps cravings. Once you start to have alcohol free evenings you will get the courage to go on. I always used to call red wine my crutch- now I hold myself up. The gym is far more fun without a hangover! I went to counsellors as well- one said that I 'couldn't have too much of a problem because at our age it is too hard to function with a hangover'! The other one said I couldn't have a real problem as I stopped as soon as I was pregnant. Not very helpful! The bottom line is if AL is causing you problems in your life- then it has to go. You wont be missing out on anything, you will be gaining so much. It is a very addictive drug, some escape the addictive part (like some of our husbands) but those of us here have had problems with it- or we wouldn't be here.
    Shoe-hope you don't have any more vintage wine episodes, I suppose we need to be prepared for all situations.
    Clover-well done on hangover free Monday, what a difference it makes.
    Turn- you ares sounding very strong.
    Hope everyone else is doing well.
    SJ xxx :groupluv:

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      SarahJane;1160783 wrote: Hi girls,
      QB- have been wondering about the date- so pleased it went well. More information please!
      WS- hope you tummy is better. You are doing so well, will be great when you are feeling much better physically.
      Twinkle-you can get L-Glut in any good Health Food Shop. Get a powder, it will be around 3.5mg/tspoon, take it 3-4 times a day. Really helps cravings. Once you start to have alcohol free evenings you will get the courage to go on. I always used to call red wine my crutch- now I hold myself up. The gym is far more fun without a hangover! I went to counsellors as well- one said that I 'couldn't have too much of a problem because at our age it is too hard to function with a hangover'! The other one said I couldn't have a real problem as I stopped as soon as I was pregnant. Not very helpful! The bottom line is if AL is causing you problems in your life- then it has to go. You wont be missing out on anything, you will be gaining so much.
      It is a very addictive drug, some escape the addictive part (like some of our husbands) but those of us here have had problems with it- or we wouldn't be here.
      Shoe-hope you don't have any more vintage wine episodes, I suppose we need to be prepared for all situations.
      Clover-well done on hangover free Monday, what a difference it makes.
      Turn- you ares sounding very strong.
      Hope everyone else is doing well.
      So very true! It's funny how when I first quit I couldn't imagine a life without alcohol at some point and tried and tried to figure out how to moderate. Now I can easily see life without it and realize how much happier I am!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hey Ladies....I just wanted to say Hi....It's after 10:00 p.m. here and I'm just settling in. Car broke down last night on the way home from work, so now we are car shopping. A little stressfuly considering I haven't had a car payment in like 10 years.

        I'm so glad everyone is here and doing so well. Honestly, I haven't had to take L-Glut for like the past couple of days.....I just don't want to drink. It could be because my tum is messed up. I'm calling tomorrow for a doctor's appt. I keep thinking to myself it's probably caused by all the AL abuse but who knows!

        Anyway, you guys are amazing! I look so forward to reading the threads in the evening to see how everyone is doing. I'll check back in tomorrow.


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          tonstantweader;1160720 wrote: I went out last Thursday to a local sports bar with my daughter, her boyfriend, and my husband. I had only been AF for a couple of days, but it was such a relief not to have to figure out on the way there if I was going to drink, how much I was going to drink and if I had the courage to ask my husband to stop by the local liquor store on the way home to pick up the bottle I knew I'd need if I had a couple of glasses of wine at the bar. Ended up ordering water and not having to worry about all of that! Also, the relief on my daughter's face was obvious; she has worried about my drinking for some time now and rarely drinks herself, which for 23 in this day and age is amazing!

          Tonst...I would do that ALL the time with my hubby. If I broke down and drank at a restaurant after a few AF days or weeks...I'd ask the man to stop by the store to get more - OR - I'd go get it myself. It would be gone in a matter of hours.

          My daughter is 24 and she is my heart and my ally in these fragile early days. We had a really long talk yesterday about addiction and how people overcome it.

          It's interesting, but I am starting to lose the element of SHAME when talking about this addiction in my life. I saw an interesting video awhile back about the physiological nature of addiction. I'll try to find it and post a link later. The speaker said something very powerful:

          You can choose to drink or not to drink, but you cannot choose whether you will become addicted.

          Whether it is genetic predisposition that left me without the right chemistry to process alcohol OR whether that function was damaged along the way by me....I can't change that.

          BUT...I CAN choose NOT TO DRINK. Period.

          I got into the doc today and she believes I’m just being tortured by a bug and am getting a double dose of intestinal acrobatics because I am detoxing too. Gave some blood just to check out kidney/liver function, but was reassured that none of my symptoms indicate that there’s any serious damage in the organs.

          WS – I hope you and your doc can figure out what’s ailing you. I was told today that L-Glut is a wonder amino acid for healing the alcohol ravaged stomach. Keeping my fingers crossed for you…

          I’m sorry about your car troubles. You sound like you are handling this stress with grace. May your next car give you many good and reliable years and no gray hair!

          Off to a 4 am crew call to the aeroport. Will try to keep up with ya'll this week if I can find a connection to the intertube.
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hi Guys - Day 3 AF for me and oh boy, am I a witch to live with at the moment!! I heard my kids telling Daddy that Mummy was so 'stressy' yesterday and although I know it's down to withdrawal I'm not ready to share my secret with anyone yet (apart from you guys!). The funny thing is my friends say I am one of the most laid back people they know!! If only they could see me now feeling like crap - the sweating at night is the worse - thank god its the school hols so I don't have to go to the playground. We've just come back from a 2 wk hol where I drank myself silly every night so I think my husband is just assuming I'm having a couple off days to give my liver a rest. I want to see his face when I go a whole weekend (please god!) without hitting the bottle.

            Tonst - What an acheivement to choose not to drink at the sports bar, you should be so proud of yourself. I totally relate to the debating and rationalising thing but up to now have always given in to my addiction. On Sunday lunchtime (the last day I drank wine) I found myself pouring milk down the sink as an excuse to nip up to the corner shop to get more wine even though there was plenty left in the bottle I had opened half an hour before - mad behaviour!!

            Fly Away - Day 29 Wow, way to go girl! Good luck with the family reunion. Have you thought about what you may say if questioned about not drinking? It sounds like you've got it sussed and I'm taking inspiration from your experience.

            SJ - Thanks for L-Glut info. I reckon your councellor and mine ought to rethink their career paths!

            Shue - You made me chuckle with your champers camping cooler - I think it's because it's early days I don't want to tell anyone in case I fail but I will address the friends thing when the time's right - afterall should it really affect them the fact I'm not drinking? Maybe I'm just worried it won't make me such a sociable person even though I know from you guys that's rubbish - I need to keep telling myself 'I don't need alcohol to have a good time.'

            WS - Sorry to hear about your car - the fact you dealt with it the way you did speaks volumes. Hope the Dr finds out what wrong with you tum and you feel better soon.

            Right, come on kids - Mummy needs to get out and get some exercise. I'll run and you can scoot behind!! Have a good day everyone.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Just wanted to check in before heading away for the night to meet friends & their kids on an island not too far away. But it is cold & windy- good Irish summer! One of my friends made a comment yesterday about me being 'pure', she was referring to my non-drinking & it left me a bit rattled. I know she didn't mean any harm but I know that AL was part of our relationship/friendship- maybe she is worried that things wont be the same. It will be a bit challenging being with a small group of friends for the night but I am not going to drink. Non of us will be driving of course & there will probably be a trip to the pub. My kids will be a great healthy distraction- can go off walking or swimming with them if I need to run away for a while. I am determined to have a nice time, it is so important to me to still be a social person- as I said before I think life can be so much better without AL. I am taking my running gear & will get up early to tackle the hills- while they all try to sleep off their wine!
              Better go & pack. Hope you are all having a great day.
              SJ xxx :groupluv:

              'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                WS--That's too bad about your car. Is it beyond repair? I'm glad that you're going to call the doctor. There's no reason for you to suffer like this when there might be an easy solution. I hope you get an appointment soon.

                Turnagain--It's great that you can confide in your daughter. Having a sounding board is a huge help. I'm glad you saw your doctor too and got the blood work done. At the very least you'll be reassured that your liver is okay.

                Twinkle--Unfortunately you've got to fight through this hard part, but in a week or so you'll feel fantastic. I'd highly recommend getting some L-Glut if you're not already taking it.

                SJ--You will be fine and I'm looking forward to hearing how it went when you come back. You're right, life is better without alcohol. I never would have thought it true before stopping.


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  I have decided that when I hit 30 days I am going to enlist the help of my three grown children and sister. If I need to tell them before hand, I will, but I want to be able to say "I have gone a month without drinking, so I am serious about this." My husband is being supportive but I think he has heard me say so often "I am giving up drinking" that he is not really convinced. I don't blame him.
                  I hope everyone's ailments and car troubles get better. And Twinkle, if your kids are little, all the more reason to give it up now. You don't want their childhoods to be a hazy memory!
                  Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Paging Akazia and Daisy45! Paging Akazia and Daisy45!

                    Where are you two? Akazia did you get your car fixed?

                    I hope that Queenbug gets her computer issues worked out too. I miss her posts!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hello lovelies,

                      WS – a new car is a new excitement after all ( once you get over the payment part), hope your tummy gets better

                      Turn – I have been turning your wise words in my head all day

                      SJ – you cracked me up with your counselors stories, enjoy the island !!!

                      Twinkle Witch – it will pass … I only started telling people on a need to know basis i.e. when I was going out and had to refuse drinks – I found it exhilarating at times, my newfound power to JUST SAY NO, but I must admit I also had a few horrific moments caught in my craving where I locked myself in the ladies and logged in MWO on my bberry searching desperately for help.

                      Clover – how are you? How are the kids? Missed you here.
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hello, dearies,

                        I've been too busy, exhausted and stressed to reply or post, and I'm lonely without you!!!! I have abandoned my peeps, and don't like feeling like I'm out here alone. Also, I'm afraid I'll fall down the rabbit hole if I don't stay in touch. I'm nearing 30 days, and don't want to blow it. Couldn't have done it without you.:thanks:

                        What's with all the gastric problems going on? I hope those of you experiencing it will find relief soon.

                        Tons--Many times in the past I would tell people I was no longer drinking, promptly fall off the wagon, and feel like a fool. So this time I told no one. My DH figured it out, but I've yet to say aloud, "I do not drink." That doesn't sound real yet, plus I'm scared, so I'm going to wait until it feels right--6 mos., a year? I don't know. I'll know when it's time.

                        Shue--I saw on another thread that you gave your Jimmy Choo money to a family that needed it, and it warmed my heart. Proper perspective, I'd say. You can get the shoes some other time, right?

                        WS--Tell us what car you get. As Bridget would say on the Undies thread--- Vrooom! Oh, and I'm right behind you with 24 days AF. Who'd have thunk???

                        Fly--I copied your "prayer of thanks," on my desktop so I can read it every now and then. I'm still blown away by it.

                        SJ--My MIL would say, while plying me with wine, "Well if you're not an alcoholic by now, you aren't going to be one." What??? She obviously doesn't know that many retirees become alcoholics. Geez.

                        Twinkle-Give it all you've got to get through the weekend. I know exactly how you feel. Your DH doesn't believe you're serious this time, and you're afraid you'll prove him right. Well, come right here, my dear, and we'll give you some resolve, and good pointers. I've found soda water, cranberry juice with lime to be a very good substitute for AL.

                        Where the hell is QB anyway--on the Appalachain Trail?????

                        Clover--I hope your son is okay.

                        As for me--Mom is being discharged from her current nursing facility, and we'll be moving her to another one this weekend, or early next week. It's been a very hectic week. So, I start all over getting staff apprised of her various conditions, getting her settled and adjusted, moving her clothes, etc., stroking my father, and mediating between siblings. I was so tired at 5 a.m. when I got up to pee, that I didn't know where I was or where the bathroom was. Really! I went back to bed at 8 a.m. and slept soundly until 11:30! It's going to be an early night, too. Flyaway, I know you understand. BTW, I asked two of my siblings if they would help me with my father when he needs assistance, which I don't think is too far down the road. One said absolutely not! I'm pretty sure I know what's ahead of me.

                        So, with that update, I'll say goodnight, and sleep tight.:lipstick::lipstick:
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Wow, Juja, you really do have your hands full. My mother lived with us for 15 years and then went form assisted living to nursing home, but most of my siblings helped out as often as they could.

                          Is QB Queenbug, because if so I think she (?) has computer and internet issues. But if she is on the AT let me know as it isn't too far from me!

                          As for me, day 9 is coming to a close. My father, the AA guru, always said the best way to stay sober was to go out and help others, and I can see now the truth in that. The same way that many of you welcomed me here and held out a hand makes me reach out to others who venture here for the first time. My 9 whole days of sobriety makes me feel like an expert! :H
                          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Good Evening, Ladies. I just got home from a long day at work and then right up to my daughter's high school to help with band rehearsals outside where it's extremely hot and buggy. I am exhausted and hungry and have a headache, but wanted to at least check in and say "hey." It's still great to be sober even when lots of things suck, which they do right now.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hi Everyone.....Glad to be home and relaxing (although listening to coverage of the market crash, which stinks). I'm going to the doctor on Friday so hopefully I can figure out what's going on. It kind of pisses me off to be this long AF and not feel good but oh well.... As for the car, mine is 10 years old with almost 200k miles on it so its time. To be honest, I don't know what the hell we are looking Husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY! He keeps waffling on the day we are looking at Audi's, the next small SUV, the next hybrids......somebody slap me! (or slap him make matters worse, I have to ride to work with him which is 1 hour each way and listen to the time I get to the office in the morning I'm ready to slap someone! Did I mention I love my Husband??? It's just that he is pushing every button I have right now. And as I'm typing this, he is sitting in his lounge chair, sipping on a glass of Shiraz...UGGGGGG!!!!

                              Thanks for letting me vent....I can't believe I'm almost to 30 days. I'm going to go have some ice cream.

                              Oh, I almost forgot........I think SJ was talking about wanting to be social but the possibility of things changing between friends who we usually drink with......things have changed in a big way for me in that area. I've actually been left out of things because I'm not drinking and it kind of hurt my feelings. I honestly feel like I can be social and not have to drink but I find that my not drinking makes others uncomfortable.

                              Hope everyone has a great night!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                WS--Damn, I hate that your friends are leaving you out because you choose not to drink. I'm hurt because you're hurt. I'm mad at them, too, and don't even know them! What a crappy thing to do to a friend.

                                tons--I don't know where Queenbug is. I was making a joke about the AT--you know, signal coming and going. BTW, it's not far from me, either, but I have absolutely no plans to walk it. Ugh.:H
                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

