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    This is the first time I have acknowledged I have a problem with drinking to anyone but me, and it feels very wierd! Despite having known for some years because of my job I daren't go to AA or counselling locally. Partner doesn't drink a lot and cannot understand why I do, and I am good at hiding how much. I play sport, am a healthy eater, have a good job, great friends, yet more and more nights open a bottle of wine, which I finish, some nights two bottles. What worries me is I can now function well the next day after over a bottle of wine. When I don't drink I feel great the next day, focused and happy yet now 5 days a week I am waking up hungover and tired and then feel bad all day, and want a drink to sort myself out (oh, the irony!). I am a runner yet on the days when my hangovers are bad I can't move, eat junk all day but then having previously had bulimia this rears its ugly head, when usually its no longer an issue when I am being- ahem- normal. But I want to stop and wake up every day feeling good, clear headed, get out for a run and function properly! So tomorrow is day 1 for me. This site has given me inspiration that I can do it!:new:


    Freda, your story sounds so much like mine.... Today is #1 day for me. I need to end this vicious cycle



      Welcome Freda!

      :welcome: You've found the right place Freda.

      Here you'll find folks who have and are experiencing the same things as you. Many of us have fallen into the habit of 1 drink, then another and so on until we find ourselves drinking a bottle, maybe 2 each night and paying for it the next day. Others who are important to us also get to experience the effects of our hangovers.

      What you'll find here Freda is unconditional support and encouragement from those of us on MWO. The network of people is unbelievable. All you need do is read the posts to Newbies Nest and you'll see.

      I know what you mean about being unable to attend local AA meetings or counselling. I live in a small town and there's no way I could ever seek help in town. So I have a wonderful group of concerned, caring, supportive friends here. They've made a huge difference for me and in turn I hope I've helped a few with my words.

      Again Freda, a big welcome. You'll enjoy the nest and the other support offered here. You'll want to look at the Tool Kit for additional help but above everything else here, you'll find the people to be the best.

      Russ aka Habsfan, Ontario, Canada

      If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me



        Hello & welcome Freda & e-g-73!

        MWO is a good place, glad you found us. If you haven't already go to the Health store here & download the MWO book - it's a good place to get started. Use the Tool Box link above for great ideas to help you make your plans.

        A strong commitment & a good solid plan will help you reach your goals

        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Freda, I could of written your post. It takes a lot to ask for help and to admit out loud that you have a problem.

          Due to my job, I could not go to a local AA meeting or ask to be referred for counselling, I would have bumped into my clients!!

          I found a private counsellor who helped my immensely. He quite bluntly said, "If you had Cancer, would you refuse to travel for chemo to the next town, if it was killing you?" It stopped me in my tracks, he added, "Well, AL is killing you, so go get the help." It hit home and made me realise, you have to put the work and go the distance to stay sober!

          Keep posting, this site has saved me and my sanity. The help and support you need is here.

          Sending you :l
          I can not alter the direction of the wind,

          But I can change the direction of my sail.

          AF since 01/05/2014

          100 days 07/08/2014



            Welcome Freda,
            Welcome. I can understand where you are coming from as I share some of the same issues. Glad you found this site.

            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington



              hi and welcome freda. you have made a huge step in admitting you have a problem. read as much as you can, there is great information here, and post to let us know how you are getting on.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows



                Hi- I feel rather lucky to have found this site! Its strange how today I immediately felt better just by posting and saying I had a problem for the first time to other people! Thanks for your messages, its much appreciated. Am just about to cook dinner without a glass of wine for the first time in ages- partner is out so its so tempting but am determined am not giving in! am sick of getting up feeling rough!



                  Hi Freda
                  There are plenty of us who function quite well (while feeling horrible) at work after a bottle or two a night. However, the damage it's doing is often hidden until it's too late.
                  It is our secret shame and not so secret to those nearest and dearest, even if we are managing to look after them well.
                  Good on you for making the decision to change.



                    Hi Freda, I thought I was functioning brillianatly after two + bottles of shiraz a night too....until I recently looked at least 10 years older looking, puffy eyes, grey skin, frizzled hair, irregular toilet activities (sorry - just giving you the full picture), a body covered in broken veins and psoriosis, blood shot eyes, stained teeth, a horrible temper, and absolutely no sex life or self respect. mmmmmm...maybe not so well after all. Just because I could muddle through, hold a job down, feed the kids and get them to school on time didn't make it the case I was functioning brilliantly, I'd barely function, but whilst the wine came first, I just wasn't that bothered. You've come to the right place, be proud of yourself you've put yourself on the right course, however long it takes, and welcome! xxx



                      up and down so far

                      that last reply hit home rather! I think I try to believe i function properly but if I am honest I do tend to be slow at work, cant be bothered to speak to clients and definetely have those big bags under my eyes! This week has been tough, I slipped up on thursday, went out for dinner, honestly thought I could avoid the alcohol until someone bought me a drink- and I drank it even though I regretted every sip, and then the next one- thankfully had the sense to make my excuses and went home. But, had 2 out of 3 alcohol free nights which is more than in a long time, have a week off this week and have planned loads of stuff to keep busy. The nights I didn't drink, the dog wondered what hit him- kept dragging him out for walks rather than sit and crave wine. That bloody Shiraz! But I am determined that even though thursday was a set back, I can do this. Thanks for all the support, its fantastic!



                        Hi freda & e-g-73 welcome to mwo,this is a great community with lots of great support and advice,keep posting and sharing your thoughts and feelings,you are certainly not alone in this battle,good luck and hope to see you around the there is a tool box in the monthly abstinence thread check it out :-)

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



                          Hi Freda
                          Welcome and Congratulations on finding this site. Listen to everyone here, we have all been through or are going through the same thing - there is no blame just help, encouragement and friendship for us all. So dear friend, go with the flow and enjoy the support you will undoubtedly receive from these wonderful people. And never ever give up - and if you do - pick yourself up and start all over again. I PROMISE things do get better and if at first we don't succeed we try, try and try again, cliche yes, but truth also yes. Take care and Love and Sunshine Always. Kaza x
                          Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

