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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Well it's 4:30 p.m. and we still have electricity although the power has been flikering on and off. I'm drinking a cup of coffee and getting ready to take a ride down to the water to take a look. Already got a call from my neighbors for the "hurricane party"....crabs, sirloin, veggie tray, ham, etc....and of course drinks. Honestly, we probably won't go.
    SJ - I love the new avatar....everyone changing theirs makes me feel like changing mine but I love Marilyn, so I think I'll leave it alone for awhile. 9 miles is absolutely incredible....have you had any weight loss? I can relate to communicating with the hubby.....we used to drink wine, talk, listen to music, etc....and it is kind of strange for me too. I've been reading alot of books lately. Also, you are right, I need to find another goal. I'll give it some thought.
    Clover - That quote pretty much sums things up for me too! Thanks for the words of encouragement. How are things going with your son?

    Have a good evening everyone!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      tonstantweader;1169607 wrote: Juja,
      Ok, here it is: my new avatar. Dorothy Parker with her head in her hands. She first coined the phrase "tonstant weader," so she is really more appropriate than W the P.
      I was wondering if you'd use Dorothy as your avatar. I was struck by Sylvia Plath for a moment, but decided against her; I wanted something upbeat. Huge difference between the oven and bubble gum.
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Tonstant, how right you are about Dorothy. I read her biography many years ago and it was tragic how a person of her intelligence and talent ended up ... a broken, sick boozer. A good reminder for me, too!

        WS, I'm just glad to see you keep coming back. After all, you got this thread started for us. And if I do happen to slip, I want to always feel welcomed here. Lord knows, I'm ripe for getting rip-roaring drunk tonight! Things are not better with my son. Physically, he's coming along. But now ... to put the icing on the cake .... my daughter is SO fed and disgusted with him that she gets angry at ME if I even suggest something like the 3 of us having lunch, which I did today. So, I had a huge blow-up with BOTH of them this afternoon! My head has been pounding since then and my stomach is in a knot. I'd prefer to be sitting smack dab on the Jersey shore than where I am right now! I know the oblivion that a bottle or two of wine would provide tonigh, but things would be ten times worse tomorrow.

        I'm sorry to be so glum, ladies. It does sometimes feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle, trying to have this so-called great new life.


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Sorry to hear so many of you are having family issues. I am in a pretty good place with family, especially husband. He lives in one part of the house, and I live in the other. We have dinner together most nights and pretty much go our separate ways. Works great!!

          You're right, though, Clover, drinking won't help matter at all. I've quoted this before somewhere on MWO, but it may bear repeating: "Nothing is so bad a drink won't make it worse."

          We're having some effects from Irene, but I'm sure nothing like WS is having. My sister also made it off the Eastern shore so I'm glad about that. I have heard officials may close the Bay Bridge if winds get too high.

          I'm drinking a yummy cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and NO peppermint schnapps!
          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            WS you have the best avatar-no need to change it! Sadly no weight loss but that is because I am eating too much! Have started a food diary & am going to cut back a bit there. Have to be careful not to feel deprived or get too hungry as I am fortunate not to crave AL- but could if I get low blood sugars. I put on weight training for both the half marathons last year. Have 20 pounds to lose but even a couple would be lovely!
            And on the husband department I have been thinking a lot about that too. He was out for the day yesterday & I was watching some Tony Robbins relationship stuff & it made me think about things a little differently. When he came home I tried more to connect with him & went & sat on the couch after dinner with him, rather than on the computer. We got on much better & I realize that if I am more open then he will be too. Maybe he has been a bit threatened by the changes I have made which makes him act defensive. Will keep trying anyway.
            Clover I am sorry family life is still challenging for you. You are doing great to stay AF so stay strong & mind yourself.
            TW hang on to that husband. It would be lovely to have my own living space- too many kids at the moment for that. I love having my own office in town, it is mine to do what I like in- well mostly work but it is my space.
            Hi to everyone else-have run out of time here.

            Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
            SJ xxx :groupluv:

            'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hi all you Brave Ladies - I made it to DAY 8 AF : was feeling really hopeful and then what happened. 9.57pm Night 8 AF Thursday - 4 glasses of white wine down my neck as quick as my two hands and mouth would allow. Woke up Friday totally sickened with myself. Went Friday AF. Saturday went to the beach and the husband had 2 beers with his dinner in a lovely restaurant and what did I do last night to celebrate a great day - another 3 glasses down my neck. So ladies, here I am 4.08 pm Sunday afternoon in Ireland wondering how in the name of God did I let this happen. I will be staying close over the next few hours with you all : keep posting, keep AF.

              Love to all and here's to Sunday being another DAY 1


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                We've all slipped at one point, so don't beat yourself up too badly. At least you didn't go on a total binge and you managed to stop yourself after a few glasses. This is why I know that I can't moderate, though. When I have tried to drink just a couple of glasses one night I want more after just a day or two and then I am back on the binge train. But it took me several tries to get to where I am now, and I am still just shy of four weeks.
                The important thing is that you are back here and ready to go again. Also, remember that those 8 days are still great and this slip-up doesn't detract from what you have already accomplished.
                Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Hi Ladies, just returned from 2 BBQ's with all our usual drinking buddys and can't believe I managed to resist an AL drink. Wasn't interrogated too badly either! I drove to the first one so had the excuse up my sleeve that I was driving to the next bash - it felt all wrong turning up with a bottle of wine then handing it over knowing full well I couldn't go near it! Feel absolutely drained now although somewhat liberated!! My DH has been supporting me and has also abstained for the last 3 weeks but I actually encouraged him to drink today 1. Because our friends would def think something suspicious was up if we both weren't drinking & 2. Because I've only ever offered to drive us a couple of times in the last 20 years so this was a new experience for both of us!!

                  Caili - You mustn't be cross with yourself over a slight blip - put it behind you and move on. You can't change what happened yesterday so just focus on the here and now. You have already proved you CAN do it. Are you able to discuss your intentions with you DH and get him on board? 3 Weeks ago my DH didn't even know I had challenged myself to 30 days (& beyond) AF. He still doesn't know the full extent about my unhealthy relationship with wine but at least he knows enough to support me. He's had 3 or 4 beers this afternoon and is now making us a cup of tea - how do 'normal' drinkers know when to stop? if I'd had the same freedom a few weeks ago I'd be half way through my second bottle of wine without a second thought and that's a fact!!

                  Clover - Sorry you're having a tough time mediating between your children. Let's hope they sit up and listen now you've had it out with them and appreciate your feelings a bit more. Kids! Who'd have 'em?!!

                  SJ - Don't worry about the food thing you could be putting a lot worse things into your body. With all your training I'm sure it won't be long before you see a difference. I have often hidden myself away in my office while DH watches TV on his lonesome but I'm going to join him on the couch now and do my best to appear interested in whatever he's watching (so long as it's not football!!).

                  Wishing everyone a relaxed Sunday evening and hope you ladies in the US are staying safe from Irene x


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Oh Guys - only for you all. Thank you for believing in me.
                    tonstantweader - like you Girl, I know I cannot moderate. One bottle tonight and sure what the hell, might as well get another tomorrow just because !
                    Twinkle Girl - my DH does not know the full extent of my wine battle. The poor man just tries to support me no matter what. Whether it is the latest diet or the 5 miles a day walk ! One thing that did surprise me was last Thursday evening (Day 8) when I was on the straight and narrow - he said, "God, it must be over a week since you had a glass of wine !" - like he was really proud of me. Then what did I do to celebrate : drank the blasted poison.

                    I do know Girls - it is all or nothing with me. I want nothing with AF and all with life. I think I can do it. I hope I can. I am only 36 but sometimes Girls - it feels like the battle has been going on a lifetime.

                    Love you all with jelly tots from Ireland,



                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Good Afternoon, Ladies!

                      This has certainly not been the best of weekends for me, and I'm actually glad it's just about over. I nearly allowed the bullshit going on with my 21-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter to drive me over the edge. But if I drank, Lord only knows what I would have said to the two of them. They're both at their dad's house on Sundays, and I probably would have stormed over there, really loaded, and started bellowing at everyone. But I remembered what a typical Sunday afternoon used to be like for me - opening up a bottle of wine at around 1 or 2 o'clock and being good and sloshed by dinner, at which time I'd usually fall asleep on the couch instead of eating. And then there would be that Monday morning back to work horribly hung over. Well, this weekend sucked but I'm sober; not in the greatest mood, but sober. It is hard to deal with emotions that I used to hide from in a wine haze. But I know that for me it's like the saying, "One is too many and a thousand is never enough." I honestly am baffled at how anyone can moderate .... and I don't want to even try.

                      It's good to see everyone here. I hope you all have a peaceful, serene and sober Sunday evening!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hello all!

                        Clover, my old Sundays were a mirror image of yours! So happy to be sober today as well. I had a slip up last week for really no reason at all but quickly got back on track.

                        I have been sick with the flu the past few days except this time nursed it with tea and OJ... Not the bottles of wine that I thought would "make me feel better" the last tome I was sick. Arrhhhhh.

                        The cravings are still there and at one point today I even opened my liquor cabinet... Not even sure what I was looking for? All the favorites are long gone.

                        Best of luck everyone with all your dealing with and a sober Sunday to all!

                        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Hi, ladies,

                          Clover>So glad you kept it together and didn't drink because of your your children--major success. I'd be batty by now. Keep putting your health first, and try not to let them pull you into the riptide with them.

                          cailinog>We've all done what you've done. Give yourself a break. You're doing the right thing by being here and posting. We're with you.

                          Twink>Great job!

                          Everyone>I'm having cravings, too. Hate them. Gotta stay strong.

                          Shue's on vacation, right? Anyone heard from Queenbug or Dudeabides?

                          It's a beautiful, stunning day here in western VA. Strong winds, but my laundry dried quickly on the clothes line. (Yes, I still do that. I love the smell of clothes dried outside.) Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned in preparation for leaving on our upcoming vacation. I've been so busy lately that I've let the house go. I like to live in a clean and neat environment--- maybe because my mind is so wacky! Thought I was going to need a shovel to get rid of the cat hair.

                          Had the day to myself, then DH came home, and I got irritated. I didn't have children because I didn't get the maternal gene; maybe I shouldn't have married? Jeez, where'd that come from? Maybe simply longing for some time to myself...?

                          Have a nice evening, everyone.
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Morning Girls - Clover, how brave are you not to have fallen off the wagon and try and deal with your children ???!. It is hard though : my 11 and 10 year olds nearly drove me mental last week and only for these postings, I would have fallen off the wagon before I got to day 8.

                            Well I truly am back on the wagon : DAY 1. Children all to school on Thursday, the youngest is starting so loads of excitement. First time in years that I have covered school books sober. Stay strong and AF : we will do this with each other's help and encouragement.

                            Love to all,



                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hello my girls,

                              Finally got the ipad to myself ... And stable wifi. Hubby and son went for another 9 holes.

                              Arghhh ....i drank every day since wednesday ... I got into a trifecta of triggers : PMS from hell for like ... 4 days, super stress in work and then finally going on holiday. That' no excuse but frankly my willpower left me and I felt really out of whack because of my hormones. My lovely clear skin after so many AF days broke into full on teenage pimple face. To add to my depression i put on 2 kilos in about 4 days so smth is really wrong.

                              But enough with the whining, our heavy drinking golf friends are going home today, back to AF it is. I still don't feel like running but I enjoy playing lots of golf. We'll go to Greece in a few days and I bought myself super swimm goggles.

                              Sorry for the lack of personal messages, just to say that I love the new avatars, good luck to the back to school moms, Irene ... and, of course, dealing with the hubbys.

                              Kisses from me

                              Big hugs to you all,
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Aw, Shue, I'm so sorry things have gone to sh*t. Don't worry, we're here, and won't give up on you--ever!!! :l


                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

