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there's got to be a better way

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    there's got to be a better way

    I have been reading some of the posts here , and decided to go
    ahead and write a little myself..thanks for the inspriation. I have been
    at war with myself for a little over a year. I found comfort here reading
    others have the 3 day itch and then the guilt. I just want a better life.
    All the bad decisions, all the depression and isolation are not at all what
    I expect out of life. I realize that I can't do this alone and was in search of
    a dialouge. A conversation about how to get out of this mess, and I hope to have
    found it here if only for a start ..or an end. So I ask those of you who understand
    the war within to share a little wisdom .. if ya care to.
    I drink 2-3 days a week , and i drink heavily. The real problem is that I make poor
    desicions when drinking, financial and who I hang out with. The worst though, is that
    I have become a poor friend and loved one. I have missed important events, failed at
    good relationships and have a nasty temper. I don't know how many times I've woken
    up at the bottom , thinking this has to be the end but 3 days later I think I can handle 2- 3
    beers.Well, I'll stop here. If nothing more, thanks for reading this damn pathetic bi-op.

    there's got to be a better way

    Hi Forward.
    I can certainly relate to all of those feelings. I had moderated quite nicely since the spring, but a few things happened over the past month which have made me take a complete nose dive. Now I'm doing that exact same damn thing... abstinent 3-4 days in a row, then drinking like there's no tomorrow for a couple days. It's horrible.
    I get ultimatums from my husband about never drinking again, then get the green light to go ahead and indulge a few days later. Think it's messing with my mind!
    Here's MY plan: I'm going to see my addictions counsellor tonight. I had gone in the spring, but I was doing better then. I had convinced him and myself that moderation would be OK forever and was very diligent with my program.
    Well, I'm so tired of the work and the disappointments. I want to tell him I need to quit for good, and hopefully he will hold me very accountable. I know I can do several days in a row now without the alcohol and feel physically SO much better on day 3-4 alcohol free. Why the heck I throw myself back into the abyss is beyond me. Am I trying to escape something? Be fun? Hoping we can get to the bottom of this and get me off the roller coaster.

    BEST of everything to you!! Welcome, and hope you find comfort in sharing with people who know exactly what you are going through. Visit the abs board. They have great advice.


      there's got to be a better way


      Thanks for the reply, and telling me a little about yourself. I will check out
      the ab board. I did get to see Cowboy Mouth in NO @ Jazzfest a few years back.
      Good luck with your plan and please keep me posted on how its going.
      It made my day to see someone replied to my somewhat self-serving post.
      Best, ML


        there's got to be a better way

        Hey Forward 71,

        Welcome:welcome: You've come to a great place to have a little dialogue, connect with like-minded folks and to be able to share your struggle where you'll get loads of support, understanding and wisdom along the way. There are some wonderful folks here who amaze me with how much care and concern they generously share. It's great.

        I've been here two weeks, although I lurked for months before jumping in. I'm so glad I did. I'm on Day 15AF and I know that having this site has made a huge difference. Instead of keeping everything bottled up, especially when those things were guilt, misery, disappointment and shame, I've dropped a ton of weight from my shoulders just by being able to be honest with my alcohol problems. I can feel myself growing stronger and one day I look forward to being as honest and confident with my family and friends in my life as I am with my friends here.

        Keep posting, keep reading. I usually post under the ABS threads as I am done with alcohol.

        take care, Olly


          there's got to be a better way

          Great to hear from ya, and thanks for the insight. Esp. the
          reference to negitive emotions caused by binge drinking..yours
          were right on. I need to read more about the full measure members
          here participate in but I am excited to express what I'm going through
          with the understanding folks.


            there's got to be a better way

            Hello ML,
            Welcome to the best place to be if you are worried about drinking......So many times I tried to stop, and failed......Since I found this place I haven't had any alcohol at all, and today is day 74 without a drink for me....I can honestly say it is the best thing I have ever done for ME.....

            Good Luck and Best Wishes,

            Love Louisexxx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              there's got to be a better way

              Hi, Forward...i am now on my 6th evening of AF...this is the longest I have not had a drink for about 18 years, and it truly is ALL down to this site, and the support, concern and genuine empathy that I have found here, as well as fantastic advice about supplements and medication that can help ease the cravings.
              If you consider that i have always, throughout my drinking history, tried to stop, and ALWAYS after a couple of days, absolutely gone even more overboard with the booze, i'm sure you'll agree that there is some pretty powerful stuff here if you want to take advantage of it. Even now, I still can't believe that I'm doing so well, I'm not saying it's a breeze, but i'm actually DOING IT!!!!!
              i can, as many others can and have, sympathise totally with your situation, believe me, my story makes you look like a saint, so please don't label your biopic as pathetic. Bloomin Ranulph Fiennes is always bangin' on about the hardships of circumnavigating the globe??? he wants to try going AF for 3 THAT'S a challenge!...good on you bud for tuning in to radio MYO FM....ok, the playlist isn't up to much, but the dj banter makes up for that (although Olly did perform a rather good rendition of 'I feel good' on a recent thread!!).
              welcome to you, and I hope that you find the stuff here that you need to click ....speak again...............hugs, the melon


                there's got to be a better way

                Hi Forward:welcome:

                Stick around and we'll give you all the support we can. The success stories are amazing. Your situation is something we can all relate to. Read the book, start taking the supplements and jump in.

                Enlightened by MWO


                  there's got to be a better way

                  Hi forward
                  this is a good place to start. The people are always willing to listen and give advice.
                  I'm glad you're here.


                    there's got to be a better way

                    :welcome: Forward

                    I'm still quite new, but this place is excellent, my drinking has drastically reduced since finding here.

                    Take care, Paula xx


                      there's got to be a better way

                      Hi just found this site sight now and what you were saying completley hit home..a bit like I'd written it myself. I've just got over yet another crazy weekend where I partied for two days solid, well actually if i really add it up it was out wedneseday, thurseday, friday and a few on saturday to stop the palpitations.. Really really sick of this, been doing it now for about twelve years (i'm twenty seven). I don't drink every day, will often be in a pub for hours and just have coffee, or there'll be drink in the house and I won't bother...but I guess what i really want to get to the bottom of, is as soon as I have about 4 or 5 AF days i start getting really restless, I just don't know what to do with all the excess energy..Just writing this is making me think that maybe it's all just habitual or is it physical dependance..I hear all this stuff about the withdrawels from this the psychological withdrawal?? Sorry for all the rambling but it was so good to hear similar stories..anyway think I might be turning a corner..gonna try have an AF free christmas for the crack which should be fun as I live in a country of about 3million alcoholics (I'm Irish)
                      Love and peace to ye all:thanks: xx


                        there's got to be a better way

                        HI everyone

                        This is my first time. I have a problem with Rum. I have Wine and C.Pane Beer, it doesn.t really worry me. I but I need to get off the Rum.

                        I have 2 children and a great husband, but I known they cann't tke much more. I wont drink and drive, once I pick up the children from school (3.PM TO 4 PM) I'll sometimes have 1/2 a bottle of Rum which I know is verybad but I cann't stop myself.

                        Can anyone talk to me I Do Need Help


                          there's got to be a better way

                          Boy can I relate to bad decisions and losing a friend because of my drinking. It is good to know I am not alone. This is my first day. Of cousre the slurring balcking out and so on are not good feelings. Been drinking for a long time and heavily. Lied about it and convinced myself it was not an issue. Hang in there you are not alone.


                            there's got to be a better way

                            Thanks for the kind words..or should I say fresh.
                            The 30 day AF is in sight. Be talking to ya soon.


                              there's got to be a better way

                              I'm also new here, only found this site 3 days ago, but already am getting lots of help and support from people who understand exactly what we've been through, and what to expect. If you haven't already, have a read of mikeup north. He has some very profound stuff in his posts.


