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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Tons - His book sounds like Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" but I'm going to check it out.

    Juja - I had to laugh about the little bottles.......I do the same thing! Oh, they are only mini bottles so it's not as bad as drinking a real bottle. I have to admit, I'm chuckling over here!

    Ronnie - Welcome.....we are happy to have you join us!

    Shue - I love your vacation pic! That damned vacation....My husband, who normally hates it when I drink, wanted me to drink on vacation....go figure. You are not a coward, you are just trying to work this out right now and it's not easy.

    Twinkle - I'm trying to get back on the exercise ban-wagon myself. I went to body pump Saturday and had a very active day. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow. I wanted to go this morning but I've been having a terrible time sleeping lately.


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      tonstantweader;1182905 wrote: Hello everyone,
      Just a few warnings about the Jason Vale book: although he says there is no such thing as alcoholism and alcoholics, it is really just a semantic shift. He talks about "alcohol addicts" in the same way we refer to "alcoholics." Just don't let his vocabulary put you off. His overall message and his advice on how to view alcohol is sound. Also, he tends to think that everyone who drinks either has a problem or will have a problem eventually, and I've lived long enough to know that just isn't true. In other words, I didn't necessarily buy everything he said, but his overall view of how to live life without alcohol and without feeling as if you are being deprived of something that is toxic remains solid and probably will allow you to approach drinking differently.
      Thanks for the heads-up. I'll keep it in mind when I read the book.
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Morning all,
        I feel better about myself today and I am hoping to get to the gym tonight straight from work.
        Thanks for your support guys, this is what I need right now.
        Shue your picture is lovely
        winesucks....The first time I went to the gym I did the bodypump class....OMG I coud'nt walk properly for but you know what they say "no gain"
        Well I am going to have another coffee then get my boys sorted
        Hope you all have a great day
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hi peeps,

          Managed AF Monday home alone last night (big trigger in the past - the allure of drinking without anyone noticing was too much for me in the past) - but I must admit that not having any wine around did make it easier ... as did checking in MWO.

          Tonight I go to a fussy do for the Calvin Klein launch here - normally I would take the car to ensure I am not drinking - but since the only cool designer gear that fits me is a pair of Louboutins I cannot wreck them by walking from the car park. So taxi it is but I plan to stay AF tonight. I will take WineSuck's advice and think of the consequences of me drinking at such an event (probably drinking very little but hitting the bottle hard when I get home).

          Juja / Twinkle - I have been through crazy busy moments too most of my life - "A woman's work is never done". I worked through university, since I was 19. It is only in the past 2 months that I have actually made an effort to have some downtime as my holistic doctor begged me too. I have NEVER EVER managed to meditate - althought tried it when I was pregnant - I try now when I walk the dog, my mind simply refuses to go blisfully blank and give me a moment's peace. I have thoughts racing through my head like trains all the time - about work, family, school, son, dogs, cats, diet, clients, economy, you name it ... the only way I knew so far to tune all that out was to pour enough wine in my head to cover it all ...

          I must admit that I do not have the patience for the hypnosys CDs (again, because you need to focus ONLY on that ...) But somehow the combo of hiking + the flower hobby seems to help a little and I feel less overwhelmed by it all.

          catch up with you later
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            WS - I read Allen Carr's book 'The Easy Way to Stop Drinking' during one of my desperate moments a few years ago. It was full of sound practical advice and afterwards I remember thinking why would anyone want to pour that poison down their necks? - it's just common sense!! Here I am 5 years later, still trying to figure out how to apply that 'common sense' in my life. As we all know here, that's the tricky bit!! Sorry to hear you haven't been sleeping well and hope the exercise helps. Have you started taking L-Glut again? I'm still taking the All In One Vits & Powder L Glut - although I have a healthy diet its good to know I'm replenishing my body with plenty of extra vits that AL may have depleted over the years and it ironically makes me feel I'm looking after my body!!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hey girls, how is everyone doing?

              I have been on and off the wagon in the past week but overall OK.

              I realize my journey to sobriety might be longer than I thought ... breaking that well ingrained habit of hitting the bottle for each occasion takes time . I have found ways to deal with a lot of my triggers - but still have others to crack.

              Not giving up though ...
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hey Shue - Good to see you on here....I haven't heard from anyone in awhile. I'm hanging in there. For the most part I've been pretty good but like you said, its a longer journey than I though it would be. I gues Rome wasn't built in a day.

                We just need to keep on trying!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Hi Guys,

                  I've been on the wagon during the weekdays but have seriously fallen off at the weekends recently so haven't posted in a while as don't like to bring negative vibes to all of you doing so well - it makes me feel like I'm letting you down! Having said that, the AF days far outnumber the AL days so that's got to be a small positive!! I need to go back to the drawing board and reassess my POA and how to deal with my triggers. It really is an ongoing battle but I've now recovered from the weekend and it's onwards and upwards again...


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hi everyone, I haven't been posting much lately either, but have been good with the not-drinking. I know several of us have been touting Jason Vale's book almost to ad nauseum, but he has given me a different way to view alcohol and the brainwashing that society, advertising, and culture have dumped on us to convince us that drinking alcohol is actually a good thing. When I realized that alcohol really is spoiled fruit or vegetables and that the mixers are there to cover up the really awful taste I didn't want to drink. When I understood that alcohol does none of the things we think it does: cheer us up, relieve stress, taste good, relax us, make us more confident, I didn't want to drink.

                    I had a family dinner party Saturday night with two of my three kids, (poor other daughter is in the ends of the world; otherwise known as Nova Scotia), one child's significant other, my sister and her husband. Normally, I would have been well on my way to drunktown by the time dinner was served and totally drunk by the end of dinner. Instead I was bright, cheerful, happy and having a great time - without alcohol.

                    Every morning when I wake up rested, refreshed and without the fogginess I am so grateful! It is worth it, even if it has taken me several tries to get here.
                    Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF


                      at your reccomendation I am also reading Jason Vale ... I can relate to a lot, especially the stigma of quitting drinking - total proof you must be an AL abuser. I have been a closet quitter but that did not get me very far ... so I have started to share with parents, close friends, close co-workers - since all of them care for me, I think, they have been positive and supportive. But I cannot help feeling that others would sneer behind my back and say that I have a problem ... Which I actually do .. but it still hurts to think that people would think that while being very supportive with cigarette quitters .

                      sorry for rambling, I have a horrible cold and my head feels wooly ...

                      Twinkle, sweetie, I feel the same way ... I am almost ashamed to confess my drinking sins, but I also think that it is important ( in the spirit if frankness and accountability) - so here it goes: forgive me peeps for I have sinned, it has been 5 days since my last confession - no AF achieved, 1 hangover after having my wisdom tooth pulled out ( talk about a black out) - then got the flu and had 2 glasses of red each day.

                      winesucks - yes, I am taking it easier, this is not just about quitting drinking, it is about re-organizing my life in such a way that I am centered and happy. And I am happier with less and less drink.
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        I think the fact that alcohol addicts feel they have to justify their quitting was one of the biggest eye openers for me in Vale's book. Why should we have to justify wanting to stop putting poison in our system when everyone else keeps getting a free pass on drinking?
                        I'm glad you are reading the book. I am actually re-reading it to make the points stick even further. I am a bit troubled by his lack of medical knowledge (for instance, I believe it is pretty well established that alcohol addicts have a physiological difference that makes them more addicted-prone), but his overall message is still solid: We have been brainwashed into believing that life will be miserable if we can't drink when the opposite is the truth.
                        Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Hi, all,

                          I haven't read or posted for awhile because it seems pointless. I'm not working on staying AF, even though I'm constantly aware of the struggle. I absolutely hate myself. Period. Four glasses of wine at night, and it's the same old same old--remorse, guilt, shame, shaky, depressed, anxious and embarrassed by DH's looks.

                          Tonight I'll be able to forego the AL because I'll be depressed all day today. I think I'll start Jason Vale's book tonight, too. Maybe that will give me the kick in the pants I need.

                          I know I'm really not a terrible person, but drinking makes me feel I am. I need to respect myself more, and take better care of myself in all aspects of life.

                          I need some hugs, please......:upset:

                          Can anyone say Day 1--AGAIN?
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            :lHey Juja, I wondered how things were going for you. Here's a hug: :l When you start Vale's book you'll see that alcohol gets us in this trap of feeling anxious, depressed, remorseful, and unconfident, so the only we know to deal with those anxieties is to keep drinking, which just makes it all worse. It's a vicious circle.

                            Can you tell us what your triggers are and what sends you to that wine bottle? When you decide to have those glasses of wine, what benefits do you see yourself getting from them? Perhaps if we help you analyze why you are drinking, you can understand how to stop.

                            I feel for you so much, but I would absolutely recommend reading Vale's book. He says right in the beginning that you don't have to stop drinking to read the book but that once you finish it, you won't want to drink anymore and he's right. Give it a try. I read it on my Kindle, though, because I didn't really want to flash the cover around. I tend to be pretty private about those things.
                            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Juja sweetie,

                              Big hug from me, hang in there and find some happiness inside you . I feel for you and was wondering how you are. You have too many people depending on you and alcohol is your only crutch / escape / relief ... but also contributes to depression.

                              For advice on life I suggest Steven Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people. I have the CDs and listen to them in the car twice a year. Some advice may apply to business only but the first part is just good for life.

                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                How are you doing WineSucks? I think I may have the same problem as you.

                                Definitely the same goals.

