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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Yeah, You will need a plan. Perhaps the guy is a non drinker; now that would be a real plan! Your skin really does improve when you are off the booze. So WHY do we continue to drink? I guess its so entrenched in our culture. I only know of a couple of people that don,t drink. I wish I had never taken that first taste all those years ago. Good luck with your date . I have tried and quite like af beer. Coopers brand is the best and u can pick it up from the supermarkets.


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Checking in...

      Well... The best part of my day was walking into my younger sons room last night and for no reason he says... Mom you are really awesome! Wow... I am? Why? Just because he says. I don't remember my boys saying I am awesome in a while... Especially at night when I am usually teetering around the house after dinner not much use to anyone after 9 pm... Basically Passing out at 10 or 11. On the flip side I say to my hubby.. Hey by the way it's been 10 days.. His response was ...great been there done that .. Get back to me when it's 10 months! Guess I can't blame him. Will have to put more time in for my "atta girl"!!! Definitely reduced fighting and the aweful rolling of the eyes no more!!!

      Feel good and very functional. Made dinner last night.... Homemade cookies... found time for a evening walk... all sober ( staying with 1 drink a day for now) Yay. Check in and say hi.
      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Avail... Best of luck on your date. Remember most people really could care less if you drink or not. We are the ones that are worried how we look when we don't drink!

        Hadit... Don't let a couple glasses of wine get you down keep on plugging. Have a great day in Oz!
        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Thanks guys about to head off to work catch up later Have a party tonight. Not sure what I will do just yet!


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            available how did you go on the date
            enough who would have thought your post would get to 200 pages good on you for starting it

            yes drinking really is entrenched in our lifestyle but you may be surprised at just how many don't drink
            you only have to look at aa and there members some have been there for over 20 yrs
            I have some close friends who don't drink
            I have to laugh at my mother in-law she would have a very diluted beer or wine and say she was drunk


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Happy Friday to all....
              Here in US Labor Day weekend is here which of course means the beach and lots of drinks!!! I personally need to start adding alcohol free days to succeed with my plan. Yesterday.. I allowed the kids to set me over the edge... had not 1 but 3 drinks throughout the evening. I guess self soothing and simply out of habit to deal with stress. So woke up a little disappointed for not having stronger resolve... Not miserable either as I did not say screw it and keep going back for more and more. Made my tea and that was that.
              So what is everyone's plan this weekend for success? Witts end.. Yes I hope I helped many people with this thread... If you had success here I would love to hear from you or please shout out if you are lurking about and need some support.
              All the best!
              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Can I join in with you guys too, clover and enough? I'm a mom too and am embarrassed and tired of hidi g that I was drunk. Good luck to you, just one day at a time


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hello Everyone, A magic spring day here today, the suns out and its a little bit warmer than its been. Available where have you been? Please check in and let us know how you went with your date .Did your plan work? Enough, I had a few wines at the party last night so I too am a bit disappointed this morning. I could easily slip into everyday drinking and I don,t want that. I know I can,t moderate so I need to notch up some af days to.:welcome: Welcome Liz, tell us a bit more about yourself. ODAT here.


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Witts he had to cancel so was a blessing in disguise i suppose but a disappointment, kept me AL free so all good and up to Day 7. There is a plan to catch up again but wont hold my breath.

                    Hadit I am here and going strong. Woke today and have done 3 loads of washing, cleaned my fridge which i have always done a half arsed job as too hungover. Listening to music which i seem to have lost along the way also. So much bloody energy i am amazed. Sleeping like a log so life is unbelievable. The weather in Melbourne is truly amazing. Keep trying girl, think of the positive that a few glasses is better than a bottle and a half but soooooo easy to fall back into the trap of AL everyday. Family over tonight so not sure how that will go but positive thoughts here.

                    Welcome Liz the best place to come is here in the nest. I have MWO open all day at home and at work. I am a mum of 4 and have had enough of embarrassing not only myself and my children.

                    Enough I remember you were here when i first started over a year ago, at least you are persevering and good on you. I have two grownup boys that drive me insane and that urge to just blur them out with AL is so tempting but no AL in the house and when i get home from work I really cant be bothered to go and get wine. Today I am taking my son shopping so i am not tempted to buy AL. They are enjoying their mum happy though I seem to get angry at the drop of a hat at the moment. Oh well their problem not mine lol.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Good morning!!!
                      First off... Welcome Lizann!!! It's a great first step just writing a few posts. YES. . Please stick around here with us. Very supportive and non-judgemental group.... As you probably read I am also a mom.. 2 boys 11 and 15.
                      Avail - Maybe the cancelled date is a good thing? I feel my anxiety level with my boys overall much more moderate without also dealing with alcohol! They certainly have a way of getting under your skin though ... I think at any age! I remember you as well from my not so successful effort last Summer. I wish I tried harder.
                      Hadit- Enjoy what sound like a phenomenal day in Oz. we are just on the edge of bearable somewhat cooler weather thank goodness.

                      On my end... another hangover free morning... Actually showed up to work half hour early on a Saturday morning.. Just two short weeks ago would have been un heard of. I would have shook off my Friday night justification of better part of 1.5L of red wine and wondered in a hour or so late.. if I wasn't the boss I would mostly been fired long ago.

                      Last night went to dinner with Hubby and he was perfectly fine with me ordering a cocktail or wine.. I pondered the 10 page drink menu for at least 5-10 minutes and ordered a sparkling WATER... and really did not want anything else.. Did not even desire a sip of his Corona. Before dinner... I had a glass and a half of wine ( which I stopped and bought along with a movie). Wow only a 750ml... I think the second bottle I have bought in 12 days! My freakin recycle bin is empty!!!! Novel concept. Don't have to go out and put a few bottles in the bottom of the trash or hide stuff under the water bottles and milk jugs... Sound familiar to anyone????

                      Home from dinner and watched Olympus Fallen(sp).. With my oldest son... Very violent but a good flick... and wait.... remember the ending. Ha... How many time I watched and re-watched a movie cause I was to toasted by the last 30min.
                      Ok... No more rambling on... Back to work for me!!!
                      Have a great day!
                      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Good Morning Everyone, I am just about to jump on a Train for the city (Melbourne) to see some football and have Yum Cha for Lunch in Chinatown. Enough, I can relate to the empties going out in the trash. MY trick is to jamb them down the side of the bin with all the other milk cartons etc that way know one can see them.Geez, the stupid games we play with al. I am much older than you and wish I had given up the booze when my kids were 11 and 15. My kids are all grown up now. I am a highly functioning alkie and got buy OK. They are all good kids and doing well with their own beautiful children. I could have set a better example with the booze though. Still we can only change the future and learn from our past. Good morning available, Liz and wits end and anyone else I have missed. How did you all go Sat night. Sober here and feeling good this morning (sun 9.10am) Will check in later today. Hope everyone has a nice Sunday AF.:welcome:


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          afternoon all
                          welcome lizann
                          I couldn't hide my empties hubby did the garbage bury burn etc


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Goodaye everyone, Just got back from Melbourne. Had a nice af lunch and spent some time wandering around South bank and the markets. How has everyone done this weekend? Available, are u Ok? You wouldn,t believe you could get caught up in 3 demonstrations in one day!!! Went to a chinese restaurant and ordered some seafood; looked out the window and there was a group of people campaigning to save the sharks. I am glad on didn,t order flake!!! Next we ran into some demonstration about the farmers in South America. Didn,t really understand what it was about, because it was in some foreign language ! Last but not least, we then got dragged away with lots of others protesting about something happening in Lybia. Democracy is alive and well in OZ ! lol Hope everyone is doing well.


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              How fun. We here in southern Louisiana are getting ready gore nice cool fall weather. Ha hs!! It won't cool down until late November probably. I sometimes wish I could have just one or two beers. But there is no such thing for me. So I have two things I use in extreme emergencies. One is na beer. It really seems to work for me if I eat dinner with it. Second is Dairy Queen "Georgia Mud Fudge" blizzard. It's like a milk shake but you eat it with a spoon. Huge chunks of fudge and pecans. So decadent. After one of those, drinking al just isn't possible.
                              Good luck on this terrible journey. I hate that we are on it, but I am so glad of the company along the way.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Hello LB, You seem to be doing really well.I do the af beer sometimes. They have a beer called coopers, i think its the best. Sometimes I order a thick shake (large) and that can also do the trick. How is hubby doing with his quit? Sometimes here in Summer we get very hot weather Last summer it reached 46.8 cel and that's hot!!! We were camping in it and all we could was hose everything down and of course drink beer.

