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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Peeeeeeepppppssss!!! Have a few moments on my friends Iphone in a service station on the A303 driving back from dropping another friend off....internet s'posed to be sorted tomorrow (thanks to my mum, bless her, I moad about her but she does do such lovley things to help me out sometimes!) time to really read back much...but actually miss the connection with you all loads and feel like I'm missing out big-style!!!
    13 whole days AF!!!! For me this is amazing and even though I'm not able to be on that much at the moment- I'm thinking about being able to tell you all that and know that you would all get it!
    Hopefully I'll be back from tomorrow .... even if its sister and neice arriving tomorrow...
    Big big big love to you all...can't wait to 'chat'
    stay safe and strong

    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Clover--I'm for tough love re your son. At some point, and it may take awhile and as you said, he is going to have to reap what he sows. He's drawn to the weirdo for now, but how long will that last? Not forever, as we all know, but what will happen in the meantime? I guess that's the big worry you have, and since I'm not a parent, I can't imagine the hell you're going through. Caring for my elderly parents is nothing compared to what you have on your back. Live your life as best you can, and let his chips fall where they may. Easy for me to say.... (I need to stop whining about my parents.):l

      LIS--I'm still worried about you. Is being AF causing your anxiety, or is something else going on? You'll make it. You're not alone. I'm holding you close.:h

      Tons--Glad you got through the cravings. I had them too, tonight, but they have passed. What's the point? I'd feel awful tomorrow, in more ways than I could count if I gave in, so why bother? I don't need or want AL.

      Rollerblade-I'll be thinking about you tonight. Hang tough.:goodluck:

      Flyaway---Sorry about giving you credit for the "prayer!" Must have flipped you out!:H

      I'm glad Queen got in touch. I miss her.

      Have a good evening all.:lipstick:
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Woo Hoo! Queenie checked in! Queenie checked in! :band2:

        I'm glad to hear that you're happy and strong and 13 wonderful days AF!

        Tonstantweader--Way to kick those cravings to the curb! Just say NO! :goodjob:

        Juja--Don't feel bad about talking about your parents here. You'll explode if you don't unload somewhere. We are here for support and to support others! And might I say that you are kicking a$$ staying AF!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hey My Peeps!!! I wrote a nice long message tonight and then my computer shut down for an update!!!!! Sooooo I'm not going to be so long on this one because it's getting late. Had MAJOR cravings today, which surprised me considering how long I've gone.....honestly, if I had a car I probably would have gone to the liquor store.

          Clover - I just wanted to tell you how great you are doing. I agree with Fly and Juja about the tough love. I went through some pretty bad stuff with my daughter and had to disconnect from her for awhile..but - we are the best of friends now....she is maturing. Hang in there!

          Tons - I'm off tomorrow too so maybe its something about the cravings for both of us.

          Juja - Thanks for the support (and to everyone else, as well) regarding my fair weather friends! I have some other really good friends that don't drink and I've been spending time with them.

          Queenie, Queenie, Queenie....glad your back!!!!!! We missed you!

          Leave - Way to Go Girl!!!!!

          Well, I'm going to go have ice cream and try to figure out what cars we are going to look at tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted.

          Sweet Dreams!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            WS--So it sounds like your car breaking down was a good thing. Enjoy your ice cream and we'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              morning nesties

              i remember one of the things i love about AF waking up sober...

              hope everyone is well, absolutely shattered i slept well just that the sleepover girls were still wide awake at 1.30am and then got up at 7.00, im only used to teenagers sleeping over when they sleep in til at least midday lol

              have a good day every one, love to you all on this AF Friday

              Just taking it day by day.......


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Top of the morning to ya?

                Feeling cheery this Friday despite (just like you ,WS)-still getting cravings, still feeling like crap a lot of the time, still not losing weight.

                But ?.keeping AF is something that just gives me joy, it?s my little inner achievement that I can?t boast about to anyone else but you, peeps.

                Clover ? they say ? small kids = small problems, big kids = big problems? . I can only send good thoughts and prayers and just say again that it?s awesome that you are facing this huge crisis head on and AF.

                Queenieeeee ? thx for hijacking an Iphone and saying hi to us ? we miss you here

                Juja & Fly ? your care for others (whether on this post or in real life) is touching . Both of you inspire me so much. You must be getting real close to 30 days now ? Fly ? you should consider a career in online counseling ????

                Twinkle ? this 1st AF weekend is a challenge, I know mine was ? since weekends meant license to drink from noon (or earlier)- get out of the house as much as possible and if the cravings get you cornered post here , I?ll be close :l

                Tons & Leave ? great to have you here ? here comes day 12 :yay:
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Hi Rollerblader - I'm with you girl, let's do this together. I also tend to drink more at home than when I'm out nowadays (especially at the weekends). I send the family into another room to watch TV saying I'd prefer to listen to music while preparing the evening meal - reality is, I prefer to have free access to the fridge without any witnesses and have often polished off a bottle of wine before we sit down to eat. Trouble is, my tolerance is so high, a bottle doesn't touch the sides anymore. Because I hide it so well my DH thinks I drink about a half bottle 4 times a week!! Yeah, right - if only!! Cooking has suddenly lost it's appeal and I need to change my association with drinking and cooking nice meals, especially at the weekends. Takeaway tonight chaps!!
                  Good luck tonight, stay focused and keep your car keys handy!

                  Flyaway - Going to start the L Glut today. Sorry, me being edgy = irritable, snappy and basically a nightmare to live with but thanks for the GABA advice. Although my DH has never realised the true extent of my probs, he is now on board although I'm keeping MWO and you special guys to myself for now.

                  It's great waking up in the school hols with a clear head - in the past I've used it as an excuse to drink more. Having said that, I've just screamed at my kids who keep interrupting me to play chess - I bet they can't wait to get back to school!! Better go and smooth things over..

                  Have a great weekend everyone. Stay stong.


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Thanks Shue - I want you all to know how much your honesty and support means to me. I know it's early days but you're giving me the determination to beat this dreadful addiction that I've never had before. Got to go before I get all kids need me for a Chess competition, hope I can remember the rules!!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Good Morning, Ladies! Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement regarding my son. I, too, feel that it is time to disconnect, at least for a while. But it is always good to have that reinforced because it is a very hard thing to do. Honestly, though, lately I feel better when I don't see him or know what he's up to.

                      The retirement party for a co-worker last night was very nice. It was my first AF party in many, many years! It's funny, though .... several people encouraged me to have a glass of wine. Now just a few months ago at the office Christmas party, I got LOADED and one of the guys had to drive me home. I know people were talking about me the next day, although everyone was very nice about it and people seemed to think it was funny. But last night, I had to actually make excuses as to why I wasn't drinking. One person actually said go ahead and have some wine, I'll drive you home! I waited 'til no one was at the bar and got a glass of lemon-lime soda. Wow - now I have to sneak to NOT drink!

                      It's Friday! I love Fridays again! Isn't it terrific how we're all hanging in there in spite of cravings and life the s**t life throws at us? I wish you all a wonderful, sober Friday!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Think I am Day 21???

                        Hi girls,
                        Excellent work Clover on the party. I suppose we need to give people a bit of time to get used to our magnificent sober version of ourselves. They got a bit used to the wine sozzled versions!

                        Had a lovely night away with my friends. They were mildly inquisitive about my non-drinking & carried on with their drinking- but they didn't go mad & it was very enjoyable. We chatted until 2am, I go up early & went for my hilly run & we all had a lovely breakfast together after. The kids all had a great time. It was my 3rd time doing the same trip over the years & my first time not drinking, but is was good. There were a few moments when I would have loved to have been sipping a glass of red, but they were only moments. And I would have gulped my way through a bottle or more & felt very sluggish the next day. But I don't drink so it doesn't matter! We spoke about my goals of running the marathon in December, they all did the half marathon last Dec with me but are not running now for different reasons. They are good friends & very supportive. I told them that if they didn't include me in anything because I wasn't drinking then I would kill them! I hate being left out, WS I really felt for you when you said your friends did that. Friendships are something that continually need to be looked at. We need to nurture them or let them go. I have a couple of 'friends' that have been a bit odd lately, one got quite aggressive that I drove to a big party & could be her drinking buddy. I wont be spending too much time with her in the future!

                        I think I am Day 21 today. I think that is my longest AF time since I came here in June. Possibly my longest AF time in years when not pregnant.

                        Hi to everyone. I have to go now, am taking the kids to the pool. I am aiming for 40 laps, more than I have done for a long time.
                        Happy Friday everyone. :h
                        SJ xxx :groupluv:

                        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          :help!S**t, s**t, sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I'm crying. My dear brother woke me up with a phone call telling me he was in the early stages of cirrhosis. He's 48, and has been drinking heavily for years. We've talked and talked about AL, but he only recently told me his enzymes were high and have been for awhile. He's also had an ultrasound in the past, and hadn't told me. He has always tried to protect me, but keeping crucial info from me where maybe I could have given a helping hand isn't protecting me. He's finally going to see a psychiatrist, too to try and deal with his depression and anxiety, too Something else I've been pushing. Genetics, genetics. Goddamn it all!!! I love him so much.

                          I was hoping for a couple of days to catch up with my home and hearth before having to deal with the details of moving Mom to ass'td living on Tuesday, but now I just want to sit and stare. Laundry's always a good stress reliever--I'll start there--maybe.

                          Could I please have a few good thoughts and words of wisdom, please? (Not good at asking for help....)

                          P.S. Not interested in AL, so don't worry.
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Juja;1162287 wrote: :help!S**t, s**t, sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I'm crying. My dear brother woke me up with a phone call telling me he was in the early stages of cirrhosis. He's 48, and has been drinking heavily for years. We've talked and talked about AL, but he only recently told me his enzymes were high and have been for awhile. He's also had an ultrasound in the past, and hadn't told me. He has always tried to protect me, but keeping crucial info from me where maybe I could have given a helping hand isn't protecting me. He's finally going to see a psychiatrist, too to try and deal with his depression and anxiety, too Something else I've been pushing. Genetics, genetics. Goddamn it all!!! I love him so much.

                            I was hoping for a couple of days to catch up with my home and hearth before having to deal with the details of moving Mom to ass'td living on Tuesday, but now I just want to sit and stare. Laundry's always a good stress reliever--I'll start there--maybe.

                            Could I please have a few good thoughts and words of wisdom, please? (Not good at asking for help....)

                            P.S. Not interested in AL, so don't worry.
                            Oh Juja, I'm so sorry. Just one more thing piled onto the already sky-high pile of stress in your life. Has he stopped drinking?


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Oh Juja,

                              Big hug from me here … Although it sounds horrific there is still a lot that he can do to prevent further development. Keep his spirits up (even if this means meds), worst thing is for him to give up on himself. And you must also look after yourself, it is a dreadful wake up call but be happy that you have already started your AF journey.

                              Sorry, not so good at the advice part but I am always optimistic and a firm believer that all things happen for a good reason.

                              I’ll pray for you and your brother and sending you positive vibes …
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                leaveinsilence;1162145 wrote:
                                i remember one of the things i love about AF waking up sober...

                                hope everyone is well, absolutely shattered i slept well just that the sleepover girls were still wide awake at 1.30am and then got up at 7.00, im only used to teenagers sleeping over when they sleep in til at least midday lol
                                Can you imagine waking up at 7am to a bunch of screeching young girls with a hangover? :H

                                shueaddict;1162202 wrote:
                                Feeling cheery this Friday despite (just like you ,WS)-still getting cravings, still feeling like crap a lot of the time, still not losing weight.

                                But ?.keeping AF is something that just gives me joy, it?s my little inner achievement that I can?t boast about to anyone else but you, peeps.
                                One thing at a time. Everything else will fall into place. You're doing a fantastic job!

                                Twinkle Girl;1162210 wrote:
                                Flyaway - Going to start the L Glut today. Sorry, me being edgy = irritable, snappy and basically a nightmare to live with but thanks for the GABA advice. Although my DH has never realised the true extent of my probs, he is now on board although I'm keeping MWO and you special guys to myself for now.
                                Love your new avatar! And I'm glad that you brought your husband on board too.

                                Clover;1162238 wrote:

                                The retirement party for a co-worker last night was very nice. It was my first AF party in many, many years! It's funny, though .... several people encouraged me to have a glass of wine. Now just a few months ago at the office Christmas party, I got LOADED and one of the guys had to drive me home. I know people were talking about me the next day, although everyone was very nice about it and people seemed to think it was funny. But last night, I had to actually make excuses as to why I wasn't drinking. One person actually said go ahead and have some wine, I'll drive you home! I waited 'til no one was at the bar and got a glass of lemon-lime soda. Wow - now I have to sneak to NOT drink!
                                That's funny! Good job at staying sober!

                                SarahJane;1162262 wrote:

                                Had a lovely night away with my friends. They were mildly inquisitive about my non-drinking & carried on with their drinking- but they didn't go mad & it was very enjoyable. We chatted until 2am, I go up early & went for my hilly run & we all had a lovely breakfast together after. The kids all had a great time. It was my 3rd time doing the same trip over the years & my first time not drinking, but is was good. There were a few moments when I would have loved to have been sipping a glass of red, but they were only moments. And I would have gulped my way through a bottle or more & felt very sluggish the next day. But I don't drink so it doesn't matter! We spoke about my goals of running the marathon in December, they all did the half marathon last Dec with me but are not running now for different reasons. They are good friends & very supportive. I told them that if they didn't include me in anything because I wasn't drinking then I would kill them! I hate being left out, WS I really felt for you when you said your friends did that. Friendships are something that continually need to be looked at. We need to nurture them or let them go. I have a couple of 'friends' that have been a bit odd lately, one got quite aggressive that I drove to a big party & could be her drinking buddy. I wont be spending too much time with her in the future!

                                I think I am Day 21 today. I think that is my longest AF time since I came here in June. Possibly my longest AF time in years when not pregnant.
                                Fabulous job SJ! Sounds like you have great friends.

