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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    available, that reward thing is a real killer. I think most drinkers think that way, you know the end of the week and all.Just need to relax etc. Its crazy thinking and probably works for normal drinkers but for us alkies its deadly. I could never stop at one or two. ( Can,t even stop at one or two bottles).That's why I have to stop completely. The thought of never having a drink again is just to difficult to think about. I guess that's why I keep slipping up. In a few weeks I am on a cruise; god knows how I am going to deal with that one. Don,t you wish you had never ever started to drink?


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      What do you mean the end of the week, i needed to relax every bloody night, weekends meant I was a bit more sociable with my drinking instead of alone but I always ended up alone. Yes the thought of not having a drink plays on my mind constantly so i try not to think about that one, thats scary but so is tomorrow sometimes. One step and one day at a time. The craving just wont leave me today for some reason but nearly sleep time.

      Oh a cruise, now that will be fun. C-Developer has just gone on conference and he got some great tips on here on how to cope from the oldies so he had his strategies in place before he left.

      Oh god yes, i remember when i first started really drinking. My ex husband was a drinker and did nothing to help me and the 4 kids and i remember as plain as day thinking "well if i cant beat him i may as well join him" and I did albeit it slowly but have now gotten to where i am today. My brother died from liver failure due to AL.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Yeah,That would make it hard. I often think where I would be IF my wife drank heavily...she is a normal drinker, a couple of wines sat/frid nights and thats it. Its strange; my parents rarely drank and my wifes parents were heavy drinkers and I am the pisshead!!!! My best friend drank himself to death leaving 4 kids. There was nothing I could do for him......... tried everything, but he just kept on guzzling. Catch up tomorrow, I am about to hit the sack with a frantic day tomorrow!:yay: We made it through one more!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Been incognito for the past two days and really rough day yesterday. Lots of crap at work followed by an overturned truck on highway and regular drive home turned into better part of two hours. Quick recap:
          Friend came over for Labor Day BBQ and at the start told her I was chiiling out and would Have A glass of white wine... Then club soda... She drinks quite a bit and was refilling and refilling my glass every time I walked away... So I drank more then I should have Monday ( but did not go to la la land either).... Can not blame her as I probably would have done the same not too long ago... I needed more personal resolve!!! Tuesday did better with a couple "regular person" glasses then a swim and tub after a crazy work day. My goal- to stay focused on staying sober... say NO THANKS...or if I am having ONE glass... Say to myself time for tea... Sounds rudementary... So why do we keep slipping up?
          Avail/Hadit- A cruise AF will be a challenge. I recommend not worrying about it right now. Maybe you will have a sufficient number of great days and more resolve. Sorry I do not have anything better to add!
          Will check in soon.
          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Very sad Hadit to lose a friend to AL and still keep drinking. When my brother died i knew i had to stop but kept going and i made it past 47 which is when he died and thought "great" wont happen to me now! oh how the AL brain works.

            Enough good to hear from you. Dont you love your friends sometimes, my daughter the other day who does not like wine even said mum lets get a bottle. I was like honey i am not drinking remember and she said one wont hurt. Yes say that to an alcho and yes i did have one which turned into about 5. Moral to story dont have AL in the house.

            Feeling no cravings this morning and have already been to shops before work to get what i need for tonight so not giving into temptation.

            Have a great day and keep going Enough and Hadit
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              I would like to conquer day 1
              I've done it before but how to stop for good that would be wonderful


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hey 13Sept. Not easy but entirely possible once you find the resolve for change. You are welcome to stick with us here and give it a go. Taken me two years to come just this far ( I should have known it was a process as I even misspelled "conquer" when I started the thread to read... Conquor.. which subsequently/ coincidentally sounds like liquor. Anyway.. Please tell us a little about you.. I am around for a bit and will check back soon.

                Had it/ avail. Hope all is well. Easy breezy day here. And very sober Thursday.
                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hi , Im back to mwo again -with my tail between my legs, I have managed to keep away from the dreaded white wine for 18 days now -long may it continue. Managed 43 days only before but I want it to be for good - I cant moderate im addicted to it once I start. Im just thinking about going sugar free also as I think from all the research there may be a link between al and sugar addiction -which I definitely have !!
                  Good to be here with Enough , and the gang - lets make it all the way this time.
                  AF 10th June 2014


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    13S I agree the 1st day is really hard and when i did day 1 all i thought about was how i deserved a drink and day 5 i thought about how i deserved a drink and Day 6, yesterday, which was Friday I thought about how i deserved a drink. Fuck i dont deserve a drink, i want one but i dont deserve one. Each day is different but after reading other posts it does get easier apparently. I know i cant moderate or i probably could for about a minute. I dont think about stopping for good, that would depress me no end but i know in myself that i have to, i'm not a social drinker i am an alcoholic.

                    E glad to see you are going well, weekend here but managed to get through Friday. Not sure why i thought I should have a wine on Friday as it was the end of the week. Friday was nothing special to me before when I drank every night. God the way our minds think. Have woken up clear headed and looks like a beautiful day outside although rain expected so really should go and do a load of washing.

                    Hi Ginger, welcome back and get your tail out of your legs, you will fall over. Good on you for racking up AL days, my longest was when i first started on here and did 11 days and woops off i went and stayed off here due to shame and failure. I am not a sugar person but have some shortbread hidden just in case the urge hits but suprisingly my sugar intake is not too bad. Keep posting ginger.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Hi ginger! Move forward and think of your future. 18 days is an awesome start!!! I keep visualizing a "sober me" spending my days with my work feeling good..remembering the end of yet another movie watched... having the energy and clear head for some adventure. Not hungover with regrets of drinking to much the night or past few days before. Not needing " a little something" just to make me feel good enough to start being functional... Yeh.. This will make me feel better. All crap.

                      Avail... I hope you have a fun and successful weekend!
                      Hadit.... Where are you??? How's it going. Check in please.

                      For me ( my non counting days... HaHa)... tell me tomorrow is 3 weeks hangover free. I am still drinking, but a fraction as much. I have set some ground rules I have been sticking by...Only one 750 of red wine at the house at any time... Not buying any vodka/ tequila... Or other throw me quickly over the edge booze. For me ( so far ) long as I keep to my resolve... I am hopeful this new pattern will lead to new established habits of enjoying juice and club soda and teas with out always needing (WANTING) some alcohol. I know I must stay diligent as I have decades of drinking to excess and overdoing it behind me.

                      Looking forward to a sober Saturday night and fun Sunday. How is everyone else today???
                      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Saturday was totally alcohol free!

                        Not a shot
                        Not a drop
                        No tinsy bit of wine
                        Has been quite sometime
                        I feel quite devine

                        I know totally cornball! Slept great... Up around 8 before the boys on a Sunday morning..
                        Off to go kayaking on a beautiful afternoon😃lets get some positive energy moving here at conquering... Who's in!! Check in soon.
                        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Enough...I love this!
                          Not a shot
                          Not a drop
                          No tinsy bit of wine
                          Has been quite sometime
                          I feel quite devine

                          Just love it!! I have been keeping close to this forum because I need to know without a shadow of a doubt that one is never going to do it for me. I don't want one, I want one bottle! And then maybe another.

                          Anyway - I'm glad you're having a great day..Enjoy kayaking, sounds fantastic!


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Avail- Wow! Awesome job. You sound really great. Keep up the momentum.
                            Hadit- From experience I know ( and you do too) ... to brush yourself off quickly after you slip up and re-focus.
                            Hopeless- sorry no experience with Bac or the other stuff... Feel better
                            Ginger- nice to see you back with us. I went to buy makeup yesterday and I said to the clerk... Wow your bright lights are flattering and she said back ... it's your great skin! No more blochy red nose!!!

                            Since my last post... Far from perfect.. but could be worse. Stopped to buy wine ( insert lame ass excuse here)... mine was toss up between wanting some with salmon and son getting 62 on exam- I know both fab reasons to buy wine when you are trying to quit. Forgot rule#2 also about only 750ML being bought because 1.5L was on sale with a coupon... So only a non savy idiot would buy the reg size one... Bla bla bla. Finished most of that and finally "caught" myself 3/4 through and reclaimed the evening with my calm tea and a swim. More resolve. More resolve... Thankfully not hung over. Talk soon. Check in.
                            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Good Morning LB, available, enough, hopeless and gingerspice. Good to see you are all here and fighting the beast. Enough, my world is far from perfect but a hell of a lot better than it could be. I seem to fall weekends with a few glasses of wine, the weekdays are not that hard for me but I am always aware that I could easily slip into binging everyday if I let al win. So why can,t I break that w/e thing? Probably I am around many who just drink at the w/e as well. Good Luck today guys and stay strong. LB and available, you guys are doing so well. Welcome Helpless , hang in there the first few days are tough and ginger, yes it is so much more fun with gc sober and no pounding hangover. Well done to you.


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                I'm on day one. Cant seem to put 2 days together. I am a vodka drinker. I drink in secret every night. I hide it everywhere. I am so scared I have been going to AA but it is not helping. I am afraid I am going to die. I am so afraid of the withdrwals, someone please write back. I am a mom too. I have an awesome daughter. She is 10 and has no idea that I drink. At least I dont think she does.

