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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Good morning all! Thank YOU Enough for your response to my post. As you can see, I am not the only one who has been enormously positively impacted by you 'little' thread! It is in no way, shape, or form, a 'little' thread!

    Thanks aero for your congrats on my 30 into 32! And thanks to everyone on this thread who has offered their wisdom, drive, and insight along the way.

    Let's hang in there together and see where this crazy path takes us! Keep the faith and the knowledge that we can truly feel better.:h

    When You Change The Way You Look At Things, the Things You Look At Change.....

    Here's to Change!


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Caper....congratulations on 6! Thank you for your always helps to see how other people have managed to stay AF.

      BC....32 days! That is excellent! This is definitely a crazy path and I am looking forward to seeing what turn my life takes as I get more and more AF days behind me!

      MWO, Paula, Life...good morning!!!! Congrats on your AF days....we are getting there!!!!!!
      AB Club Member
      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me? sorry...didn't mean to leave you out of the last post!!!! My bad....just got up after a long night of tossing and turning!!! I am so glad that you are a fellow boot camp member and I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with day 2. Hang tough and stay close....we can do this!!!!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


          Good morning!
          Caper... Juja ( of course I remember you) ... BC... All our new friends....

          Thank you for your kind words, support, and encouragement. I am so happy that starting this has had a positive impact on many... like Juja said it felt like I was spending so much time here, I said forget it. In truth it was another excuse as this thread have offered the most support to succeed. I let the alcohol tell me it was a waste of time. Just have to stick with the program.

          Today is day 3 ( I think I can drop the time now ) I could have opened the bottle of red sitting in the cabinet any time yesterday. Capers theory of keeping a bottle instead of stressing" should I stop for one " and inevitably driving yourself crazy...should I ... shouldn't I.... Works for me.
          Better night sleep and off to work feeling great and with a small sense of accomplishment.
          No real withdrawal... Just the nagging thoughts of opening the bottle.
          Have a great day!
          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            It’s so nice to see this thread active again. Some familiar “names” and some new. I look forward to enjoying everyones company. Lifechange, thanks very much and I’m glad to hear you’re going to try that same prayer. It truly has made all the difference for me. It’s as if all the years I was asking God to “help me stop drinking” He was saying “Sure, but can you be a little more specific?” Destiniey, thank you too for your kind words. I always enjoy your posts; I think you have great insight. Plus I enjoy reading about your horses. Throughout my entire life, up until 12 years ago, I’d always owned a horse. My last “old man” died in 2000 at the age of 30. He was an incredibly sweet, smart Arab and I’d had him for 20 years so it was a very painful loss. I still feel almost unbearable guilt when I think of the years I wasted drinking, when I could have been spending that time with him. Please don’t make that same mistake. Enough! - congratulations on Day 3; glad to hear that my theory might help you out. Everyone else, good luck to you too – remember to “stay in the day” and not worry too much about tomorrow!


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              good morning you all!!!
              Caper, i wanted to ask you to tell us a bit more about your 6 month journey-- if you feel like it.
              coping mechanisms/strategies you used. i see you only have about 19 posts.
              were you reading here a lot but just not posting?
              i hear what Juju and Enough are saying about this sometimes feeling like too much work--
              that's been the case with me, too.--but like them that means i've fallen into drinking again.
              moderating. which i sortof "managed". but i always come back to the point of wanting to stop.
              hi to Ellen and Dest,--
              wishing you all a safe day!!


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hi everyone!
                I have been lurking around here for the past two days, trying to get my mind set on getting through my first day. I have ordered the supplements, made an appointment with my Doc, contemplated ordering topa online, ordered the book and CDs. I think I may be able to do it this time. I am still drinking, but lightly...... I have a wonderful husband and a four year old daughter that I want to be better for. Can one buy Topa online? In speaking with my Doctor yesterday, he thought I need antidepressants. I havent told him about the alcohol issue, as he will for sure put me into a clinic within minutes.


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Good morning.

                  Day 4

                  Managed yesterday with a late evening walk when the stress was building. 13 yr old son having a tantrum about the computer which resulted in it being taken away... And another full fit... Aa arrhhh.

                  I am doing my best just thinking about the day, but hoovering two days away is a major rock concert a bought tickets for 6 months ago. Trying to wrap my head around a plan. Further ahead is our annual cottage trip... My demise last July... After about 3 weeks totally sober. Not the drunkfest of past years... But slowly crept back up to my overdoing it in weeks. Yikes !!!

                  Ok... Back to simply thinking about Tuesday ( much easier ). Sleep was quite shitty... But I feel very " crisp" today. Did not need to gulp down glasses of water to rehydrate. No headache or lethargy. The anxiety lower. All good thinks. Not thinking I need a " little something" to get me motivated and off to work.

                  Life... Caper...keep hanging out... Great to have you here
                  W8... Welcome and great Job posting! It's a strong first step. It was a biggie for me.
                  Dest... How are you doing today!
                  Have a great day!
                  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Hi Lifechange ? thanks for the invitation but it may be pretty dull and uninspiring. Like most others, I?d been trying for years to quit but looking back, I don?t feel I?d ever made a totally committed attempt to do so because I don?t think I ever believed I could do it. I believed right from the start that I?d fail and sure enough, I would ? time and time again. Like I said before, I?d always prayed ?please help me stop drinking? but looking back now, it was as if I was expecting God to intervene and put a roadblock at the entrance to the liquor store or to smash my glass as I was pouring the wine. I wanted Him to do it for me. My prayer 6 months ago and every day since is that He will take away from me - that day - the desire to drink. A specific request that He can act upon. Most of the time it works. I can?t entirely explain it; many on this site say there?s simply a time when we know ?it?s over.? I think my age had a lot to do with it. I?d just turned 60 and when I looked back to the many, many years I?d wasted, drinking every evening away, accomplishing nothing other than to rack up empty bottles and credit card debt, it was very frightening. Finding this site and especially Enough!?s post was very helpful in that it changed my perspective on ?alcoholics? from some poor homeless person, lying on a park bench with a cheap bottle of whiskey sticking out of a paper bag, to the reality that alcoholics are smart, attractive young women in their 30?s and 40?s with kids and dogs and jobs and lives - doing the same thing that I was doing; spending every evening, drinking bottle after bottle after bottle of white wine. Acceptable, respectable, yet ultimately just as devastating as that rot gut from a paper bag. I did treat myself like an invalid for the first couple of weeks; my medicine was sweets and junk food. Doing or not doing anything I chose to was my physical therapy. The treats helped me to feel less deprived and doing whatever I felt like (or nothing at all) helped me to break the pattern of sitting in front of my computer drinking wine every night. Anything was fine as long as it wasn?t alcohol. I still try to ?stay in the day? and not worry about how long I might be able to maintain my sobriety or if this will be a forever decision. I don?t think about moderating; I just think about the day in front of me and actually, it?s really only a few hours in the evening that it ever gets difficult. I remind myself of times in my life that I so dreaded ? dental work, medical procedures, job interviews, etc. and I think, Hey, if I got through those hours, I can certainly get through one evening. Plus eating dinner early helps; can?t get buzzed on a full stomach. If my husband wants to go out for dinner ? and we always sit at the bar where we know everyone ? it hasn?t been a problem for me because I announced way back at the beginning that I was dieting and I didn?t want to waste any calories on wine. Our friends accepted that and now they?re used to me ordering seltzer water with lime. As I said in my previous post, having that old bottle of wine in the fridge has been huge for me. It?s taken away the late afternoon discussions with myself of whether or not to stop off at the liquor store on the way home from work. I also started putting away $50 a week ? just a portion of what I would have spent on wine ? and now I have almost $1,200 in a sock drawer. And if I start feeling too sorry for myself, I jump back here at night to read the posts that help me. Regarding what Juja and Enough! and you feel about it being ?too much work? I agree that the number of posts can be overwhelming, but try to look at this site like a medicine cabinet. Open the door and take out what you need; don?t overdose by feeling you have to try every pill you see. Personally, I scan the recent posts looking for the names of the people whose advice I?ve found most helpful. I will sometimes copy their responses to print out or to be able to refer to quickly. I follow their advice of remembering the worst troubles and most embarrassing moments that resulted from my drinking and I also read the ?police log? of my daily paper and rejoice that I am not seeing my name there again under the DUI?s. You mentioned that I haven?t posted often which is true. I visit here a lot but I don?t use this site as a social network. Not that that?s a bad thing ? whatever works for people is fine by me ? but I just wanted to have a place that I could bring my addiction to, to get some serious help. Sorry this got so long ? probably should have PM?d you but hopefully someone will see themselves here as I once did in someone else?s post. And hopefully it will be long before they?ve reached my age! Take care everyone.


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Caper, I for one, am so glad you decided to post rather than PM. That was just great! I really 'get' everything you have to say. I go through times where I will post but 'the medicine cabinet' scenario is a great way of putting it - take what you need....
                      I also understand the 'old bottle of wine' being within reach. When I have really done well AF, I had drink in the house and it didn't bother, like you explained in another post, took away the thinking of how to sneak one in, hide it and when you've gone to that much bother, more likely to drink it - not for everyone, but.....
                      I am so glad you posted this as sometimes I feel my approach is so different from so many here but your way resonates with me so much that it helps me not to question myself so much - thank you.
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Daisy, thanks very much for your kind words. I’m relieved to hear that someone else feels the same way I do – and that I’m not the only one who finds that keeping a bottle around can actually reduce the obsession. As you say, it’s not for everyone but I’m pretty sure we all agree: Whatever works! Good luck on your journey – I’ll look forward to reading your 6-month success story in December!


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          thank you, Caper for your reply.
                          i am also glad you posted instead of sending a pm, as i think there are many who will benefit from what you've written.
                          it helps me a lot to read the stories of others, especially those who have touched me in some way.
                          i hope you will post more often--but i'm being selfish. your name is one of those i've "looked" for.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Day 5!

                            Feel very sober today. Lost 1 pound.
                            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Hi all! Just saying hi, and wishing everyone well in their respective journeys! I continue to learn and gain important insight each and every day I read this thread. Thank you...all of you!

                              Enough! Isn't it something to feel very sober? Cool, huh?

                              Keep it up everyone....we can do this!!

                              When You Change The Way You Look At Things, the Things You Look At Change.....

                              Here's to Change!


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Day two and feeling a struggle, so I'm doing a lot of reading here.
                                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                                (quote from Bean )

                                Goal: Survival

