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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Twinkle - Glad to see you back!

    Juja - I know there is some controversy with AF beverages but I think it's fine if it keeps us AF....good job on all the hard work today.

    My appt. with the counselor is at 1:00 tomorrow. I'll send and update...keep your fingers crossed!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Thanks for the warm welcome back ladies, just knowing you guys are close gives me renewed motivation.

      Juja - Those rocks sure sound familiar - seat belts are a good idea but I wonder if straight jackets might be better!! Hope you head has now recovered, Day 6 is great - keep up the good work.


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Twinkle ? Glad to have you back! Get nice and comfy because we want you to stay!

        Juja ? Many years ago when I first started realizing that I was drinking waaay too much, I decided to try NA beer. I didn?t like it, the reason I drank was to get a buzz, so without that, the NA beer was pointless for me. I also noticed it gave me more stomach issues than regular beer did! I wouldn?t recommend substituting AL with NA beverages, simply because I think it kind of defeats the purpose of quitting by still ?pretending? to drink. But that?s just my opinion and I truly think you should do what?s best for you. I am currently on Antabuse, and I?ve had the comment made to me that taking Antabuse is like ?putting a band aid on a gushing wound?. The way I see it, Antabuse has given me 222 sober days this year. If it takes another year of taking it, then so be it. Maybe NA beverages do the same for other people, by helping them get started and giving them some AF time. I think we all need to do whatever works for us. Have you considered any medication? I?m not a huge fan of medication, but the Antabuse has really worked for me. No more inner battle of whether I?m going to drink or not. The answer is that I simply CAN?T. Being the dedicated alcoholic that I am, I did try to drink on it a couple of times, and believe me, the effects are like nothing I?ve ever experienced. Just do what?s best for you, and above all be patient. You?ll see that this does get easier!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          K-9 - Very good advice! 222 days sober is so amazing!!!!

          So, as I promised, I am posting after my first counseling session today. On the first day, I turned in forms that were used for gathering info and basically, we just went over what I submitted. Nothing too deep today but we did talk. I told her about my alcohol use, and some of the issues that I want to work on. When I left her office, I felt fantastic. Not sure why but I was walking lighter and I felt hopeful, happy and relieved. I can't wait to really start digging in next week. Also, for some reason, I have no desire to drink tonight at all.

          Soooo - I know this is a process and some of it will be painful but I'm ready to deal with the pain of issues that I've been sweeping under the rug for much of my adult life. If digging deep hurts, so be it. I want to be of baggage, free of surpressing myself and free of addiction.

          I'll keep you wonderful people posted. Getting ready to settle in with my Hubby and eat. Hope everyone has a great evening!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Oh good on you WS. the digging hurts but u feel a sense of relief that u have dealt with the issue and let it go. i let go of a lot of issues but i know there are a few more than need farewells. the time will come for that.

            how often did u say before that u were going to go and eat with hubby? so many changes in us all and so many good vibes to be had.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              K9, can I ask you about the side effects of Antabuse (other than the obvious ones if you drink)? I had really good luck on Topamax earlier this year, and then it just really changed my personality in a way I couldn't handle ... I started picking fights and the just bursting into tears at work. Horrifying!

              Anyway, I'd love to do this on my own, but I'd also just love to DO it. Quit drinking once and for all, and I can see how the Antabuse would make that happen. I'm tempted.
              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Irie dont be tempted, jump in and swim. we are all turning into really good swimmers on these threads. sometimes we nearly drown but we keep swimming again. I have been a constant drinker from i cant remember and now up to day 9. i am not taking any meds but going to chemist this weekend to get some l-glut and magnesium. my body is feeling achy and lacking in something (not chocolate). We all need to have what we know our body needs but ultimately it is up to you to give up AL.
                best of luck and we are all here for you and all in the same boat going for a ride.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Thank you, Available. I do feel so close one day, and so helpless the next. Definitely heading the right way, though. I'm tired of beating myself up every day about this.
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Irie;1205566 wrote: K9, can I ask you about the side effects of Antabuse (other than the obvious ones if you drink)? I had really good luck on Topamax earlier this year, and then it just really changed my personality in a way I couldn't handle ... I started picking fights and the just bursting into tears at work. Horrifying!

                    Anyway, I'd love to do this on my own, but I'd also just love to DO it. Quit drinking once and for all, and I can see how the Antabuse would make that happen. I'm tempted.
                    Hi Irie,
                    Regarding the side effects of Antabuse, I don?t have ANY, except of course with alcohol. I continue to use all of my products, including perfume. I?ve heard experiences of people that were so sensitive on Antabuse that even smelling someone else?s perfume gave them a reaction. But personally I haven?t had a reaction to anything but alcohol. The prescription calls for 2 pills per day (125mg each, I believe) for the first week, then 1 pill per day thereafter. I have cut down to ? a pill per day. I know that?s enough to cause a reaction if I was to drink, and it keeps me in the habit of taking it each morning. It does not have any effect on cravings and will not cause any side effects, other than a bit of tiredness at the beginning, but that goes away after about a week or so. And I cannot stress enough, do NOT attempt to drink while taking it. It causes severe flushing of the face and neck, rapid heartbeat and vomiting. The last time I was stupid enough to try (and I had waited about 5 days since I had taken any) I was up ALL night vomiting every 10 minutes, and I seriously had never been that sick in my life. Even though I ended up going to work the next day it?s all just a blur, it was so BAD, I was sick for about 2 days! So please make a commitment that you will NOT drink while taking it. And should you decide to stop taking it, allow 7-10 days before even attempting to drink. Good luck with whatever you decide?let me know how it goes for you!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Irie u can do it, just do something else to take your mind off AL. tell him to F off at the top of your voice. funny enough for a heavy heavy drinker i have not had tht many cravings. i find when it is nearly time for me to go home from work i get the urge a that is when i used to pick my bottleshop (as one cant go to the same one) and get my grog. now it is getting less and less as each day passes.

                      Day 10 today and i cant even remember the last time i did not have a drink for ten days.

                      stay strong one and all.

                      that antabuse sounds evil but effective.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        WineSucks;1205538 wrote:

                        So, as I promised, I am posting after my first counseling session today. When I left her office, I felt fantastic. Not sure why but I was walking lighter and I felt hopeful, happy and relieved.
                        WS> There's something about counseling that is uplifiting. It's the "I have help," "Someone is listening," "I'm not alone," "I'm moving forward" feeling that makes us lighter and full of hope. I'm happy for you. BTW, I take it you liked the therapist?

                        Irie, K-9, available> Sorry for the bump. I don't know anything about antabuse, so Irie, listen to the others. Good luck!

                        Day 8 almost over for me.

                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          day 8 congrats J, its a struggle but we are all in it for the long haul. without u guys i dont know where i would be.

                          i so wish this headache would leave me alone though
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Thanks, K9...not quite sure what I'm going to do. But I hear you loud and clear... If I use Antabuse, absolutely no alcohol - it would be non-negotiable.

                            You all are doing so well - I just want to stop screwing up and join you! Thanks for the encouragement. I'm getting there.
                            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Hello ladies,

                              I am back on the wagon (installed the seatbelts on !!!). I was in sunny Italy for a few days and celebrated 11 great years of marriage with DH. Despite him giving me the time off AF - I did not drink stupidly like before - little glasses of prosecco here and there, a bit of red wine, but all very civilized and always with wonderful food and lots of water ... well ... I had a great time but not beacuse of the wine ... just because I genuinely had a great time .... food did not taste better because of the wine, but because it was wonderdul authentic Sicilian ... love ... well ... love was great because I am still in love, not buzzed on prosecco.

                              I am not going to foolishly believe that I have the wits to keep this modding going so I am quitting while I am still ahead and going back to AF ... at least till Sunday - then check myself again.

                              WS - so happy for you - a problem shared is a problem solved ? I know it is not so easy but I am so pleased this went well.

                              big kiss to all of you and wish you a great week
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Yay, shue's back from her hols!

                                Missed you!:h
                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

