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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Great job Cailinog! I think I try to help you because what I say helps remind me how to stave off cravings. I'm going to dinner at my sister's tonight and am a little worried. She knows, though, that I am now AF and is very supportive. I just haven't put myself in many social situations yet, so it's a bit of an unknown how strong the cravings will be.
    But I'm so glad for you. You seem to be stronger and more confident every day.
    Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Juuuuujaaaa.....sod the DH...I THINK YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! You stay strong lovely!!!! x
      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Glad you have your sister's support

        To : tonstantweader - good on you going for a meal to your sister's house. I am going to keep myself out of every social situation until I get as strong as you all. My sister has a problem with AL - she is a Night Nurse and her week off is spent downing as much Gin as she can possibly get in her mouth. Her home life doesn't help matters, but I suppose like all of us, it helps when someone drinks with us. So I guess I won't be calling to her house for a little while ! I still cannot believe that I have woken up on DAY 4 still AF. I know it is one day or hour at a time but I feel a little bit positive today. I have to stop gazing into the future and worrying about going on holidays (if we ever win the Lotto that is).

        Love to you with loads of jelly tots !!



          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hi Lovely Ladies,
          Am just packing up a delicious picnic for a big family day out, after doing my 8 mile run this morning to celebrate my 30 days!
          You are all doing great, will catch up properly later.
          SJ xxx :groupluv:

          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Passed another milestone last night with dinner at my sister's. Usually, I start in on the wine right away and have a glass in my hand the whole time. This time, since she knew I am not drinking anymore, she didn't even offer me one or anyone else. I had to tell her I was fine with other people drinking (there were only five of us so it wasn't like it was a party). It was a bit hard to see the cold beers and know there was wine nearby, but I made it through and luckily no one drank very much.

            Here's the strange thing I noticed: My sister had two boxes of wine in her refrigerator left over from a vacation we took together last June. JUNE! That wine wouldn't have lasted a week in my house. It was another wake up call as to how non-alcoholics drink.

            Good for you SJ! 30 days is great!
            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              TO: Sarah Jane - well done you on your 30 days. I think you have become more positive every day from reading your posts.
              TO: tonstantweader - was thinking of you all yesterday evening. Delighted you stayed AF. Just like you, I see all the things happening around me that would have involved drink and am amazed that we have come this far. The two containers in your sister's house would have kept me smiling for a week !!!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hello all!

                :teeter:Hello Ladies!

                It's been a while since I posted here, but I spent a little time catching up and you are all doing great!

                SJ... super job on 30 days
                Juja... what can I say... we have come a long way together. I dont want to get everyone on the husband rant again but I have a few things to share.. I'll try to keep it short:

                I have also been married almost 20 years... almost half my life... and he is 10 years older. We have had a pretty good marriage overall (lots of ups and downs- many more downs lately). I am very independant, have a successful career and 2 great boys. Now that I am clear headed I really think he let me drink as much as I did to give me a "handicap". He didn't pour the stuff down my throat, but supplied me with case after case of wine... as fast as I could drink it. Which for the past few years was pretty dam fast. A case would run out in a week ,and bam... another case (or two) showed up. I teased he was the "wine fairy"... how thoughful... NO how destructive.

                It wasn't until I started having a glass (or three) on the patio BEFORE work in the afternoon that he started to say something. I don't think he purposely was trying to "harm" me. I do know he needed to be far less accountable for his actions, motivation, chores, basically everything while I was in the previous state I was in.

                Now clearheaded and not quite AF, but close to it. Things are so much better. There is so much better balance. I am in control of my household and he can't say boo about my behavior (mostly ).

                So... thats my two cents ... thanks for listening! Yes, we are conquering this moster together!

                All the best,
                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Happy Sunday Ladies! I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm running around today and will check in later.
                  SJ - CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 DAYS!!!!!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Well done, SJ! It sounds like you have a lovely day planned to celebrate!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hi lovely ladies, just wanted to say a quick hello. Just got back from family day at seaside and need to wash the beach out my hair. We sat on the pier soaking up the sunshine and I vividly remembered sitting in the same spot last year trying desperately to hold it together as I was so hungover!! My DH was obviously oblivious to my reminiscing and although it's still early days (14 AF) I can't believe I've come this far and feel so energised. My family are very confused but certainly not complaining!!

                      SJ - Well done on 30 days, hope you are celebrating in style. It must be an incredible feeling to know you've cracked it.

                      Caili - Bravo!! You made it through Sat night AF and that in itself is a huge achievement - you showed the 'wine monster' whose boss and proved you CAN kick those beastly cravings into touch - every AF day you get under your belt will make you stronger and more determined as you enjoy living life to the full with your family. The 'voice' is only trying to tempt you because you've chosen to shut the door on him - BANG!!

                      Beaut L - How was the party? Whether it's good or bad keep posting, we're all in this together and here to support whatever.


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        The Best Hello from a Sober Sunday Night

                        Well Girlies - made it to DAY 4 AF. Few sticky moments this evening but here I am at 9.14 pm on Sunday night getting ready to drink a cup of coffee and this might be too much information, but I had sex with my husband last night and for the first time in years, I was sober and can remember kissing him. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the shame of it. Here's to DAY 5 with the help of my new found family all over the world.

                        Your support is my new lifeline.



                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Today (day 7) has been really hard. It's the afternoon where I am and I feel on the verge of tears thinking I can't have wine tonight. I have to remember that the comfort of wine is a lie. If I give in tonight, I'll feel such regret tomorrow. So, not having wine tonight is not a "can't"...I'm choosing not to!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            @Allybee, I know just how you feel...I'm on Day 4. Is there some way you can treat yourself (with the money you've saved being AF for 7 days)? Something you like but usually bypass because of the cost.

                            One of my issues after all this drinking is that I've gotten out of touch with what I want or love. Doesn't that sound silly? Who knows what it will turn out to be. But I do love eating shellfish, which can be very expensive, so I went -- not to the grocery but the high-end fishmonger -- to buy scallops and lobster, made them in my AF apt and scarfed them down! Dee-lish and yummier than two-buck Chuck...

                            Maybe you'd like shoes I'm assuming you're female), or a premium cable channel, a facial, something small for your home, a movie, concert tickets, some earrings? All I can say is my hat's off to you for 7 days!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Stay strong my buddy - we need each other Allybee !!!!!!!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Thanks, Crimsons (and yay! 4 days!!). That's exactly what I'll do. All week, I've been doing more elaborate skin care as a way of relaxing before bed without AL (doubly nice to not have a puffy face from drinking!), so maybe I'll go get something for that. A little extra pampering helps!

                                I think you're right about losing touch with what you love when drinking becomes such a focus. I used to budget my calories to make sure I had enough to drink wine. This week, I've allowed myself to eat some things I haven't in awhile and it's been nice.

