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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Enough--I think we're all in the same boat. One drink=one bottle=2 bottles=drink whatever is on hand=pass out. Not pretty.

    Mum and Noxy--well done on another sober day!

    Not Tonight--Blondie! I didn't realize she was still performing. I love Blondie! Enjoy and have great time with your kids.

    Queen--I've been looking for Snapdragon too. Haven't seen her in a couple days. Getting through those tough times just makes me realize how strong we are and how we're getting stronger. You are one strong woman!


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      18 and counting- power in numbers!

      Hello all!
      Afternoon time on my side of the world. It's really amazing how a group of strangers can "meet" and help others across the globe any time of day. 6,000 times this little ol thread was "touched" and over 400 times we reached out and helped ... reached out to seek help and talked about our victories and weakest moments. I am so proud to be here.

      I really came close to messing up yesterday and I thank you again for being there. If I was on one of my early days (3 or 4) the wine voice would of probably won. Funny thing I had a dream last night that was so real ( don't remember everything ) but I do remember tasting the wine I was drinking at the party I was at. It was sooo real I woke up thinking I cheated! I don't think I was particularly guilty... Maybe my subconscious was giving me a little reward for being so good in real life.... Not sure?

      Lots of progress out here
      Mom... 2! You seem so determined
      Noxy... Go girl 15!
      Not T... Fly... Queen.. You all rock!
      Aka... Hang tough; sorry to hear about your friend.

      Today is 18 days and cottage is fast approaching. I am still very nervious. I will have very limited Internet access; I will check when ever I can.

      My thoughts are with you... Wish me luck ( and strength ):teeter::teeter:

      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Good evening all,
        Got through today. No real problems, for me that is, for my husband, well that is another story. Instead of looking for a bottle of wine at the witching hour (aka diner time) I sought out a big old fight with him. Right out of the blue, without warning. Is this a symptom of being a dry drunk? I find that some evenings I get a little emotional. Perhaps it is a form of grieving.

        Everyone is so positive and focused, this thread is beyond amazing. Just knowing that you all are out there gives me strength during the day. 18!!!!!!!!!!!! Prepare your plan for the cottage, the hardest part will most likely be the first day. Get through that and you will have set the tone for the rest of the trip.

        We are off tomorrow for Dorset for three days. The L-Glut is packed, no wine in the cooler. I am really looking forward to three days with just my kids. Peace everyone!
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Enjoy the West Country!!! Give it my love...I'm a Somerset girl originally...have funtimes x
          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Phew, made it through the 'after work on the porch with wine' because when I got home, DH had a friend and we all went out for dinner. Easy-peasy, friend ordered ice tea, I ordered Diet Coke and DH was drinking wine on his own. I was a little edgy waiting for the food but I am beginning to realize that my body was used to that big sugar rush as well as the AL so once I ate, all was good again. Made herbal tea when we got home. DH noticed I hadn't been drinking because the half bottle of wine he had left on the counter when he went away was still there. I notice now he is drinking a spritzer - maybe I will be influencing him!

            However, he bought me a litre of lovely single malt at the duty-free, just to add an additional challenge. No worries, I will leave it in the box in the cupboard and if, after 30 days, I decide to mod then I can enjoy it occasionally then - we'll see.

            Enough, I have been having really vivid, weird dreams as well - symptom, you think?

            Day 4, over and out. You are all an inspiration and I am really getting so much from others' experiences - I can't believe I found this site and jumped in with the rest of you! Queenbug, I was thinking all day about coming on here and posting :thanks:
            It's never too late to be who you might have been. George Eliot


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Enough--I am sending out every positive vibe I can muster up for you! When do you leave for the cottage? Are you taking L-Glut?

              Not Tonight--Hope you have a great time with your kids.

              Vini--So glad you made it through the night AF!

              Echoing so many of you. I am just in love with the site and the support we all give each other. It's so great having you all to talk to. I can't really talk to people I know in real life and I don't think I would have made it this far (16 days I think) without you all.


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hey all!!!
                Packing for the cottage for early AM flight tomorrow. Don't quite know why ( I was pooped coming home from work and had so much to do - hubby was having one) but had a beer it was nice and cold ... Had 2! I had my L- glut and a cookie on my way home but caved. It wasn't even a crazy craving... Just simply wanted it! I think I just needed to get it out of my system before I left ( I hope ). The positive... I don't want 1 more... Have no desire for any wine or anthng else lurking in my liquor cabinet. Maybe this is progress. I am marching forward and determined. ( alcohol lite day 18 ).

                Enough !
                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Enough!;1154320 wrote: Hey all!!!
                  Packing for the cottage for early AM flight tomorrow. Don't quite know why ( I was pooped coming home from work and had so much to do - hubby was having one) but had a beer it was nice and cold ... Had 2! I had my L- glut and a cookie on my way home but caved. It wasn't even a crazy craving... Just simply wanted it! I think I just needed to get it out of my system before I left ( I hope ). The positive... I don't want 1 more... Have no desire for any wine or anthng else lurking in my liquor cabinet. Maybe this is progress. I am marching forward and determined. ( alcohol lite day 18 ).

                  Enough !
                  Don't let this become "what the hell I'll drink on vacation now!" You can stay AF while away. Don't give up. You inspire so many here. I hope you have a great time away. We're here for you.


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    FlyAway;1154322 wrote: Don't let this become "what the hell I'll drink on vacation now!" You can stay AF while away. Don't give up. You inspire so many here. I hope you have a great time away. We're here for you.
                    I agree with this - the truth is whether your drinking beer,wine or spirits and whether your on vacation or not you are still caving to your addiction and before long you'll be back to square one again - I might sound harsh but its true - when I gave up smoking at first I still had the odd "sneaky" cigarette and this doesnt work - to give up an addiciton you have to give it up regardless of vacations or what you're doing


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      E >>> Like your way of thinking.. dont dwell ... enjoy your time at the cottage but stay close to us if you can.... mum6 and fly giving good advice !! To everybody :l and kisses xx NT>>>> Yes I agree with the witching hour and the emotional link... I felt very on edge yesterday evening! Try the vitamin B6 ... it helps with stress ! Enjoy your time away with your family ... Queen... you make me laugh... maybe you should put a little book together on how to laugh yourself into sobriety ! Vini ... you are strong I can tell.. stay close... missing shue and snap and some of the others... Thinking of you all and sending big positive waves from noxy xxx


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Enough....ENJOY your time away....any more temptations think :lalala:...L-Glut yourself up lovely and if you can't stay close, come back soon and let us know how you many days done are on it!!!....I have my piece of turquoise thread around my wrist and will regularly fiddle with it to send you happy AF vibes :huggy
                        I'm still tackling the mountain of mess that is my finances/result of homelessness/hiding under the duvet strategy....stressed to eyeballs...but at least I'm too scared to spend ANY money so can't get wine even if I wanted too!!! Reality bites here peeps :drama:
                        Hope you are all having a good day xx
                        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Off to cottage land

                          :lalala:Hi my friends!
                          Thank you for all the positive energy! Yes... I am committed to staying alcohol free. Just a little slip, a little bloated is all I feel. I am very much looking forward to a little r and r and staying sober. I am so proud of my boys his morning... 5 hours or less of sleep and they are so well behaved as we are beginning our adventure.

                          Best of luck to all of the gang adding lots of days under your belt ( as I will be doing the same ). I will check in tonight. Day 18.75 ... Still counting tomorrow will be 20!!!!

                          Is Snap still MIA?? Hope she is ok?

                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Snapdragon has a lot going on in her life right now. She didn't ask for it, but I think she could use whatever positive thoughts, vibes, prayers, or love we can muster for her.


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Hi everyone

                              Just quickly checking in to say thank you everyone for thinking of me - and for the PMs!

                              I'm having a pretting hectic and horrible week at the moment (won't go into great detail, but I'm supposed to be getting married next Friday and along with all of the planning and preparation involved, my partner is yoyoing back and forth as to whether he wants to go through with it - so one minute I'm writing letters to all of our guest explaining that it's all off - and then he changes his mind and its all back on!!!)

                              Anyway - after my 10 days AF - I did drink on Sunday, AF Monday and Weds, and had two glasses of wine on Tuesday night. Not good - but not raring drunk and not every day either.

                              At this point in time I believe I am still getting married next week ( ) - so I'm not going to pressurise myself by trying to stay completely AF until after (although I am not going to drink every night and certainly not more than a couple of glasses).

                              Enough - good luck on your week away at the cottage - you are doing so well - I'm proud of your strength. Will try and check in but the next week is going to be pretty manic - and then we are away on our honeymoon - a canal boat trip in the UK (hope it stops raining!!)

                              Snap X
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Hey Snapdragon ... Glad to hear from you ! Think that your strategy for the next couple of weeks sounds pretty fair to be honest ! Best Wishes to you and your future hubby ! Lots of :h:h and and :l:l from noxy

