Rise and shine. Day 3 here I come. Slept a tad better..had lots of dreams..good ones I think but lots and I don't remember them so well but I do remember the entire night up till then! Woohoo!
So aero I've been curious about kudzu and glutamate and I've seen lots on here and other sites about that. So I am looking into it. My question is this....what is a craving! Is it physiologically/pharmacologically based, psychologically based, or both(since these aren't necessarily different on a cellular level)? Use of herbs or extracts or whatever it might be suggests a physiological basis. To the best of my ability, my sense tells me that my desire for vino is to remove myself from social situations..not to loosen inhibitions in order to engage more fully..although I have clearly done that. That was more typ of my college days. But now...I seem to use it to escape people..including myself. I think the hardest thing for me is going to learn how to enjoy others again. Easiest thing will be to start with family bc they are naturally so lovable. Harder part will be to see if I can learn to enjoy other people more. I'm the reclusive type who generally feels annoyed by the mere presence of others. Strange bc my job demands much from me socially. I have tons of meetings and I am an instructor, and mentor. These require me to engage with others regularly and I can do it no problem bc it is related to my work...but boy oh boy..at the end of the day...I am quick to get away from all of it, climb in a bottle, and pull the cork in after me.....
So what I'm getting to is I wonder if there is anything chemical that will help that? Perhaps. I am still thinking this through As you all can plainly see.
Congrats All On continued success...pat, go skewer day 4!