Meow mix song....bloody genius!!
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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Congratulations Enough - you're a bloody genius!! and I'm right here with you :yay: Day 9 AF for me today!!
Last night was hell on earth. We went to London and my partner suggested we go into a bar and get a drink before going onto our venue. We walked through the door - I took one look at everyone sipping wine and beer and walked back out again. I asked if he minded if we went into Burger King across the road for a coffee instead!!
When we got to the medieveal banquet we sat on long tables with lots of other people and there were 'wenches' placing massive jugs of ale and red wine on the tables. There was also a jug of water. No-one on our table was drinking wine, just ale and the jug sat right in front of me - mocking me - all evening. I could smell it and was soooooo tempted to pour myself just a little to see what it tasted like but managed to refrain. I stuck to water all night (how boring - and its silly but you almost feel that you've been shortchanged because you've paid loads for your ticket but haven't had a drink). I also admit that I was a totally miserable cow for the first hour. I felt really hard done by - almost like I wanted to blame my partner because he was happily sipping his ale, while I just had water. He did ask me if I would like a coke or something and that annoyed me because I was really hoping he would say 'go on have a glass of wine - it's your birthday'. But he didn't!!
Anyway - all in all it was a great evening, I didn't drink - and feel great this morning!! Thank you everyone so much for your support - it was thinking of you all evening and feeling your will power coming through. :thanks: Sorry this is a bit of an essay!!Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Queenbug - sorry you fell of the wagon - but on the positive note - it was just two (even if large) glasses of wine and not the car crash of several bottles and a blackout!! You still have all of those fabulous AF days under your belt and now you've fallen once, hopefully you will know the trigger so it doesn't happen again.
I know its stupid, but part of me still thinks it would be fantastic to be a normal, moderate drinker. How I would love to think that in the future, I could sit in the garden with friends and enjoy a single glass of wine. My partner never minded me drinking when I drank normally, it was the massive binges when I went totally overboard and caused huge arguments that was the problem. Still early days. Chin up!!Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Round of applause for Enough and Snap !!!! AWESOME !!!!
And I particularly enjoyed reading the minute description of the anguish you both felt (especially when someone takes the time to write essays about it) .
You were both under massive pressure but you held your ground. I guess this is what breaking a habit really means.
You are an inspiration!!
But so are you, Queenbug and WineSucks ? who so openly admitted to falling off the wagon. That takes guts !
Thank you all for your honesty , I guess this is what unites us all in this forum.
:thanks:workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Yeah Snapdragon! :yougo::yougo::yougo::yougo::yougo: I've been wondering how you made out! Way to stay strong!
Queenbug--Hooray for starting over again! I'm sure you'll do great at your work celebration.
Enough--I am so proud of you!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Snap... Day 9 super congrats for makin it through hell... I was right there with you sister! Day 9... Incredible. Free wine sucks free wine sucks!
Queen... I remember someone writing when then messed 1 day. They were 10 out of 11 instead of going back to 1... I think this is a positive swing.
Mya... Day7!
Fly... Shue... You guys are doing awesome.
Set me free and zax... Welcome! Zax you win the "post of the day" for the meow mix song
Enough! ....Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Fly... Day 10... Wow! We are all accomplishing GREAT things here!
Wine sucks... Hang in here sweety... You can do it.
Day 12 ....12 ....12 ...12 ...12 ...12. Ok now it sunk it! Can't believe itInsanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Just wanted to tell everyone good morning! Well it's morning for me and the start of Day 7! Feel so much better today and not as emotional as yesterday.
Have a great day everyone!
This thread has helped me more than you know, I think it's because we are all going thru the same thing and are here to support each other and I haven't had that in a long time.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Day 11, welcome double digits !!!
I am going to take inspiration from Life Change and tell my 3 girlfriends that I am taking a breather from AL. I am meeting them for dinner (and usually very good white wine). While I am not quite ready to open up to them the way I do with you guys, I shall tell them that I had too much recently and that I need to take a step back and keep myself in check. Visualize, visualize ?. God give me strength!!! I know just how easy it is to say ? well, I?ll only have one glass.
Mya ? you get a birdie on the 19th !!!
Zax ? I am impressed with you tossing a V bottle. Not living in US, I had to google the Meow Mix song ? flippin? genius.workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Shue just like you I open up more here than with my friends. Although last night I was drinking a coke and the usual couples we hang out with where drinking beers and not one asked if I wanted one. So that was great. At first hubby said you can have one beer and I looked at him and said "remember what we talked about last week". When he said I needed to slow down, but he doesn't really know how much I was drinking I was so ill last Friday and don't want to want to feel like that again. He just said ok and that he didn't have to have a beer either, he hardly ever drinks. I told him to have one if he wanted one.
Oh and we will need all the birdies we can get on Sunday. My hubby, son and I are playing in a two man one woman tourney. It should be fun!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Very proud of you my friends...:wave:
Just got through one after work celebration on lime and soda and now its 9pm and I'm home with a cup of Earl Grey tea...all good New Day 1 down!
I agree with those of you who say that you open up here more than with friends's the non-judgemental things..and the encouragement/empathy...I know I keep saying it but I AM so glad you are all out there.
Last work celebration tomorrow...then I can avoid this kind of pressure for a bit...thank god!
Hopefully be back here in same state tomorrow for the end of a successful New Day 2!
Stay strong xx...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Good evening all.
Just coming off a two day hormone hurricane, at least that is what it felt like. I am not normally like this, but when I am it is exhausting. I just want anything to change my chemical balance. So glad to be getting back to normal(ish).
Queenbug - well done on getting through your afterwork celebrations. Part of the process is unlearning old social behaviour patterns. Drinking and work events so often go hand in hand, it is a big hurdle to get through one of them without drinking. But hopefully over time the lime and soda will be routine.
We are going out to diner with friends tomorrow night, and they always take notice when I pass on the wine. I will have to be extra vigilant/creative in batting away the booze. I am not ready to tell friends about my decision not to drink. For me it is private, and something I do not feel I should have to explain. Perhaps in the future I will feel differently.
Well we have a house full of children (mine and others) for the evening, AGAIN, so I should go and try to herd them to bed, (herding cats would be easier). Hope everyone is well and at peace. Thanks again for all your support.While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
Benjamin Franklin
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hey all!
Not tonight ... Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Hopefully you will be more balanced tomorrow. At times I feel my eyes well up and I am not sure if I am happy overwelhmed or just a mixed bag of emotions. I feel a hell of a lot more balanced then 2 weeks ago when I was a total feakin basket case
the long couple of days has certainly caught up with me a bit, but I feel good.
A few things from last night I forgot to mention ...
It was so different watching people drink from a totally sober perspective. One woman ( who always gets carried away ) was toasted by nights end, but was past the point of knowing any better and continued to carry on with a bunch that went down to the pool with a bottle of scotch ( bla ).
As I was feeling sorry for her... I realized I WAS her on so many occasions past. Wow how I must of looked and how peope must of looked at me as I was stumbling and slurring my words. It was very humblng. Funny too.. How I gravitated to the couple people that I never would have in the past who didn't drink; just because I felt safer with them. Drove back form the restaurant with the " non drinker" and was proud to pronounce myself one too!
Other then a couple sideways looks no one really cared I was not drinking. I was the worried how I would look without my standard wine glass. Same as I never cared. In fact I was probably much less sensitive and would have been the one to say come on... What's wrong with you just have one... Your no fun! How the tables turn.
Long and short I am almost through 12hoping for a restful full night sleep.
Take care all... If anyone is just joining us... Please please check in and say hello.
XoxoInsanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein