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I'm worried

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    I'm worried

    Checking in Polar. How you doing today? Progress? Wishing you success!


      I'm worried


      Another suggestion might be to drink something that is not your favorite beverage. If you like vodka switch to wine, if you like wine switch to beer. Maybe you can gradually cut back simply because you are not drinking your normal drink. Hopefully you are gradually moving forward, we all know the hell alcohol brings into our lives.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        I'm worried

        Thanks for checking Sharky....held off till 3pm today so more baby steps but was so shakey and anxious...I can't believe that something that does so much damage to your body can calm you as much as this shite does. Tomorrow, shooting for 5pm....if I don't shake my butt out of my desk chair. Worrisome thing is that even my handwriting is suffering....looks as though I am 97 years old. Again, thanks for checking in.


          I'm worried

          Muppet....what does b12 do?


            I'm worried

            Any B complex will help- alot. Alcohol robs the body of many necessary vitamins as it takes over. Please check out some of the threads (Holistic) and also if you haven't downloaded the book, it is definitely worth it. Research the supplements etc... I'm not a big fan of pharm. drugs but the natural stuff seems.. natural. Keep reading the different forums. The more you learn the better off you are. Keep up the good work!


              I'm worried

              Hey Polar,

              I feel for you mate. I have tried the home detox a few times and it sux big time. I ended detoxing in a rehab unit and sticking around for the full 28 days.

              All the advice you are getting here is top notch, I don't have anything substantial to add on that front. I justed wanted to post to let you know I have been reading your posts and I'm pulling for you mate. I hope it all goes well. Believe in yourself Polar it does get better.
              I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                I'm worried

                You're doing great Polar. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I also used L Glutamine powder mixed in my water several times a day while i detoxed and for several weeks after. And lots of vitamins. It really will get easier as you cut back and you will feel so free when you are finally done. Also get lots of rest and warm baths also helped.

                You can do this!
                AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                  I'm worried

                  Polar, You're a fantastic that you've tapered off to where you are now. The vitamins REALLY work. Be aware that the B vit. will make your pee green so don't panic. Once the vitamins start kicking in, you'll feel soooooo much better. Stick with it kid. and STAY STRONG! x


                    I'm worried

                    Thank you for all your support.....what does L Glutamine do? I am really worried...I have a four day weekend infront of me and usually that means drinking from 6:30am to passout time and then more when I wake up. I have loads of yard work that has been ignored for the last few weeks and of course the usual house work....that should keep busy for a day. Pray for me.


                      I'm worried

                      I meant a four day weekend......


                        I'm worried

                        Keep busy. Set goals for your yard work. You will be amazed at how good you feel (self accomplishment) when you actually accomplish something and don't drink all day. I know for me a mjor source of anxiety comes from NOT getting things accomplished because I was either drunk, hungover or depressed due to self pity.
                        Again check out the other threads - plenty of info on L-Glut. I'd link it but don't know how:H
                        Stay focused.. You can do it!


                          I'm worried

                          Thanks Sharky.....perhaps I will spend the first 4 hours on yard work, the next (however many hours) on MWO and then my housecleaning.......that should put me up to my goal on not drinking. BTW....didn't shake so bad today. That is certainly better! :thanks:


                            I'm worried

                            That is awesome! Hopefully even better for you tomorrow - that is great progress. You will also find that your anxiety starts to go away because you aren't feeling so guilty. Setting the goals is key, pretend it is like your job, you have to get them done or else in trouble with the boss!! Now you being the boss of yourself, you can do a performance review of yourself. I guarantee you would be getting high praise for your "continual improvement":goodjob:

                            Additionally- do you excercise? Very important for me - kinda of a fitness junky, which is odd as I drink too much. But I find the more I excercise the less (if at all) drink. Every little bit helps.


                              I'm worried

                              Found this. maybe good info for you.

                              How To Taper Off Alcohol

