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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Hi all...looking forward to catching up with everyone after the loooooong weekend. are constantly on my mind...hoping your hubby continues to heal.

    WS - how the power restoration going? Do you have a lot of clean up to do?

    SarahJane...HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY! May this next year of your the best yet!

    Twink...Way to celebrate your first 30 days! I've been indulging in all sorts of treats for myself and others with the money I've saved from not drinking or smoking. I've now acquired 3 giant new puppy....and a load of healing and, as the ad would have it...Priceless! I've been able to make some donations AND have started a savings sub-account to collect what I once spent everyday on my addictions. Before I wiped it out with my latest congratulatory spending spree...I had more than $700! Ca-ching-a-ling-a-ling!
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Hi and thanks for the good thoughts. Husband had another setback yesterday morning - another cardiac arrest. He is in critical condition in ICU but he had a better day today. Wish I had time and energy to comment on everyone's posts. So, so glad I am not drinking!
      Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        I'm so sorry, Tonstant. What a horrible time for you. I've been reading your posts from the first day you logged on, and have been amazed by your strength. You've never waivered once. What a miracle that you were able to get sober in time to deal with your husband's very scary health issues with a clear head, and no regrets that you are not fully there for him and your family. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts.
        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hello lovelies,

          Greece was fab – I have a great tan, slept wonderfully and managed long swims every day. No weight loss, but no weight gain either.

          I managed 2 days AF on Greek island soil ( record, really) and the rest I drank in “moderation” – 2-3 drinks a day. But it was sooooo hard stopping at that. I swear everybody around me was ordering beer or cocktails since noon. In the days that I drank half my thinking time was occupied by “when shall I order the first drink? what shall I have?, better have 2 glasses of water now after that cocktail, the couple next to us just ordered 2 glasses of white, I wonder if it’s any good, I wonder if they have ouzo in the minibar, while hubby is asleep I may have time to down a margarita by the bar … Argghhhhh .. I could go on and on …

          Moderation, my foot!!! I have to come clean and confess that the #1 reason I stayed sober is the lack of AL in the minibar, #2 is refusing to drink on the sly.

          One day at a time still, but going forward …

          Tons – many many good thoughts to you and hope your hubby gets better. Also, congrats for your iron will and not touching the poison.

          SJ – Happy belated birthday! I think the 10 mile run is possibly the best present you could give yourself. You are truly inspirational. (I hope Fly gets the helps she needs with the migraines and joins us soon)

          Juja, my friend cat lover (I have 2 kitties too), I hope that you are stuffing your face with lobster and manage to stay off the vino collapse. After all you have been through I hope you get a good rest.

          Twink – Hooray for 30 days and keeping going. You have such good energy.

          Caili – I am back on the wagon with you

          WS – I hope you get your power back on and let us know how you are

          Turn – I was saving for Jimmy Choos but ended up giving the money to a friend in need (suffering from an Alcoholic hubby) – but now the jar is full again and might treat myself to a new pair of heels
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            soda, lime & sunset

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1659856=6395-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1659856=6394-attachment.jpg[/img]
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hello Ladies! I've been gone for awhile. First we had Irene and I actually had to stay in a hotel for 4 days. Then we went on vacation and I just got back today. Glad to see everyone is still hanging in there.

              Well along came vacation and off the wagon I went but not too bad for the most part. I have to say that I did much better than I would have in the past. I didn't sneak any AL and once we got there, I didn't buy any additional AL which was a miracle. So now, I don't know where I am in all of this because I think I was only able to moderate for the reasons I just stated. It could have gone the other way. I'm off for a couple of more days so I'm not drinking.

              Hope everyone has a great evening. I'll check back in tomorrow.


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Welcome Back, WS!!!!!

                Glad you made it through Irene AND vacation relatively unscathed.

                Looking forward to more details?
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  I would love to do the 30 day challenge with you, my story like at night most of weekend days..gotto stop lets do it together


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hi Ladies,

                    WS - Good to have you back & hope you enjoyed your vacation. It's great that you were able to moderate and set yourself boundaries that you stuck to but it sounds like you have a bit of a dilemma on your hands about AL going forward. After completing my 30 days, I stupidly fell off the wagon on Thurs night at a school open evening would you believe! Wine and nibbles were served and just that one small glass had me stopping at the wine store on the way home and that was that! Bottle one down, Fri, bottle two+ down, Sat Party and boy, did I let my hair down, can't remember getting home & yesterday polished off what wine was left as I felt so miserable and despite all the vits etc, those cravings reappeared. HB tried to talk to me about it yesterday but once again those old defence shutters came up and I snapped that 'everybody has a glass of wine with their Sunday roast' - didn't mention the 3 that had already slipped down my throat!!

                    I wish I'd been stronger and stuck to your advice about 'not playing with fire' as it does only get worse, however I now need to learn from this and get back on the wagon again. I had so much good energy over the last month and now I feel like I'm back at square one feeling lousy and cross with myself.

                    Anyway, hope you're all doing better than me and wishing you a bright week ahead.


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hey everyone....thanks for the welcome back. Has anyone heard from Clover or SJ? I haven't seen a post from them in awhile.

                      Turn - We went to the beach and had a wonderful time. It was sunny almost everyday and very relaxing. I read books and slept late which was awesome!

                      Oski - Welcome. Yes, lets do this.....30 days (it will be my second time). You can do this....that damned wine just causes so many problems, it isn't worth it!

                      Twinkle - You hit the nail on the head....I am in a dilema. I was able to moderate for the most part but it's a slippery slope back to hell and I'm getting off before its too late! Looks like we both had to learn a lesson so now lets get back on track, starting today. I'll make every effort to come here and post daily. We've done it before we can do it again but we should set a new goal for ourselves......60 days??? Let me know what you think.


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        I really want 30 days and the rest ? I have been trying on and off for a few months now, but getting a little more determined. I have managed 22 days out of a month and 21 days last month, so it really isn?t too much more ? but I find an excuse to have one glass, which becomes a bottle, and continues on for a few days!
                        I have not been checking into MWO enough and that is part of my plan ? then I see a couple on here committing to 30 days starting today ? so count me in too please!!! It is a great support to have peole on the same team ? I really wanted to start Sept 1st, but had excuses to drink until Saturday when I realized how much I had slipped back 0 so today is day 2 and loving it!!!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Scottish Lass - So good to hear from you! Yes, yes, yes......let's stay on track for 30 days. If you can do 21, you can do 30! Like I said before, I need a new goal so my goal is 60 days but I'll be here with you during your 30 day quest (and beyond if you chose to continue). I plan on making every attempt to check in daily and stay on top of things. I started this thread then dropped out for about 2 weeks due to loss of power and vacation and of course I thought I could moderate but now know that it's a danger zone for me.


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            WS - Yep I think we both needed to dip our toe in the water (or wine in our case!) out of curiosity - moderation is still an attractive idea for me but as I have recently discovered, not an option!! It is indeed a very slippery slope which we don't need. I'm going to try another 30 days (day 2 today) as I know it's a realistic target for me and then try and build on that. Off we go again!!

                            Scottish Lass - You are doing so well building up your AF weeks - welcome aboard the 30 day (& beyond) challenge - you can do this and the support on this thread is amazing, it's what got me through my first month AL in 20 years. Check in and post as often as you can, it will help build up your determination to get those first 30 days under your belt.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Good Morning everyone! I'm still on vacation and don't go back to the office until Thursday. I had a nice walk with my neighbor this morning. Now I'm drinking coffee and eating breakfast and getting ready to go to yoga class. I started an herbal cleanse last night....hoping it removes all the toxins from my body....I also bought a dry brush which is supposed to do the same thing.

                    's Day 2 for me also, so that shoulld help keep us on track together.

                              Hope everyone has an awesome day.........I'll check back in later.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hello, WS, it's good to see you back! I'm still around and visit here every day, just haven't been posting much.

                                I'm still not drinking and things are finally starting to get better in a lot of ways. I just got home from work and am off to get my "hair did" but will try to come back later.

                                I hope every has a peaceful, sober night!

