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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Good Morning Everyone! Went for a nice walk again this morning with my neighbor on my last day of vacation! Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to going back to the office tomorrow.

    Clover - Good to see you are still here and not drinking.

    Well, off to clean the house (not such an exciting vacation day) then going for a bike ride. I'll check in later.


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Hi all,
      WS lovely to have you back. I hope you had a good break away.

      Have been mad busy with work & kids so haven't been here much lately. Actually got really fed up & bored with being AF last weekend & poured myself a nice cold beer (wouldn't trust myself with a sip of red wine). But it tasted revolting, I spat it out & poured it down the drain! Am over that phase now & delighted- but will be careful.

      Have a great day everyone- must get back to work.
      SJ xxx :groupluv:

      'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hello ladies,
        What is said here so resonates with me, esp. WineSucks - not drinking enough for rehab, but enough to be miserable! That is SO true!! Especially the extra weight part! When I'm AF, I actually lose a pound a week!

        I'm exhausted with the self-loathing and my bouncing back and forth here at MWO since 2007!!

        Thank you for letting me feel less alone!!

        "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Evening Girls,

          Day 3 nearly down but going through that initial irritable stage while my body adjusts to being AL free again. Planning a skiing hol should be an enjoyable experience but as I'm feeling agitated I'm finding fault with every suggestion my DH makes so we've halted discussions for the evening - poor bloke, he says black and I say white just for the hell of it!! Going to make him a cup of tea as a peace offering now and suppose I ought to have one too! (Still having trouble accepting that it is 'normal' to drink hot drinks in the evening!!)

          ZZ - Don't be hard on yourself, you're definitely not alone. At some point we've all felt 'sick and tired' of feeling 'sick and tired' which is why we're in this together whatever stage you're at. Stick with us - tomorrow's another day & let's make it an AL free one.


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hey Everyone......had a wonderful last day off. Went down to the water and was sitting on a park bench listening to the waves crash and I looked over and saw a SNAKE right next to the bench. Needless to say, I ran like I was in a marathon all the way back to my bike!

            SJ - Good going on spitting out the beer! Honestly, I could spit out beer but if I took a sip of wine, it would be party on for me!

            Zin - are NOT alone! We understand how you feel, we've all been there and some of us still go there. The important thing is that we keep coming back here. I may not be were I want to be but I'm better than where I've been! Hang in there and keep posting with us....believe me it helps!

            Twinkle - I know what you mean about being agitated! At least he is understanding. My HB irritated me last night! Maybe some hot tea will take the edge off. I'm going to get some more L-Glut. That really seemed to help me the last time.

            Talk to you lovely ladies tomorrow! Have a great evening!!!!!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Evening all - Twinkle, so agree - the warm drinks in the evening are still not working for me, and I still struggle with finding an evening alternative that works. It was very hard to drive past the store on way home tonight - but i did it - headaches today, day 4 removal of poison, so not really suprising, still feel better than before thou - 26 more days to go!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hi, all,

                I've returned from my much needed vacation, and need to confess: I drank everyday but one. I didn't get knee-walking drunk, make a fool of myself, or get sick, but I feel like a failure. Now, I have to find a way back, and the resolve isn't there. However, taking the difficult plunge of posting here is helping me feel more positive. Ah well, it'a a struggle, and we all know it's not easy. I have to make a different plan, I think. Back to day 1, I hope. (sigh)

                I haven't read too many posts, but did see that's tonst's DH is not well. Wishing you strength, tonst, and your husband, healing.

                Beautiful pictures, Shue.

                Congrats to all who are doing well.

                Missed you all very much.
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Hey Everyone....just checking before I eat dinner. My first day back at work today and it was STRESSFUL!!!!!!

                  Juja - I did the same thing on my vacation. Although I didn't get really drunk or do anything stupid, I felt the same way. I think it must be that internal prompting that's telling us that it just isn't good for us to drink. I also had a hard time stopping once I got back which just goes to show how powerful this addiction is. It's good that you came here and posted but I guess now it's time for us to pull ourselves up by the boot straps, having learned our lesson and keep on moving in the right direction. One day, we are going to be Senior Members with 5 years of sobriety under our belts helping others like Mario, Lav and Doggie Girl....something to reach for!

                  Scottish Lass - Good going on the 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! You will start feeling better physically soon, once the poison is out of your system.

                  Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful evening. It's really chilly and raining here tonight so something warm to drink actually sounds good!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Yep, vacations will do ya' in, so be careful everyone!

                    It's an absolutely stunnng morning here, and after my next cup of coffee, I'm going for a walk! Really. I used to walk 2 miles religiously, but had gotten out of the habit. I believe walking--exercise--will get the endorphins pumping, I'll feel better about myself, and will fell stronger in my fight against Al. Plus, maybe I'll lose some weight!

                    Have a sober, pleasurable weekend everyone!
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Help Ladies, I'm turning into a weekend binge drinker!! After 30 days AF I thought I had really cracked it but all I seem to have done is shifted drinking patterns!! My daughter has just started secondary school and between her and my son, joined every club going so I'm Mrs Taxi & supportive Mummy during the week and managing to stay AF - however Fri night comes along and I'm ready for some 'chill' time in the only way I know!! Not getting lagging drunk but enough to feel crap all through weekend and crave more wine, especially from Sunday lunch onwards. Why oh why do I feel wine is the only reward for running a tight family ship during the week and keeping everyone organised!! I'm Mrs perfectionist during the week (just returned from the gym) but turn into Mrs Wino who can't get anything together & feels crap all weekend!! Sorry to rant, maybe I have a split personality or just need to get some consistency back into my life!!

                      WS - I hope you have settled back into work and it's a little less stressful this week? I was wondering what kind of L-Glut you take? I bought some micronized L Glut powder as I remember SJ saying she found the powder good, however this stuff is so dry on it's own maybe it's better to take with liquid, any ideas?

                      JuJu - Keep up the walking, it will make you feel more positive and stronger about a new plan and the way forward.


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Twink--I have no words of wisdom, as I'm struggling again, too. There's something about deserving an reward that kicks in, and I'm with you. We'll have to find our way back.

                        The walking regimen went out the window, due to a death in the family, and all that brings. The funeral is today, and I wonder if I'll make it through the evening AF.

                        I've been absent due to family stressors, but am thinking about everyone, and miss the contact. Hope to back soon.
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Juju - Sorry to hear your sad news and hope you make it through the funeral OK. Take some time out to reassess....we WILL find our way back even if it takes a bit of time x


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Hello, Everyone! It's been a while since I checked in, but amazingly enough, things are going well. I finally took a look at the calendar and counted my AF days - today is 74! Incredible. The strange thing is that the last couple of months have been very, very stressful and lots of crazy sh*t has happened. I just feel so fortunate that I did not drink through any of it. Life doesn't get any easier, that's for sure; but it gets a whole lot better! Of course, the usual benefits are no hangovers, no missed work, no blackouts, etc. But one of the nicest and most unexpected things is that I am not depressed anymore! Oh, I have my anxious moments, my worrisome situations, my sad times .... but not that deep, oppressive, black depression. That was probably a matter of just getting the damned chemical/depressant know as alcohol out of my system. Anyway, I am very grateful to everyone here and I will try to post more often. I do check in every day and read, but have gotten lazy about posting. I wish you all a very nice sober evening!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Well, back to ANOTHER day 1. I'm depressed, scared and doubtful.

                              Yesterday was a doozy: my uncle's funeral, dinner at the church afterwards, took my mother to the orthopedist and back to asst'd living, saw my crazy sister's new digs, and went out to dinner with two sisters. I was doing too much, I knew, but couldn't get out of any of it. So you know what happened--4-5 drinks and bad sleep, shaky this a.m., disappointed in myself, and depressed. My family always weirds me out anyway, so that's a large part of it. I'll be okay in a couple of days once I get some rest, but no AL tonight. ODAT.

                              I'm my elderly aunt's "brain," as she calls me, so helping her with details the before, during and after falls on me. But maybe now that the funeral is over, and family have left, I can assist her alone (won't be pulled in so many directions), can be more centered, and fight the good fight.

                              Tonst, WS, Queen, Enough, Twink, Clover, et al., How is everyone? I need to catch up on posts. If anyone's more active on another thread, please pm me.

                              Love to all :lipstick:

                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hey Ladies....I was gone this weekend. Went to my brother's to help him move and being around him is a major trigger. I haven't seen him in 2 years and it was a very uncomfortable what did I do??? You guessed! So it looks like we Twinkle and Juja, it looks like we are in the same boat. Twinkle, I know exactly what you mean about shifting patterns...but it's still the same old crap with the same old crappy feelings that come along with it.

                                What can we do to get back on track.....any ideas???

