Hi Ronnie.....everyone is welcome everywhere on here!!!!!! Wow....70 days..that is amazing...I don't think I have ever been AL 70 days except when I was pregnant!!!! At least you know that you have done it before and we are here to help you get back on track and do it again! Day 3 is hard but for me it was day 4 and day 13. This is all new to me so hopefully there will be no more slip ups....but I just have to take it one day at a time and not look too far down the road! My husband tries to be supportive..I guess that's what he thinks he's doing...but he ends up getting mean and making me feel like crap so I choose to stay on here and get my support from the awesome pople on here!!!!!!
No announcement yet.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Ronnie.....everyone is welcome everywhere on here!!!!!! Wow....70 days..that is amazing...I don't think I have ever been AL 70 days except when I was pregnant!!!! At least you know that you have done it before and we are here to help you get back on track and do it again! Day 3 is hard but for me it was day 4 and day 13. This is all new to me so hopefully there will be no more slip ups....but I just have to take it one day at a time and not look too far down the road! My husband tries to be supportive..I guess that's what he thinks he's doing...but he ends up getting mean and making me feel like crap so I choose to stay on here and get my support from the awesome pople on here!!!!!!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Ronnie! Yes... Welcome to join us. Pleasemletmme know how
you are progressing.
Dest... Thank you for the well wishes.
Had 1 " normal size " bottle of wine throughout the evening (4-10) yesterday alternated with glasses of pellogrino and was sober at days end. Probably a first for any bday since who knows when. So... Not perfect, but some effort. Even a small success for me.
E!Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
I just found this forum today and started a new thread. I recently found Kudzu and found it works quite well, but forgot to take it in the last couple of days and had a relapse. I'm here to start on day 1 for good, and I'm in!AF Since: June 8
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Enough. I have the trouble with wine... in fact I'm celiac and so I wont have anything BUT wine, and i used to think that was OK because it wasnt nbinge drinking BUT I drink 1-2 bottles EVERY SINGLE night (have been know to drink more on special occasions! ) If I go below 1 bottle amount in a day I get sick with anxiety then the next might I'll rebound and drink even MORE to make up for it ugh.....
I know you are trying to cut down and you seem to be doing well on that. Good job and keep it up
I have just been to my new GP doctor and she told me I should try and take some lorazepam for the next week (until I have an apponitment with a good psychiatrsit to figure out proper medication or 'plan' in general).
The thing is my will is really strong - I have some of the craziest stories of things I have dealt with that nobody I know could have come through on pure 'inner will' alone... I can deal with some really crazy things and so that is why I know this alcohol issue has become bigger than just 'me'. This has become a very serious chemical problem for me. I wonder if you have tried to talk to a doctor and be truthful as you have been on here.... I was REALYYYY scared to talk to my GP but I just did it (I was acutally under the influence WHEN I SAW HER - not drunk but I drank a glass of wine before going in at 930 am just so I could have the courage to say what I needed to say. At least it was authentic ! She never juged me, she was kind and professional and never got onto a moral rant about things as I was worried she might do. SHe was in no way dismissive or rude or moralizing.
Wishing you well because from reading your posts your true will is so strong. You are an inspration! Maybe you could talk to a medical doctor to explain you specific situation - At a cetain point it changed our brains and bodies and this is amedical issue > will....
I 'pray' for all of us cause this thing really scares me so much.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi everybody back on day 2 again. The only goal I've got today is not to drink. I've read last few pages of posts and wish everybody success. It's hard first few days but have to keep reminding myself (from my own experience as well as from this site) that a fantastic awakening is just around corner. PxShort term goal 7 days AF
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Patricia....I am on day 2 also......I went 17 days AF and then screwed up..ugh! It did make me realize though that I am much happier AF...I didn't enjoy drinking and hated the disgust that I felt towards myself the next day...plus coming on here and having to post that I was back on day 1 was horrible...but I am back on the wagon and my ass is glued to the seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi everybody, couple of hours till bedtime so know today I'll be okaydestiny, it's crap at the beginning isn't it but perhaps we'll both make it this time - I'll look forward to following your journey particularly as it is so close to mine. If I'm honest I have always drunk too much right from about 17 which is a very long time ago and I've had countless day 1s. I always like it when I stop and even look forward to AF days with great relief. I'd really like to do it this time. Take care all and I'll look forward to reading everybody's posts tomorrow. We all deserve better. Px
Short term goal 7 days AF
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
You guys are very inspirational. I just downed 2 more L-Glut chews, and holding out for a couple more hours on the Kudzu. This is day 2 for me, and it really motivates me to resist the minor relapses you have had, especially when you say how good it makes you feel to be AF.
Thanks!AF Since: June 8
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Thanks Fly, I'm beginning to understand how difficult it is for you all. This is the first time I've tried to go cold turkey, and even with the Glutamine and Kudzu it's really a challenge not to open the bottle. Every time I think about it, I remind myself how much closer to divorce I'll be - I'm on the verge of it already, and it really helps me to be strong. Thanks again all for the support! I'm beginning to feel a second home around this placeAF Since: June 8
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hello all. Count me in. I am on day one also. Wine is my problem too and I'm also a mom. Got wrecked the other night and then woke up and started in on a new bottle. Such behavior is repugnant. I'm currently in the self-loathing ritual that I often go through. This needs to stop. Sleep well all...bring on day two!!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Lola...welcome to MWO. You will find so much support here....plus it's nice to know that you are not alone in this journey. I used to think that no one could possibly imagine how hard this addiction is to kick...but I came on here and I could've written every single post I read myself...I just clicked with everyone. Keep posting and good luck on day 2!!!!
Aero....isn't weird how this place feels like a 2nd home??!!! I come on here first thing in the morning and read posts and I take that advice that I get throughout the day with me. Keep popping that L-Glut and Kudzu....you may want to add some Milk Thistle too...it helps the liver heal. I am hoping that the more AF days you have under your belt that you find your marriage improving!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Welcome Lola! We're all in this together. Hang in there, and stay the course! Maybe let the dog bury your corkscrew in the back yard (that's what I would do)
Thanks Destiniey, you're right. I am taking milk thistle, once in the morning - started that yesterday. I've literally spent about 7 hours (had the day off) on this forum today, going through tons of information. Surprisingly, no withdrawal symptoms and no cravings. Although I barbequed a pork chop at sunset and the temperature was perfect - really made me almost, but not quite, crave a glass of red wine. One of my old BBQ habits. That made me think about why I quit.
Other than that, no cravings this afternoon or tonight, unbelievably. I think buying my glutamine was a huge addition!
Gonna be a great day tomorrow!AF Since: June 8
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
So glad to hear that you are are doing so well! That is awesome! You can do this...I just know it! Tomorrow is going to be a great day....or shall I say "today" since it's after midnight where I am. Ha!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Morning all
Day three. Hope everybody is well. Does anybody know how much l-glut it is recommended to take? I've bought tablets from holland and Barrett and they seem to be helping. The recommended does is one tablet which is 500mg? Any thoughts? PxShort term goal 7 days AF