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Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

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    Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

    Hi, new here, been lurking for a while and decided tomorrow is the day that I start to stop ! Looking forward to the future and reaching my 7 day AL free goal and then move forward from there.


    Best of luck to all and hope to connect with you in the coming weeks

    Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

    Hi Red Mist!!

    Why not start today? Tomorrows are so very easy to put off. I started on a Saturday and it's worked well--just passed the two week mark. I never had much luck with Mondays.

    Glad you're hear and I'm pulling for you!!!


      Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

      Hello and welcome. Glad to have you here.

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

        Hi Red Mist and welcome :welcome:
        Day 1 for me too, we can do it!!!! Keep us posted how you are doing.


          Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

          Hi red mist,

          Welcome, glad you found us!

          Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it right here from the Health store.
          Here's a link fot the Tool box which is full of great ideas to help you make your plan

          Wishing you the very best on your journey!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

            Hi Red Mist


            Glad you posted, so today will be Day 1 for you. Here's to a sunny week ahead. There are loads of great threads on here to help you through. Keep reading and keep posting. Have a great day.


              Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

              Jordan;1137248 wrote: Hi Red Mist!!

              Why not start today? Tomorrows are so very easy to put off. I started on a Saturday and it's worked well--just passed the two week mark. I never had much luck with Mondays.

              Glad you're hear and I'm pulling for you!!!

              I kind of agree with this....I started on a Tuesday of all days, its worked so far.

              Good luck with your journey, stay strong
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                Hi All

                Thanks for the welcome, poured last of the wine down the sink last night. Got rained off from work earlier today so am looking through the toolbox - some good stuff in there.

                Not downloaded the book yet - my first thought was will I have to pay for it? Ironic I guess considering the amount I used to spend on Al in it's various disguises.

                Staying Strong.


                  Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                  Glad to hear you're staying strong. I just got through my first night AF with my husband away on business. I was VERY worried I would cave without someone around to hold me accountable. One more hubby free night to get through.


                    Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                    Hi & welcome!
                    I'm starting my first day as well. Let's all stick together and really work at this.


                      Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                      Day 1 for me as well!!! Bad weekend......


                        Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                        Hello All,

                        You can do this! It is tough in the beginning but when you start stringing together days it gets easier - really! My goal is 90 days this time. I'm determined to make it.

                        Sharky - good to hear from you again!


                          Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                          MyLife- Been a while for me but need to re focus. Jenn stared a new thread in General Discussion - join us. I know I need it - thought I had the mod thing down but really messed up yesterday. Paying for it today..... Day 1.


                            Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                            Hello to all

                            Just having my second Al free night, it felt good to drive to work this morning not wondering if there would be a random breath test on the road or at work and what the result would be.

                            Having a night time cup of tea just now and ran out of teabags but no problem - I could simply drive to the shops to get some more.

                            Mrs Mist is joining me on this adventure - it's good to have her support and also from the MWO community.


                              Newbie Starting Out - Glad to be here

                              Hi Red Mist,
                              My thoughts exactly....just taken my son to school in the car, and really happy not to have to worry about a breath test...nuts when you think if we're over the limit I shouldn't be driving my precious kids ANYWHERE. Such is the irresponsible stupid mind of the alkie. I love driving at night...something I can do again! My other half is supporting me too...though I don't think he realises how much of a battle I'm fighting here, but its great to have his support and this site, I think we can do it
                              I KNOW WE CAN!!:h

