1.) I was so proud to tell my dad that I was 25 days sober this morning and that I will never drink again, that part of my life is history!
2.) I like remembering what I had for dinner.
3.) I LOVE waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and happy.
4.) This morning I woke up and it was bin collection day and my bin did not rattle with the numerous bottles of empty wine in it.
5.) I love thinking of other things during my day other than cannot wait for a glass of wine.
6.) Worrying if I have enough wine.
7.) Making sure I have AL for the morning to cure my hangover.
Hi Dad, I hope you found this site ok. It would be nice for you to become a senior member here you could help alot of us here as you have been sober since 1977! You would have alot of advice I am sure of that! :l
I DO NOT Pour POISON down my throat anymore I worship My Body
