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Drinking and Smoking

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    Drinking and Smoking

    I'm now on day 4 and beginning to feel really good. I had developed a rather strange habit when drinking my wine: I would also have the urge to smoke cigarettes. At no other time did I want to smoke. But when I drank wine, I just felt like I had to have cigs as well. I've got some stressful financial/job stuff going on, and today I really feel like having a cigarette. I know cigs are awful, but I wonder if it would be a good idea to have one every now and then if it eases some stress and keeps me from drinking. On the other hand, I wonder if smoking a cig would make me want to drink wine. Of course, both are unhealthy but smoking doesn't make me drunk or give me a hangover. Oh hell, I should probably just go for a walk or to the gym, I know. Well, back to work for now.

    Drinking and Smoking

    Hey Clover, I had the same issue and it seemed like when I just smoked a cigarette - it made me more anxious - I am not sure why - the thought of having a cigarette - well I thought it would calm me down, but never did. Just made me weirder. That is my experience and tends to be over and over. Not easy I know to put them both down, but that is what I am attempting.


      Drinking and Smoking

      clover and wbf, I'm attempting the same thing. Cigs and alcohol go together in my mind. Feel I need to put them both down at the same time. I have noticed that there are people on this site who quit drinking and then 3 or 4 months later quit smoking.


        Drinking and Smoking

        Yep cuckoo - that's exactly what I did

        I smoked a lot more & a lot longer than I ever drank. But when I quit drinking suddenly the smoking was just gross.

        Everyone should take a look at: Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community

        I did
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Drinking and Smoking

          clover, DONT SMOKE. i always hated smoking but like you i somehow started to smoke when drinking.... i actually was ok with it as i was convinced it slowed my drinking down. i never, then rarely smoked when not drinking. i really didnt think i was addicted to smoking.......... until i stopped drinking. i had 3 months sober last year and like you i had an urge to smoke..... i went with it thinking 'at least im not drinking' and the smoking went through the roof. i now have 2 beasts on my shoulder, i am drinking (though no where near what i was) and i am smoking. from one who has been in a similar situation.... DONT GET ANOTHER BEAST ON YOUR BACK. replacing one unhealthy addiction for another is senseless.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Drinking and Smoking

            Hear, hear Spuddleduck. I am also smoking and looking for 'my way out' of it as well.
            To knowingly get hooked on another addictive substance is truly creating 'just another beast' to have to fight off.
            Exercise is a great stress reliever and also can help you think more clearly and make wise decisions - maybe go that direction instead?? Good luck
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Drinking and Smoking

              I had the same problem. I had to give both up. People thought I was being a little radical but I needed to be. The two went hand and hand. It was all hard so I figured just go strait through it and believe it will get better. Now I don't miss either one... especially the smoking... Allen Carr's book helped me with that... I really needed some help understanding how rotten those sticks are. Good luck to you. I saw quit both, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.


                Drinking and Smoking

                interesting, i smoked for years and quit 19 years ago, a bit like quitting drinking back then i rarely drank though that came later) i trief and failed , gave up then looked for excuses for ocassions to smoke (sound familiar?) then finally stopped , didn't even waver when i was expecting my son and craved cigs 24/7. Smoked a few times when out drinking in the last 6 years but gone 3 years without one and now since stopping drinking i'm craving them 24/7 and so tempted to have one to try and get it out of my system.

                so far i havent but it sounds so good as crazy as i know it is

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Drinking and Smoking


                  I started cigars when I went AF for 90 days earlier this year. I am drinking a bit too much at the moment but nowhere near as bad as I used .to ( not touched spirits since 26th Jan) but am on the tobacco now and finding that hard to give up. I will be starting a health kick on July 1st so time to start cutting back again is looming:h
                  Last drink 6th September 2013

