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    After 5 days of being drunk, Mickie called me. She was crying because her husband had left her for another woman. She had no money and could see no way out.

    I arrived to a horrible stench. There was filth everywhere. Booze bottles, glasses, overflowing ashtrays, dirty dishes, all merged together. Mickie was dressed appropriately for the mess. It appeared she had not changed or bathed since her husband left. She had spilled food and liquor on her nighthgown. Her hair was matted. She complained of her body being in pain, and between slurred curses she cried and moaned.

    Mickie's world was full of revenge, pain, unforgiveness and poverty. "Oh, my God, what am I going to do!" she cried. " I don't want to die like my sister did. She died from pills and alchohol when she was 29 years old. I am so lonely and scared. I want that s.o.b. to go through the misery he has put me through. I have such pain. I think I am going to be sick again."

    Part of me wanted to run, but the truth held me there. I kept saying over and over to myself, "God, I know You are here, I know You are here!" My senses fought the truth, "I know with every Hell we find ourselves in, You are here."

    After what seemed like an eternithy, I felt the Presence of God. It felt like the air was permeated with such unlimited love. It was if that filthy pit of misery was now filled with heaven.

    "That horrible s.o.b. leaving me with no money, just bills, I have nothing." Her drink spilled on her nightgown, on the sofa and on me. In this new awareness that had overtaken me, her meaningless words meant nothing to me. They might as well have been statements of peace and the love of God.

    I wanted to laugh. Tears were running down my face in gratitude for this beautiful moment. Midst the filth, lack, fear and anger was the King of all, the Lord of Lords. Her provision, security, love, healing and joy were here NOW.

    She became quiet and started to sob. I could feel her surrendering. She asked if she could hold my hand. She held it tightly and went to sleep. I just sat there smiling, letting the tears of gratitude wash over me. In the midst of this bourbon-stinking Hell was her salvation and restoration. It was as if the rejection, lies and fears were dead history. She was now forgiven and loved, seen through the eyes of her Redeemer.

    "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John1:29). I knew that Jesus Christ was NOW healing her broken heart with his tender mercy. All the human facts that were screaming just moments before subsided. The divine blueprint of heaven was in operation.

    Mickie quit drinking and rededicated her life to Christ. She could not get over the transformation in her life, and I could not get over the transformation in my life. God is always in the NOW.


    Well what can we say to that? Perhaps you should become an evangelist?



      Mickie is very lucky to have a friend the cares for her so much.

      Everyday I wake up frighted and ashamed of myself and pray for god to help me out of this hell I have created. Perhaps the alcohol is preventing me from feeling his presence but I have yet to feel that I'm anything but alone in my struggle.

      I am frighted of what I am doing to my body now and I'm frightened of the hole in me that seems can only be filled with alcohol.

      I am ashamed that I can't get control of myself, I should be smarter and stronger than the bottle is. and I'm ashamed that my family, friends, and a job I love aren't enough.

      So today is day 1 of completely alcohol free (I've been trying to decrease intake with some success, but many backslides).

      So pray for me (I need all the help I can get) and I'll pray that you can continue to give you friend nonjudgemental love and support.



        Wanna be free, I too believe that both positive and negative energy are everywhere. Anywhere there is negative energy, the positive can also be found if we are able to open up to it.

        SPUNKY - Wow I can really relate to your post. For the last several years of my drinking I felt so alone and fearful and ashamed. I too thought I was smart enough and strong enough to beat the bottle on my own. To "control it." I too had so much to live for - a good job (until I quit rather than get fired for drinking), a good education, a good husband, a beautiful home. One of the things I have learned is that my battle with alcohol has nothing to do with what love I have or don't have, or what material things I have or don't have in my life. I am not a bad person trying to get good. I am a sick person trying to get well.

        I have learned I am NOT alone, and I could not recovery alone. I need the connection to others with my affliction in order to overcome it. My Way Out is where I started making the necessary connections and also getting information to heal physically. I started with the My Way Out Book.

        I was filled with so much negative energy I couldn't possibly see anything good around me. I was completely blocked from anything spiritual. That is no longer true for me. If I can find my way, then I know you can do it too.

        Strength and hope to you,

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.




          Hi, WannBe.

          Have missed reading your posts. That story was incredible! At first I thought you were perhaps quoting from a book of some kind! Whoever Mickie is, she is really fortunate to have you as a friend! You saved her life!

          How are you doing yourself? Hope all is well.

          "One day at a time."



            Been traveling back from Texas. I am doing well. Back on the mountain in PA and looking forward to a week of being AF! Am going to be really busy with work, catching up for the two weeks I have lost, but looking forward to keeping up with the posts!

