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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    @Juja, great to see you here again and sorry about your situation. Sending positive energy your way. It must be exhausting looking after an ailing parent, but it is a good deed. My MIL said she?d sooner look after 6 babies than 1 old person.

    Where can I find Fly?s ?prayer of thanks?? ? I find her words wiser and wiser ?

    As for Jimmy Choos, I am planning on saving a lot more money by not drinking expensive wine ? their time might come again ? when I feel better about my body !!! :upset::boohoo::bigcry:

    @ Wine Sucks ? your friends suck !!! It?s their loss, not yours, but I feel for you ? it will take some time and effort but you will find other people that can fully appreciate you sober.

    Driving to work with hubby is a big NO NO ?get a new car pronto! We kept fighting like crazy and we were just married and crazy about each other? It?s normal that you?d take out your anger on the people closest to you. And Shiraz depravation has not made anybody kinder
    Get your money?s worth of new car hunting, take a few lovely cars for a test drive just for kicks !!! Don?t let your hubby get all the fun !!! Audi?s been the most exciting car I?ve ever driven (not the A5 ? big problems in Europe with this one)

    @Clover ? I am inspired by you still not drinking despite everything else. Wish you lots of luck !!!
    @Tons ? your father is a clever guy ? I felt that too

    Stay strong ladies, you are all fantastic
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Shue--I was wrong: it wasn't Flyaway's prayer, it's Sapphire's from Underoos. I don't know that it was meant as a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude, but that's what I call it to make it simple. I'm posting it here from my desktop. It is so beautiful.

      Originally Posted by sapphire1
      Morning ratbags,

      " Off into the wonderment that is life; excited by the inevitability of change; invigorated by the energy of the wind and rain and mild chaos of the weather at the moment; fusking grateful as all heck for the privilidge of the opportunities that are mine; even more humbly thankful for the clear headed gift of sobriety (I gave myself that one with the help of you special folk). Determined to tread softly on this delicate earth, and even more gently and compassionatley with those who need my help!!!!!

      My cup is full, my house is safe, my heart is warm. Luvs yas all to the moon and back."
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        cool, Juja !
        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Queenbug has been having problems with her modem/computer and uses a friend's computer occasionally to get on here. I'm hoping and praying that she's staying strong and doing well.

          Clover--How are you doing? Any word from your son?

          Juja--I'm glad that you figured out who wrote the "Prayer of Thanks" because I was scratching my head and thinking, "what the hell did I write now?" :H I'm sorry that there is more stress with your mother and father. It is so overwhelming. I hope that you have found some kind of outlet for your stress. I haven't yet.

          Tonstantweader--Congratulations on Day 9!

          WS--Your friends left you out? Wow. That speaks volumes about their fears! I'm very sorry. But being sober is the better of the two.

          Hi Shue!

          Hope you all have a great day!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hi Guys,
            Day 4 almost down and need to check in just to convince myself this is really happening. Still major grumpy chops and DH staying out my way (can't really blame him!!). Bought half the vitamin shop today (based on MWO book) and some L-Glut which I'm hoping will make me less edgy - I'll be rattling at this rate but if it helps I can live with it!

            Tonst - Keep up the good work, are you taking any supps etc? My kids are my world and only 8 & 11 so hazy memories and broken promises need to be a thing of the past. Please keep reminding me.

            SJ - Thinking of you running up them hills with a clear head while the rest of them struggle to get out of bed. I bet you are sharing some great moments with your kids. I sometimes wonder if friends get funny because they can't admit that maybe they have a problem too - they probably secretly admire you but are afraid to take the same brave step to AF'dom.

            Juja - Nearly 30 days - Wow that's amazing, I can't even begin to wonder how good that must feel, keep up the good work. Lime & Soda is officially my drink of choice and it's really refreshing!! I just hope and pray I can tell myself that over the weekend - this will be my first AF w/end attempt in a VERY long time. I hope you get some help with all the juggling you're doing and find a little time for yourself. You've certainly proved that when the pressure is on you can deal with it - well done you, treat yourself to a Lime & Soda.
            Going to hit the hay now - need to try and stop worrying about how I'm going to deal with next couple of days. Take care everyone.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Twink, the L-Glut will help with cravings. I'm not sure what you mean by taking the edge off, but if you're talking about anxiety, GABA is supposed to be good for that.


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hey Twinkle, I'm thinking of you as tonight will be my first AF Friday night in a long while. Have tried to invite a friend round for coffee but suspect the usual meetup at the bar will be the case. Might drive there just to take the pressure off of everybody wondering why I am suddenly no longer the amusingly pissed girl who always bails out early - I am determined not to be that any more. Thinking of ya x
                AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Rollerblader;1161996 wrote: Hey Twinkle, I'm thinking of you as tonight will be my first AF Friday night in a long while. Have tried to invite a friend round for coffee but suspect the usual meetup at the bar will be the case. Might drive there just to take the pressure off of everybody wondering why I am suddenly no longer the amusingly pissed girl who always bails out early - I am determined not to be that any more. Thinking of ya x
                  Do you think you can handle being at a bar and not drinking this early in your sobriety? Or do you plan on drinking?


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hello, Everyone! I wanted to drop in for a few minutes before I have to head out to a party for a co-worker who is retiring. Yes, beer and wine will be served, but I'm not having ANY! There's also going to be a nice dinner, and I am looking forward to that although I'm tired.

                    FlyAway, thank you for asking about my son; he isn't doing so well. He is still walking on crutches, but getting better I suppose ... physically, that is. His 21st birthday was Tuesday. Well, on Monday he "disappeared" and didn't come back to his dad's house until Wednesday. Of course, he was at the psycho girlfriend's place - same girl who he visited with his prescription meds last week and had the pain pills "stolen" while there. We were supposed to take him out for dinner on his birthday, but we never heard from him and he wasn't answering his phone. So, now he's back and wants to have his birthday dinner. HUH?! I'm not doing the dinner or anything else for his b'day. At this point, I don't even want to see him or talk to him. He found out yesterday, too, that the little theater where he works is closing as of this weekend; hopefully he'll get transferred to another. So, things are pretty much going south for him in a big way. It makes me very sad, but I'm staying far away from him. Part of growing up is learning that your choices can have unpleasant consequences.

                    Well, ladies, I am not at all in the mood to socialize tonight, but I must go get ready to put in an appearance ... a brief one! See you later!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hi Flyaway, thanks for your concern. I do not plan on drinking, and think I can handle it, my plan is to drive there so I won't be tempted to drink and no one will pressure me. One of my biggest triggers is being home alone in the evening, wierdly. I've always found it much easier to turn down a drink while out than when at home. I'll let you all know how it goes :-)
                      AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                      Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                      Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                      Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Rollerblader;1162008 wrote: Hi Flyaway, thanks for your concern. I do not plan on drinking, and think I can handle it, my plan is to drive there so I won't be tempted to drink and no one will pressure me. One of my biggest triggers is being home alone in the evening, wierdly. I've always found it much easier to turn down a drink while out than when at home. I'll let you all know how it goes :-)
                        Well that's good to hear. And if being home is one of your biggest triggers, it sounds like you need to think up some things to do in the evening to keep you out of the house until it's time to go to bed! Are you taking any supplements to help with cravings? L-Glutamine helped me a lot.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Clover;1162005 wrote: Hello, Everyone! I wanted to drop in for a few minutes before I have to head out to a party for a co-worker who is retiring. Yes, beer and wine will be served, but I'm not having ANY! There's also going to be a nice dinner, and I am looking forward to that although I'm tired.

                          FlyAway, thank you for asking about my son; he isn't doing so well. He is still walking on crutches, but getting better I suppose ... physically, that is. His 21st birthday was Tuesday. Well, on Monday he "disappeared" and didn't come back to his dad's house until Wednesday. Of course, he was at the psycho girlfriend's place - same girl who he visited with his prescription meds last week and had the pain pills "stolen" while there. We were supposed to take him out for dinner on his birthday, but we never heard from him and he wasn't answering his phone. So, now he's back and wants to have his birthday dinner. HUH?! I'm not doing the dinner or anything else for his b'day. At this point, I don't even want to see him or talk to him. He found out yesterday, too, that the little theater where he works is closing as of this weekend; hopefully he'll get transferred to another. So, things are pretty much going south for him in a big way. It makes me very sad, but I'm staying far away from him. Part of growing up is learning that your choices can have unpleasant consequences.

                          Well, ladies, I am not at all in the mood to socialize tonight, but I must go get ready to put in an appearance ... a brief one! See you later!

                          Clover I agree, no birthday dinner now. The time has come and gone. He needs to realize that he doesn't call the shots and set the schedule in your
                          life. I know this is wearing you out and I'm sorry. The only thing you can do is pull back and protect your own sanity at this point.


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Hi everyone

                            Thought I'd come back in and read up on the board whilst I wait for the girls to finally go to sleep 11.15pm and they are still full of life.

                            Got to the end of my day to AF and feeling pretty good, I can feel the withdrawal symptoms bubbling away but pushing them to the back of my mind. I've had my 30 days AF before and I so much want them again.

                            Hope everyone is having a good day/evening.night whereever youmay be:l
                            WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                            Just taking it day by day.......


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Good night LIS.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hi all,
                                I felt some cravings today but mostly because it's Thursday evening where I am, I have the day off tomorrow, and in the past that was major drinking time for me. After all, so what if I was hazy and fuzzy the next day? I was off work, right? But I have gotten through the cravings and am now craving my evening walk.
                                Twink, I'm not taking supplements yet, but only because the L-glut that I ordered hasn't come yet. I've heard so many good things about it that I want to have it handy for the future cravings I know are nearby.
                                I was worried, too, RollerBlade if going out to a bar was a good idea, but it sounds as if you know what your trigger is and going out may be better than being at home. I was mostly an at-home drinker, too, so I know what you mean.

                                Clover, I don't know, maybe I'm just a contrarian but perhaps your son really needs you now. If you want him to choose you over his girlfriend (who sounds like a real loser) give him a reason to gravitate to you. Then again, only you know what is best in this situation.

                                LIS, good work coming back. I am convinced that the support on this board is the only thing keeping me from giving in. I feel as if I have to be accountable to those on this board and others who have shown me I can make it past two weeks. That means you, SJ, FlyAway, Shueaddict and everyone else I forgot to name!
                                Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.

