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I'm worried

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    I'm worried

    I am 48 and have been drinking pretty heavy for 29 years. As of late, that means from 5am or 9am to the time I pass out at 9 or 10 pm...Fri S
    at Sunday. I shake so bad that I must drink before going to church on Sunday so I can make it thru. Anyone been this bad and weaned themselves off slowly as to not need detox? I cannot loose my job and I would if this got out.

    I'm worried

    How do you do during the week? Shakes etc.. I know for me if I drink throughout the weekend (days) then I am definitely very shaky Monday. I then go cold turkey and feel ok in about 2 days. Your situation sounds a little more complicated and you may need to taper off a bit and ease into it. Read throughout these forums as there is great advice. Have you asked your Dr?


      I'm worried

      I drink during the week too but only after work.....till I pass out (jee that doesn't sound any better). I have litium from Dr to make it thru the first few weeks....afraid to start it. One drug for another. Think the doc is a bit afraid for my well fare.


        I'm worried

        I don't know that much about medication while drinking. I've never been one for it. Agree w/you that it may end up replacing one addiction with another.
        I know several people on the boards have successfully tapered off - gradually reducing their intake over a set period of time until they are off. Hopefully you will get some more responses w/their advice. Good luck to you


          I'm worried

          Thanks Sharky...I just don't know how to taper off...I shake so bad in the morning that I have to hold my glass of water with both hands. I'm gonna try though. I can't loose this job.


            I'm worried

            Could you try and gradually reduce your evening drinking? Perhaps cutting it in half for a week then cut another half the following week? I know there can be serious consequences regarding withdrawals. I'm sure somewhere on this board there may be a withdrawal thread that may be helpful to you. Sounds like you are determined to fight this - that is the most important.


              I'm worried

              I HAVE to try.....


                I'm worried

                There are some good threads under the Need Help Asap section. A lot dealing with withdrawal's. Maybe something helpful for you in that section.


                  I'm worried

                  Hi Polar. The way you describe your drinking sounds a bit like my drinking was - and working to quit at a similar age and after drinking heavily for a similar number of years.

                  Do you have anyone you can go through your detox with? Someone who can keep an eye on you, and have a plan agreed to in advance for what will happen if you have seizures?

                  I was able to detox at home without medication. I printed out all the information on withdrawls, etc. from the links in the Need Help ASAP section, and reviewed them with my husband. We had an agreed upon plan if I had problems. Thankfully I didn't - went cold turkey successfully. Tapering was not an option for me because once I start drinking, I cannot stop.

                  The road has been bumpy, but here I am 3 years sober now. If I can do it, I know you can do it too.

                  Please put your sobriety in front of your job. If you keep on drinking because of concerns that work will find out about detoxing, chances are something bad will happen and the job will go by the wayside anyway. That's just reality. My ability to hide it started diminishing greatly in the later years of my drinking. I'm not saying jobs don't matter - I'm just saying that for me, I reached a point where my sobriety had to come first or I was going to die and nothing else would matter anyway.

                  Good luck to you - you can do it.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    I'm worried

                    Hi Polar, I drank just like you. After work every night til I passed out and the whole weekend. I did this for almost 10 years. After trying to quit for 4 years I finally decided in March that this was it. I did taper for a week because I too was terrified of withdrals and there was no way I could go to a detox because I could not lose my job. Not everyone can taper and each day I cut down I also recommitted to myself what I was doing and only buy and drink what I allotted for that night. My last drink was March 17th and I have now been completely sober for over 3 and 1/2 months. My life is so different now and it is not perfect or easy but so much better than when I was drinking. There is no comparison to the hell I was living in daily. The urges to drink still pop up occasionally but I can get through them pretty easily now. I will not die if I don't have a drink, I will slowly kill myself if I do. Easy choice for me to make.

                    Whatever you decide I wish you well. Life is so much better without being chained to alcohol.
                    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                      I'm worried

                      I would suggest a regular dose of B12 (or and regular B vitamins). Do you have a herbalist you can visit. I have a great detox spray which I use twice a day. I was terrified of DT's but found the actual moderating very easy, and my AF nights really easy too. Good luck. Would think twice about the Lithium. Go natural if you can. ie herb tea's etc. Good luck! x


                        I'm worried

                        How are you doing today Polar?


                          I'm worried

                          tough...started drinking at 11:30 instead of 9:am.....shaking so much I can hardly bring the water to my lips in the morning....but 2.5 hours less per day than yesterday. working at it...and doggy girl, you are an inspiration. If i can do this without letting go of my job I will be happy....divorced, so no income if not did we get selfs in this way?


                            I'm worried

                            Hang in there Polar. Start easing off of the booze. 11:30 better than 9:00 - progress! Take the vitamins and drink alot of water w/lemon. You need to hydrate.
                            Keep reading alot of great success stories. Doggy, Red many, many great stories. Don't give up!


                              I'm worried

                              I don't have any experience in this area, but I agree with tapering off. Maybe starting one hour later or one half later each day will work for you. Drink water in between, and maybe practice leaving a bit of liquor in your glass each time, too. This way, you are cutting back the number of hours and the amount by a tiny bit, too. You will get there!

