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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF


    Keep it up. I bet it's nice to be on holiday without getting drunk everyday, and actually being able to take in everything, or not sleep away half the day because you're drunk. I wouldn't know, but hope to find out begining this weekend.

    Keeping you close,

    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Hi girls,
      Thanks for the good wishes about my husband, Unfortunately, the heart attack was just a major warning. One of his arteries is 80-90% blocked and another is partially blocked so it's bypass time for us. I thought about not posting here because it takes up quite a bit of my time, which I have little of now, but figured that drifting away from here has not been good for others and I don't want to risk letting the pressure goad me into a relapse.
      Sot, As turnagain, said you took the first step by coming here. Get as much information as you can about drinking and the negative things it does to you. Then make a plan. It sounds a bit as if you are in a drinking culture, and that can be hard to overcome but it can be dealt with. Can you get your husband to join you in at least cutting down on the weekend binges? Again, let us know what we can do.
      Twink, my 30 days are up Thursday and my plan is to just keep going. I don't think there is anything magic in the 30 day number. It's still one day at a time and going forward, not backward.
      Juju, yes it has been beautiful now that Irene is gone. Hope you are doing well.
      Shue, good for you. Take your Greece trip as a challenge that you can enjoy your vacation just as much without booze as with it.
      Turnagain, thanks for the good wishes. Yes, it is a second chance. He needs to give up gin and cigars, which won't be hard for him as he does not have the 'addict" gene, but mostly he needs to give up the fatty foods. He's a pretty determined person, though, so I think he will be ok with lifestyle changes.
      SJ, My suspicion is that lots of our drinking buddies may also be hiding problems too, and seeing someone give it up can be inspiring. It's great that they see you as a positive role model.
      Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Good morning Ladies! It has been a little while since I have ported, even though I have been hear reading a looking around. I am sending best wishes to everyone out there!!
        Ally- thank you for your thoughts the other day. I am doing very well, and looking forward to an AF Sept., Oct., and beyond...However, tonst-- you did say it brilliantly.. "It's still one day at a time and going forward, not backward." And I also send you and your family my best!
        caili-- Sending you much love, sweetheart!

        Have a wonderful day!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          WS hope you are having a good holiday, am missing you here.
          TW you are so good to be here supporting others when you have so much going on. You are the best.

          My gang have just come in from school so I must feed the starving troop- hope everyone is having a great September so far!
          SJ xxx :groupluv:

          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Tonst - Well done on reaching 30 days - it is just a number but a great foundation to build upon, slowly and steadily. Hope your HB is comfortable, sounds like he gets his determination from his dear wife - you are a great inspiration and although your time is precious you're here giving valuable support - amazing!!.

            Juja/Shue - Hope you are having the best hols - kick back and relax!! How are those non AL cocktails doing?

            SJ - Like you, I've been doing a lot of fitness/running lately and feel so fab it's hard to believe I am the same person I was almost a month ago. The buzz I get from exercise and a clear head each morning far outweighs anything wine ever did for me. However, my 30 days is up on Sun and although I have no cravings or inclination to drink my brain is saying 'you've proved you can do it, a couple of glasses can't hurt' and I'm not sure how to deal with it. Part of me wants to accept the challenge to see if I can moderate but my sensible head is saying 'why fix what aint broke'. Are you still having these thoughts? I've focused on quality time with the kids for the last month but now they're back at school I'm afraid I'll have plenty of free time to start debating and rationalising with myself again and I remember how tiring that is!!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hey Ladies....I've been w/o power for 5 days...I'm on my neighbors computer so I'll be brief.

              SJ....thank you!!!! I've missed you guys also!

              Twinkle - You are doing amazing; however, if I could give one word of advice - if you are doing okay and you haven't misssed the AL, don't try to moderate...why play with fire? Honestly, I think it only gets worse!

              Good Night and hopefully I will have electricity and can check back in tomorrow.



                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hi guys - had to change our land line number and it completely banjacksed our broadband connection since last Tuesday ! I have missed loads of news with you all and I have missed all of your support. I hope you are still all doing great : I fell off the wagon, got back on, then fell off again. I can't seem to get my head into the right place, but I did it before, and I hope to God I can do it again. Stay safe and stay AF : love reading all your posts.



                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Great to have you back Caili- we have all been worried about your absence.
                  Don't worry about that wobbly wagon- just stay right here with us all & you will be fine. I had loads of Day 1's before finally 'getting it'. Would never have done long without the awesome support here.
                  At New Years this year I decided I would stop drinking for the year. I lasted 2 days!!!

                  WS I hope you have your power back.
                  Must do dinner- have a lovely Friday night everyone.
                  SJ xxx :groupluv:

                  'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    I've been off board for awhile, as I'm seeing to odds and ends before we leave--which is any moment. I should have made this site a priority, but didn't, so wish me luck.

                    I'll miss you all, and hope everyone's doing well--haven't had time to read through posts. Leaving the computer behind, too, so I won't be keeping up. Stay strong!

                    Talk when I return.

                    XOXO Juja :lipstick:
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      BEAUTIFUL! I was wondering about you and hoping you were okay! Thanks for the drop in. I want to hear more about what you have been doing.

                      Caili - good to hear from you again, too. The wagon always has a latch for you to grab onto and pull yourself back in. Plenty of room here. We've missed you.

                      MIA - call out? Flyaway and Daisy45....where are you? Hope all is well!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Juja...4me and all others heading out on 'Holiday'....I'm sending good energy your way. Hoping you can meet your goals of staying AF while away. It can be quite the empowering experience that can send you soaring in your journey. AND...believe can have FUN. Really!!!!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Twinkle- I have the 'a couple of drinks wont hurt' thoughts quite regularly. Then I remind myself why I came here, reread my 1st post & get on with it. I am just back from a 10 miles run- there is NO way I could have ever done that when I was drinking. 14 weeks today I will be running my first marathon. We are all capable of incredible things, but for me AL was getting in my way bigtime.

                          TW- I am praying your husband will be ok after the surgery, I know from another thread that he has had serious complications in recovery. Take care, sending you lots of love.

                          Turn- it was great to read what you said about holidays- I am yet to have an AF one but think it could be amazing. Also- Mia & Daisy have posted on the Sensational September thread (Focus on Fitness). Would love to hear from Fly?

                          I am going to a huge party tonight- my first AF one. The last big party I went to I had 3 glasses of beer which was ok then, but don't want to have to start all over again. Am feeling fine about it as lots of my friends now know I don't drink anymore- but will still be a bit strange. I am determined to enjoy myself & have great fun chatting to lots of people, without waking up tomorrow with that panic about what I said to who, or trying to do mental calculations of how many glasses of wine I drank. Will report back tomorrow- which is my 46th birthday.
                          SJ xxx :groupluv:

                          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Just a quick note. I am doing well but my husband has had complications from heart bypass and is very sick. So glad I am not drinking and cravings have subside. That would not have made this situation better. All three of our kids are here even our Canadian daughter so that helps. We have a good support group too since two of our kids live in DC and have friend support.
                            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Tonst - So sorry to hear about your husband and glad you have your family around for support.Sending you best wishes and prayers for him to get better soon.

                              WS - Hope you are now with power and thanks for the advice. You are right about playing with fire, I don't want to go back to the gloom and despondency I felt before going AF and need to keep reminding myself of that.

                              SJ - Fitness queen extraordinaire - Wow, 14 weeks until your marathon, how inspirational is that and I fully intend to follow in your footsteps. Managed a half marathon a few years back (not sure how!!) but fitness is high on my priority list and AL must stay bottom (or below bottom!!). I've come this far so just need to grin and bear any cravings and get on with it. Talking of grinning & bearing it - my in-laws are expected any minute now so need to go and 'paint' that smile on!!

                              Love to you all x


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hi Guys,

                                It's been a bit quiet round here in the last few days - hope you're all well and those of you on hols having a fab time and not finding things too tricky?! Thinking of you Shue, soaking up the sun while the rain pours down here - good old british weather, I think we can safely say winter's on it's way!!|

                                Tonst - How are you all bearing up? Hope your HB is making good progress and you're keeping strong.

                                My 30 days AL free came and went at the weekend. I initally thought I deserved a treat for completing my challenge but my treats have often come in the forms of wine so decided against that as I'm not sure about moderating yet or even if it's an option!! I really don't want to fall back into bad habits so am just going to stick with the exercise, vits and take one day at a time. Booked myself in for a training session at the gym this Fri evening to try and keep me away from old triggers and habits so feeling pretty confident at the mo. Must dash, time for the school run but wishing you all a safe and sober week. xx

