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Hope This Will Be It

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    Hope This Will Be It

    Hello All!

    I have been lurking these boards for a while and am encouraged by the posts I've read about this program. I downloaded, read and enjoyed the book. After trying other programs and suffering relapses, I decided to commit to MWO. Already consulted my supportive MD -- who prescribed the Topamax. I ordered the supplements and the CD's -- can't wait for them to arrive. Have cut back, but looking forward to abstinence.

    My MD is concerned about my liver, my wife is supportive (but running out of patience) and my 14yro daughter can't stand me when I'm drinking (don't blame her). I HAVE to do this. Therefore, I'm --

    Rehab is for Quitters
    - unknown

    Hope This Will Be It

    Welcome Crying Uncle!

    Welcome to the greatest forum there is! I have found this place to be a great source of strength and support. A lot of valuable information here. You won't feel so alone through this.

    Congrats on your decision to start fighting this battle! Keep posting and reading, my friend. We will be here for you through the good and the bad! :welcome:


      Hope This Will Be It


      You really have found a fabulous place, i've been here 4 weeks tomorrow, and although i've not totally stopped drinking, I haven't been drunk or had a drink before 7pm, I've cut back from 3 bottles of wine a day to just one and managed a few days AF.

      All the best and keep us 'posted'

      Paula xx


        Hope This Will Be It

        Welcome aboard :welcome:

        That's great you've decided to make a change and that you've ordered everthing you need to get started. And Bravo, for not waiting until the Holidays are over to jump in. Nice to have you here.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Hope This Will Be It

          :new: Uncle, I find myself in the same boat, my kids cant stand having a "stinkin wet beer rag for a Dad" and the wife, while she has been patient, has made it clear that if I dont get this deal done than I might as well look for another place to live until I do. That is not a prospect I look forward to. The thing for me is to suck it up and pull my head out of the bottle...I`m trying and I will get it done...Rogue


            Hope This Will Be It

            Thanks All

            Thanks everyone for the welcome and encouragement.

            Rogue, let's do it for our familys! I'm sure happiness and harmony can be in our futures.
            Rehab is for Quitters
            - unknown


              Hope This Will Be It

              Welcome crying uncle
              We are glad to have you here! Good for you for being so proactive and getting all the supplies you need to jump head first into the program! We are here with open arms.
              Do it for your family, and mostly, do it for you! We are here to help you along the way.
              Dive in! The water's fine.
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Hope This Will Be It

                Hey Guys,

                Just a quick update. Got my Supps and CDs yesterday. Listened to the CDs last night and started the supps today. Man, what a rigurous schedule! I'll do my best to adhere. Today doing chores around the house. So far so good, but it's early. Onward we go!
                Rehab is for Quitters
                - unknown


                  Hope This Will Be It

                  Hi Uncle....Ditto Precious...well done for not waiting for the hols to be over...these will come up all bloomin year, so we have to get used to going with them without going down...
                  You've really got your A into G with all the battle equipment too...good healthy start, and yeah, it is daunting, seems like quite a challenge, give as much as you can, but don't beat yourself up if you can't do everything like, TODAY!!!.........some of the guys here seem to plough in and get right into the whole deal in a way that I can only give a standing ovation to, others (in other words me), have to take things slower...I've needed all my strength just to let my body physically recover for the last few days, but I am going with the meds, supps and reading....not made it to the gym yet, but have a very physically demanding job for 60 hours a week and take the dog out for a couple of hours a day (at a fast pace!!! I have the canine equivalent of Shergar!!) So that is my exercise at the moment, but the more I read stuff from Olly and Capto, the closer I am to booking that trainer!!! Do as much as you can...and keep reading and will REALLY help to keep in close contact with all the fabbo, marvy peeps wot are 'ere
                  You've started sooooo well, here's a big bag of strength to keep it up (specially those household are a goodie...I let mine slip terribly at the moment)
                  Welcome, welcome Melon head


                    Hope This Will Be It

                    Thanks Wee,

                    Made it through yesterday without a drink. It was tough at times, but one small step. I added my location since I'm overwhelmed that I now have friends from around the world. What's the weather like there? It's unseasonably warm here -- about 60F.

                    Working those hours and an active dog -- don't need a gym! We have a hyper puppy also.

                    My posts tend to be short since I check in frequently but not long.

                    Best of everything.

                    Rehab is for Quitters
                    - unknown

