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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Hello, WineSucks, I think I may have the same problem as you.
    Definitely the same goals. How are you doing?


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Morning, dear friends,

      No AL last night, so I feel great this a.m.

      Wine, Shue, noxy, tonstant, enough, twinkle---how are you girls? Doing okay, I hope.

      Met my responsiblities yesterday, came home, went to bed and slept the sleep of the dead. Ate, and went back to bed and myself a massage--I've found I can do that, and it helps. Can't get to my back though!:H

      Still haven't started the book. Will do so soon.

      tonst--you asked about my triggers, and I want to write a thoughtful list, not simply say anger, frustration, exhaustion, needing a reward, wanting to have fun, etc. Actually, those are it, so why detail them to death?

      I wonder about Dudeabides.... I miss him.
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hey everyone....I'm doing pretty good....not perfect but pretty good. I've made it to the gym 3 times this week and will do my body pump class in the morning. How is everyone else doing? I'm so glad to see people posting on this thread again!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Im better, too WS. Maybe we're turning a corner.

          Would you believe I just got dressed for the day? After I got up this morning, I put dinner in the crockpot, and decided that the only thing I was going to do the rest of today was rest, and read a book. So at 11:00, I went back to bed, and did just that. I feel so refreshed.

          The rain has finally stopped here, and tomorrow first thing I'm going to walk the two miles I used to walk religiously. That will do me a world of good. Good for you on the gym.

          After having met so many of my responsibilities this past week, my life feels a bit like my own.

          Come on Shue, tonstant, noxy, et al. Let's hear from you!
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Juja - Good for you going back to bed! I heard Virginia had tornados yesterday???? It was a strange weather day here. I took today off today, my Birthday is Sunday (any excuse to take off)!!! I went to the gym this morning, then went and got a manicure/pedicure...the longggg one where they do the wax, etc....I spent two hours at the nail salon!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              I haven't heard about the tornadoes, but then I haven't been keeping up with the news. I find my stress level is lower when I avoid it. Head in the sand...

              Nothing like a manicure and pedicure to make a girl feel complete. I love them, but get impatient waiting everything to dry! I'm going to splurge on a massage one day soon; that, I'm sure, I'll never want to end.

              Any big birthday plans?
              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Hi girls,

                I had a bad cold / flu the past week (that was my excuse to drink red wine every night). 2-3 glasses no more but just enough to get me the evening munchies and put on 1.5 kg.

                Feeling better today, going to the gym now + manicure & haircut later ... gotta take care of myself. I am also getting ready for my semiannual 5 day detox . That should help a bit.

                I am still on the fight against AL but I don't know where I stand ( in the middle of Jason Vale's book). I cannot continue the wine everyday.

                WS - have a great day tomorrow

                Love and power to you all
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Shue - I hope you feel better! How do you like the book? I took a look at it and it kind of reminds me of Allen Carr's book "The easy way to stop drinking".

                  I know what you mean about the 2-3 glass thing. I've been doing it too but I know I shouldn't be. Even though I'm not drunk or drinking like I did, I still get a bad feeling about it. I can honestly say that the dumbest thing I did was try to moderate after having 30 days AF. I should have kept on going. This is a progressive disease and it sucks you right back in.

                  Juja - I'm going to an auction and then out to dinner with my Husband and kids. It's so funny...I get impatient waiting for my nails to dry too. Yesterday I was asking "am I done yet"? I felt like a 4 year old!

                  I hope everyone has a great, AF Day!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    WS, I like the book ( I wanted to get Allen Carr's but was not available on kindle yet ) - I like the idea of NOT WANTING WINE, I thought I liked the taste of wine, now I am really questioning that - I no longer like the taste of white - but I still have the craving for a good cab sauvignon. That's my cold talking ( prompted by the monster inside me).

                    Honestly I am noweher near control and I know it in my heart that if I continue like this it is only a matter of time before I overdo it again.

                    Soooo ....I am trying AF this weekend.

                    I survived the nail ordeal by being on MWo on the ipad. I cannot tolerate chit chat with the salon girls.
                    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Hi, Girls,

                      I joined the weekend pole dance, and so far, so good. No AL for 2 days. I feel clear-headed and energized. Actually, I'm too energized. I was so wired last night that I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I did get my sock drawer cleaned out, though. I don't know what it is about me and socks. I'm always looking for the perfect ones, buy too many, and then give them away.

                      WS--Enjoy the auction. Looking for anything in particular? I used to go to them frequently, but stopped. I don't need a thing, can't afford what I want (good antiques), so what's the point? I end up bring home a box of junk after eating a fat-laden hotdog.:H

                      Shue--How does the 5 day detox work? Give the AF weekend your best, best shot.

                      Off to stock up on a local favorite--BBQ chicken done over an open pit. I'm putting 16 halves in the freezer for the winter. Yum-yum.
                      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hi, and sorry I've been away. Sometimes I find that if I constantly think about not-drinking it makes me obsess about it even more so I hide every now and then. But I'm doing fine. I can see my attitude toward alcohol changing. i watched a silly movie earlier that involved getting drunk and doing stupid things, and all I could think was: why don't they ever blame the alcohol in these movies instead of glamorizing it as a fun thing to do?

                        Anyway, I'm doing well and I really hope those of you still struggling (not naming names!) can get past your hurdles. I just consider myself a non-drinker now and have rediscovered the lovely taste of herbal tea at night (my husband even drinks it!) and a nice routine of tea, reading, some tv and a lovely night's sleep.
                        Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Tons - I'm glad to hear from you and that you are doing well. I know what you mean about thinking about not drinking and the thought process that comes with it. Sometimes I just need to not think about it at all.

                          Well Ladies.......I have to say, this is the first birthday that I've spent alcohol free since I was 18 years old and it feels pretty good. It was the strangest thing but I honestly did not want a drink at dinner tonight and barley even thought about it, which is a miracle. Also waking up this morning to enjoy my day without a hangover was a blessing!

                          I read something this morning that talked about going through processes (not really related to alcohol but I could relate). I know that this is a process and I also know that it will click for me....I can feel that, although I've slipped, my attitude and thoughts about AL and drinking have changed.

                          I just keep praying everyday (for me and all of us) that my desire for goes away and I am free from this once and for all!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Just wanted to say Happy Birthday WineSucks,

                            hear yourself now, comparing to older posts, I am so happy for you.

                            As for me, I have been a naughty girl and could probably do with some tough love.

                            I am not posting again until I get at least 1 day AF ... I am mad with myself ... more later hopefully.

                            Have a great week ladies
                            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Same with me, Shue. Will post when I have something positive to say.

                              Love to all my dear friends.:lipstick:

                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                When I was drinking heavily all through June and July last summer, I knew that I was inching closer to my D-day - when I would have to give up the wine. I knew I just couldn't continue the way I was drinking, but I had to reach some sort of final reckoning before that happened. I think it was an argument with my husband when I was drunk about some stupid intellectual/political/religious issue that didn't matter diddly-squat, coupled with having to call in sick to work (which I never do) because of a hangover that made me say: "This is it. I'm done."
                                I think I may have mentioned that I had quit drinking in the spring of 2006 and stayed sober for a couple of years before slowly creeping back to even worse habits through 2010 and 2011. So, I knew that being sober was incredibly rewarding and I wanted to get back to that. Now I feel that I am on my way back to that state, only this time I know that moderating is not an option, nor do I want it to be an option. I am done with drinking. It has done nothing for me, and I really can't see any benefits to it.

                                Ok, lecture done. Now I actually have to prepare my real lecture for tonight's class!
                                Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.

