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I survived and its Day 25!!

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    I survived and its Day 25!!

    I was going to wright 25 reasons on why I will never pick up again its to long. So I will write seven instead.

    1.) I was so proud to tell my dad that I was 25 days sober this morning and that I will never drink again, that part of my life is history!

    2.) I like remembering what I had for dinner.

    3.) I LOVE waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and happy.

    4.) This morning I woke up and it was bin collection day and my bin did not rattle with the numerous bottles of empty wine in it.

    5.) I love thinking of other things during my day other than cannot wait for a glass of wine.

    6.) Worrying if I have enough wine.

    7.) Making sure I have AL for the morning to cure my hangover.

    Hi Dad, I hope you found this site ok. It would be nice for you to become a senior member here you could help alot of us here as you have been sober since 1977! You would have alot of advice I am sure of that! :l

    I DO NOT Pour POISON down my throat anymore I worship My Body

    I survived and its Day 25!!

    Mia, good to see you again! it's been ages. and huge congrats on your AF time

    ps... I'm in awe of your dear Dad's sobriety success. Huge kudos!

    be well, sleepy time zzzzz
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      I survived and its Day 25!!

      Hi Determinator I remember you! Good to see you as well. This is it for me this time around no more! Sweet dreams! xx


        I survived and its Day 25!!

        Mia;1133713 wrote: I was going to wright 25 reasons on why I will never pick up again its to long. So I will write seven instead.

        1.) I was so proud to tell my dad that I was 25 days sober this morning and that I will never drink again, that part of my life is history!

        2.) I like remembering what I had for dinner.

        3.) I LOVE waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and happy.

        4.) This morning I woke up and it was bin collection day and my bin did not rattle with the numerous bottles of empty wine in it.

        5.) I love thinking of other things during my day other than cannot wait for a glass of wine.

        6.) Worrying if I have enough wine.

        7.) Making sure I have AL for the morning to cure my hangover.

        Hi Dad, I hope you found this site ok. It would be nice for you to become a senior member here you could help alot of us here as you have been sober since 1977! You would have alot of advice I am sure of that! :l

        I DO NOT Pour POISON down my throat anymore I worship My Body
        oh well done Mia, so funny i have just been posting on our other thread at the joy of putting the bottle skip out for the bin men!! Feels good dont it! Happy Monday sober sister xx
        Keeps x:happyheart:


          I survived and its Day 25!!

          i just read your abusive relationship post, ive been away from the site a long time but so glad i logged back in, your post was awesome it really touched me, i will think about it today if the dreaded cravings rear there head,thank you and big congratulations xx
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


            I survived and its Day 25!!

            Welcome back Try! Keep posting and lets us all know how you are going. Dont go away again ok! xx


              I survived and its Day 25!!

              cheers mia, i feel more inspired today,reading the post s and making more positive steps and advice really helps(when your sober!) my danger point is still at the moment just being out an about(ive spent nearly a year hibernating from the worldi gave up work to sober up, (just took a while),and anxiety plays a huge part in lapsing, especially in past just being out the house alone an in a position to get drunk without being caught always gets me but today waiting for the train home from my woodwork group with rehab i just sat and thought of all the people on this site who are in the same boat and it made me more determined to stay strong and positive, hope others have had a good day/night if your in us!! xx
              if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                I survived and its Day 25!!

                Congratulations Mia!

                I would love for your dad to join in and give us some advice! Wow sober since '77?
                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                choose the GOOD

                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                  I survived and its Day 25!!

                  Good Morning Tryinysohard. I have just got up and turned on my computer and there you are. I have also hibernated as well for the past 26 days and have been on holidays. Holiday at home. Only 3 days left. Then back to work.
                  In the past 26 days I have had moments not as many as I thought I would had but my mind has been made up this time I cannot and will not go back to living in HELL! But in my moments I also thought of all the people here in the same situation and I felt all their arms around me. I did not want to let them down or myself.

                  Keep posting please I want to get to know you! xxx

                  26 days for me yeh xxxxx


                    I survived and its Day 25!!


                    good for you Mia
                    I am at week 5 now and It would be good to hear from your dad
                    keep it up with dad helping you will get there


                      I survived and its Day 25!!

                      hi and good morning to you and goodnight to me! ha its midnight almost here! woop woop 26 days excellent, how are you feeling about going back to work? its easy to become attached to comfy clothes and the safety of the home isant it. im getting better as ive been attending a rehab programe since feb.we had to be sober for a week and then attend every day for 4 weeks. it really helped as id never openly discussed my troubles HONESTLY with any one before not eveen my councilor,i was always trying to convince her an myself i had it under control! it was i think enlightening is the word to sit with 22 other people so varied in age and background all completly knowing where your coming from and not bein disgusted with what you had just admitted to, also there the feeling of not wanting to let the others down was amazing, unfortunatly i met a heroin addict not utterly convinced he wanted to quit it all and i ended up using a lot of drugs an cheating myself,it dosent help that people dont notice im high i passed a medical examination to say i was fit for work whilst high on ketamine and mdma,,but ive been drug free for 2mths (except 1 ketamin lapse for 1 day)my last drink was 20th jan, day after parents evening at school(thats another shameful story) i had a lapse on the drink 24th may(day before my sons tonsil operation to remove them) i freaked about the hospital an panicing about how worried he was about the anesthetic,a million an 1 things scared the life out a me. no excuse and i have cursed myself severly for letting it /making it happen, no 1 found out thank god, so technically im just starting out again,must b 20 something days,im far to tired to remember how many days in may!!! sorry im rambling, it will be good for you to get out of hibernation after the initial shock!!! bright lights and people!! make sure you enjoy the last 3 should do something that makes you feel good,and be proud of yourself, thats my next goal,to find some part time work, my finances are dire but mainly i do miss working,a little apprehensive but it s got to be done, i cant stay in the safety of the rehab programe forever, sorry to go on, !!! whats the plans for today an what kind of weather have you got there? we have rain!! xx
                      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                        I survived and its Day 25!!

                        So true.......

                        Hi Mia and everyone else,
                        I'm reading your list and nodding so much to each and evry true. How boring and predicatble we are when living in the so called 'fast lane':H!!!!!!
                        Reading your posts have spurred me onto giving this another go. Day two for me...again...but onwards and upwards.
                        Thanks so much for sharing...keep us posted on your journey!!


                          I survived and its Day 25!!

                          hope that everything is going ok for every one,xx
                          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                            I survived and its Day 25!!

                            good for you all I'm still here with you all and af week 5 for me

