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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    I stayed up for hours last night reading all the threads , you are all so inspiring. I am new to all this posting ,but have a history of wine abuse for 15 years + I decided after after yet another drink as much as you can episode that i need to take control. I am married with four adult children. my husband knows that i have a problem ,and bless him is trying real hard to support me, but as a virtual teetotaller does not really understand the cravings.I have tried to think why i am like this but wonder if it is in the genes as my sister is definately alcoholic.
    Im very pleased to find such a supporting and non judgemental site. All of you should be very proud of every new day you experience without allowing the "demon" drink to take it away from you.
    AF 10th June 2014


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Hi boozer, you are literally on the other side of the world, 12hrs time difference.
      Good job making it so far, I know it is not easy, I for one had many failed day 1s.

      At the time i came to MWO I posted that i liked NZ sauv blanc from Marlborough ( sorry mate, had no chance to try the Oz ones) more than jimmy choo shoes. You are a bloke and probably this does not ring it for you, it would be the equivalent of my hubby caring more for AL than golf, i think.

      Try not to think of the taste, it is easy to fool yourself that you are right to drink beacuse , after all this is such a noble wine ...if you cannot stop at 1 glass then just don't start.

      Think hard for distractions and a replacement drink. Mine is a super virgin Mojito - perrier, lime and mint.

      I dwelled for a while on the 3AM guilt trip upon sobering up. If i had to pinpoint the thing i most hated about drinking this would be it. The moment i wake up with a lurch,
      All sweatty, unware of time, of how i got into bed, hoping against hope that i did not make a fool of myself and praying that i can get back to sleep so that i can function the next day. The guilt i felt in those wee hours of the morning is the worst ... Ever .. I do not want to have to feel it, ever, again.

      How's weather where you are?
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Hello Gingerspice - and welcome :welcome: Stay around with us and if you feel like joining the journey with us we are all here to help and support you!

        Boozer - fantastic - well done to have got through Day! :goodjob: The first couple of days are the absolute worst. I am now on Day 4 and feeling a lot easier in myself. I had a terrible headache for a couple of days but this has now gone and I slept like a dream last night.

        I have also recognised that I don't really crave or feel tempted to drink AL until about 4pm each day and this seems to get stronger and stronger until I eat my evening meal (which is usually around 8pm). Yesterday I took my dogs for a long bike ride straight after work to fill those hours and then cooked and ate with the family as soon as we got home - and I can honestly say that AL didn't cross my mind yesterday.

        My plan is to make sure I'm really busy during these witching hours every day. Have a think about what your triggers are and how you can occupy yourself during those times.

        Hope everyone else is hanging on in there - its great to read all of your posts - they make me feel so strong and positive. :thanks:
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          i want to welcome everyone new!!
          i am in the middle of day 4 and this site has given me so much f...... strength and encouragement. a place where i feel like i can say it like it is, where everyone understands. and i'm so excited to share everyones progress.
          this witching hour is mind boggling. how it can be so precise.! for me the best thing to do has been to sign on to mwo and read, read, read. i also like the long term abstinence thread--they are quite inspiring and have some great advice.

          good on you shue for making it through the visit with your parents AF!! i'm so happy they were supportive.
          i told 2 of my very good friends here that i quit drinking and they were so supportive.

          i think probably with boyfriends, husbands, friends, parents--- when they see that we are serious and much happier and stronger, not to mention more interesting, when we are AF, they will be more supportive. maybe in the end it doesn't matter whether they want to call it "alcoholic"-- but just to support a decision, the right for a person to choose not to drink.
          should be possible.

          wonderful sat. to you all.!!


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Good afternoon all,

            Glad to see so many new people! Got through last night's movie without my usual large glass of wine, which was hard at first when the waiter came to take our order, but it stuck with mint tea. The benefit of not drinking while at the movies is that I don't drift off towards the end (which is just pure class).

            I find it interesting that so many of us have partners that watch us drink too much but don't believe that we have a real problem. They see it is just a matter of self control. I know that if my husband drank the way I do, passed out most nights on the couch, I would not be able to over look it. I would not go out and get him a bottle of wine if he asked me to. Perhaps it can be just as hard for our partners to admit there is a problem as it is for us.

            Anyway, on to day 6. Feeling stronger and very motivated. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
            Benjamin Franklin


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              i've changed my picture, as you all can see.
              i instinctively chose the wolf a few days ago--- in need of great strength!!
              and being the favorite animal of my daughters, it's been a good reminder for me.
              but today when i signed on i felt different.

              so... i hope you all have snshine today!


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hello everyone...I hope you are all ok...very little time but wanted to say that I'm amazed that I've managed to get to Day wine monster still being kept at bay by little old me! I JUST can't beleive I've managed to do this...a couple of years lurking here and not ever got past Day 4....10+ years of daily drinking...and now finally a whole week AF under my belt...bloody marvellous feeling...
                If anyone is wavering out there...let's keep are a superb bunch of friends to me...thank you x
                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hello All,
                  Queenbug great job on getting to day 6! Really impressive. I am wavering right now. It's 6:30 pm, I have to start making diner and there is some tension between my husband and I. Would love to cheer myself up with a glass of wine, even typing it out is hard. Tonight will be tough. I think after diner I will go straight to bed with my book and hide from my monster.

                  Hope everyone is having a sober Saturday!
                  While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Hey can do does feel like a monster sometimes doesn't it!! Hang on in there...I have been really hanging onto that HungryAngryLonelyTiredStress it on here goes round and round in my head when I feel just like you say you I fiddle with a piece of turquoise thread I have around my wrist...that reminds me of everyone here and how I want to be able to come back here with the number of days gradually going up.
                    How are you feeling now? That book and a bit of duvet time sounds like a bit of a plan matey!
                    I'm about for a while so feel free to post again, I'll keep checking...
                    Big love xx
                    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Hey everybody!

                      Scream it with me ..... DAY 7!!

                      It only has taken 15 years to get here. Let me say this first, I never... ever... EVER would have made it to 7 without this thread and YOU!

                      I feel so alive. Slept no problem. Woke up no problem. Loud music in the car on the way to work; you guessed it! I am less anxious, but the little demon is still whispering you want wine... I don't care how good you feel. Look I have wine don't you want some! So it is going to still be a long road ahead.

                      Welcome all that I have not "spoken with" yet. I plan on catching up later.

                      Happy Saturday,
                      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Snap... Congrats on day 4

                        Life... Great thinking telling your good friends. I have told a few people and they have all been receptive. One said " well your not going to be any fun" ... I said how do you know... He said yeah your right... I have never seen you out and not drinking. I'll show them I can be fun and sober.

                        Not Tonight ... Queen... Drumroll. DAY 6... Awesome!

                        Boozer... Day 2 is a toughie be strong!

                        Take 2 - welcome and WoW 5 weeks
                        Ginger and This way... keep posting we are here for you!

                        Shue- Saved you for last! Repeat after me... Husbands don't get it! Last night I was telling my husband (who was let me say the only stress of my day) to knock it off he was acting like an ass.
                        His reply... Oh, why don't you go have a drink! Sooooo I give up. He is just dense and doesn't get it.
                        Whatever! I am thankful to have all of you!

                        Keep close and I will do the same.
                        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Can I join?
                          I'm on day 2


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Of course!!! This is a good place to be...well done for 2 days...takes some doing eh? Stay strong...and like Enough says...stay close x
                            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Mya... Welcome! If you are ready we would like to hear a little about you.

                              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                I'm headed out with my husband and son for a last minute shopping trip.
                                good thing to keep my mind of drinking.
                                Well post later

