Good morning! I made it, Day 2 yeah! I woke up today without feeling dazed. I feel clearheaded. I have a very busy day ahead of me alot of driving. so I know I will be ok as long as I keep going. I can always manage to stay sober when I need to drive my kids places. Its when I get home and know I am in for the night that temptation hits. I will have to make some kind of plan to deal with evenings. For now I am grateful for this 1 day and thanking all of you for helping me!
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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Good morning! I made it, Day 2 yeah! I woke up today without feeling dazed. I feel clearheaded. I have a very busy day ahead of me alot of driving. so I know I will be ok as long as I keep going. I can always manage to stay sober when I need to drive my kids places. Its when I get home and know I am in for the night that temptation hits. I will have to make some kind of plan to deal with evenings. For now I am grateful for this 1 day and thanking all of you for helping me!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Mby,
For tonight prepare yourself a nice AF drink - fizzy water with lemon / limes/ ginger / mint / rosemary etc seems to work well with all of us and a treat - choc, icecream - whatever gives you an instant burst of pleasure. Also get a good DVD or plan to cook something great. The devil makes work for idle hands.
and check in on us ...workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Mby--Yes! You did it! I was thinking of you last night and knew you were struggling. Good job.
Juja--How are you doing? I've been thinking of you since you posted that struggling thread.
Shue--Way to go!
Boozer--Getting more AF days in is great. Definitely an improvement. Keep working your plan and you'll get there!
Today is day 22 for me. I'm feeling great. More energy than I've had in a long time and no depression.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Shue - that's really great. I finally forced myself to go to AA yesterday because I know I can't do it on my own. Definitely need support from others. Good luck to you on day 2 and to everybody else out there. I'm on day 2 myself.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Fly-- I'm peachy; on Day 17. Come on 30! Last weekend, for which I was asking for help and good vibes, went great. I used every suggestion I could remember, and didn't drink; didn't really want to. Your post to me was quite the wake-up call. Merci, my friend.
Shue-- Good job on the pour. Also, I like "separately combust internally." We do that, too. Settling a disagreement as adults is impossible for us as I'm married to an arrested adolescent. Marriage counseling is needed, but I don't have the energy or strength to even suggest it.
Good Tuesday to all. Keep busy.
"It's a craving, not a command." (don't remember who came up with that one)"Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Aggie, many times I wished they had AA here ... but the country is so small and everyone knows each other, AA would sooner be a gathering of WKDs (Well Known Drunks) . But I do have this forum.
I am at the end of my work day, nowhere near finishing my interminable to do list and all I can think of is going home and having a drink . No !!! Make that 2 or 3 or 4 until I am numb and blisfully fall asleep. God, it is hard!!! I know it is not good for me but I just want it so much ...
I'll drive home, think of a plan to dodge this !!! I ate a snack, still not OK. At times like these I really wished I had a sponsor to call. I feel like I'll need to sit on my hands or something to avoid reaching for the bottle.
workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
fake drink, yes , clausthaler AF beer coming up. need to put my son to bed then I think I might take the dog out in the dark ...
I got this craving over 3 hours ago, while at work - it's not letting up ...played the meaw mix song - worked some more, ate, drank 3 different types of soft drinks ... need to do something to relax the brain ... God help me ...
:thanks:workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hey Shue ... glad to see you are still posting and sorry you are having a hard time at the moment ! Are you still taking your L Glutamine ? Get the dog ready ... go and get rid of the aggitation that you are feeling... You may encounter those beautiful fire flies that you spoke about the last time that you made a quick exit .... HOPE that I got this message to you in time !!!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Awww shucks, thx Noxy, L glut is not so easily available here but will order from UK (like ... Tonight). Sadly i am stuck with my hubby's car where there is no room for our rather large dog. Did a milion things around the house, read my son plenty of stories for bed time but the craving is still not gone. Feeling tired and sleepy though so I hope I can sleep this one off.
I am so scared... Never felt anything so strong before, I managed to deal with my body's cravings, but not the mind's.
You guys are the only thing that's really helpful. Honestly I did not believe just how screwed up I am up until now.
Sorry for ranting and thx for listeningworkaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Your mind is playing tricks on you. The alcohol has rewired your brain to believe that you need alcohol just like you need food and water and air. So it's hitting you hard with urges. You can slowly deprogram that thinking from your brain, but you've got to get through these initial battles. :l
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Many thx, Fly,
The odd thing is that I feel like crying right now ... So not my style ...
I am in bed, tired, painfully aware of how close I came to falling off. I managed to dodge plenty of AL situations but I was at a loss this time. I need to find a better coping mechanism next time it hits.
Gotta get my mojo back, self pity never got me anywhere. I made it through tonight so there is some hope for tomorrow.
:thanks:workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
shueaddict;1157176 wrote: Many thx, Fly,
The odd thing is that I feel like crying right now ... So not my style ...
I am in bed, tired, painfully aware of how close I came to falling off. I managed to dodge plenty of AL situations but I was at a loss this time. I need to find a better coping mechanism next time it hits.
Gotta get my mojo back, self pity never got me anywhere. I made it through tonight so there is some hope for tomorrow.