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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


    You did it! You did it! You made it past that hurdle with your family...I bet they're confused, and talking up a storm about you right now. My family would be...wouldn't know what to make of it...cause for reflection on themselves, etc. Regardless, you made it, and you have made my night! I am so happy for you that I'm smiling from ear to ear.

    I'll eagerly anticipate hearing how your daughter responds to you and your sobriety. I wish you and your daughter well with your new starts. It's new for her, too. I'm thinking about you.

    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Dearest Fly,

      How in the world do you remember where everyone has gone? You're "top drawer", as my mother-in-law would say (quality act).:l
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Nah...don't see any shit excuses or unwillingness to change here...just some understandable exhaustion and strain. I think there is something in what you say though about giving this battle a whole big chunk of yourself...this lastmonth or so I've just been obsessing about the effort and time I'm giving this...and I've learnt so much...about the complexities of this addiction, how it effects my body/emotions/relatonships/finances...supplements...friendships...and more importantly I've remembered what I've been learning!!! So simple...yet so effective! You are probabely very aware of your body and what effects it being that you are a runner...why not keep a journal about that and link it with your fight for freedom from the two aren't opposed to each other? not sure I'm making sense here...v v tired...are you on the 'Pinksters" thread?
        btw...I want to start do I 50 10stone and wobbly, bit of a dodgy back too...
        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          that previous one for Mum...the others popped in as I wrote!.....
          thank you Juja!!! heard you were still kicking arse!!!!
          Also 'ditto-ing' Fly's last one!!! xx
          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Queenbug;1157754 wrote: Nah...don't see any shit excuses or unwillingness to change here...just some understandable exhaustion and strain. I think there is something in what you say though about giving this battle a whole big chunk of yourself...this lastmonth or so I've just been obsessing about the effort and time I'm giving this...and I've learnt so much...about the complexities of this addiction, how it effects my body/emotions/relatonships/finances...supplements...friendships...and more importantly I've remembered what I've been learning!!! So simple...yet so effective! You are probabely very aware of your body and what effects it being that you are a runner...why not keep a journal about that and link it with your fight for freedom from the two aren't opposed to each other? not sure I'm making sense here...v v tired...are you on the 'Pinksters" thread?
            btw...I want to start do I 50 10stone and wobbly, bit of a dodgy back too...
            Queenbug - To start running my friend - all you need to do is put on some shoes and step out the door - start by walking then walk run until you gain endurance then just RUN. I too started off at 14 stone before I reached my goal weight of 121 pounds. PS I have actually pulled out of an Ultra Marathon this morning so I can concentrate on this while I need to. Training for a 100 kilometre run just didnt turn me on. I havent the mental energy.


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              I'm here!
              Just been really busy at work.
              Got the results of my second blood test and my enzymes are still a little high but Way down from the first test so that is good.
              My gallbladder ultra sound was negative.
              I just need to keep off the alcohol, start exercising and eat right ugh!!
              Thanks for thinking of me and I think of everyone here everyday and I'm so glad I have a place that I can come to and talk to people that are going thru the same thing as me.


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Yay Mya! Glad to hear that your liver enzymes are lowering. Is today Day 20 for you? Keep it up! :goodjob:


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  mby82266;1157669 wrote: Its 5pm and that nasty feeling is starting. My daughter is not done work until 8pm. I want to go to the gym! I want an endorphine high! I want to work my muscles until I hurt then soak in the hot tub! My husband wants some alone time! I am scared, I have not had sober sex in more than 3 years.He is very supportive but how long will that last if I continue to push him away physically?
                  Hi mby>>> I am connecting with you on so many aspects ... I have a similar problem and I have also been pushing my hubby away.... He said to me last night.. You used to say no to intimacy because you were too tired ( actuallly I was too drunk ) ... now you are saying no because you dont feel right ??? !!!! Poor man , he has been more that patient and supportive of me, even having to endure my awful wine breath !!! yuk ! I feel really bad about all that stuff !! We have decided to have a night away... dont know how I will relax about that without some champers !!! But I MUST !!! He sure does deserve it ! watch this space !!! :h


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Hello everybody .... Oh my Gosh .. things are happening here while I am sleeping but I can see that everyone seems to be getting through most of their difficulties... Mum6, so glad you came back !!! You are one strong lady... I am sending you :l , I cant imagine how hard it must be for you at times !! Fly.. you rock.. always giving the best advice and connecting everyone to the right place... peace and love to you :h Queenbug... still keeping me inspired ..:thanks: my doll ! Mya .. all the best with the health issues.. Juja ... You are always in my prayers ! Greg and bottlestopper... keep on posting ! :l for everybody else I need to get a pen and paper !!! Have a fab Thursday everyone ..


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Hi everyone
                      I guess the first thing for me to say is that I really feel better knowing that I am not alone! I feel isolated by my drinking because it is a "secret" but now I realise that there are many others who are dealing with this too.
                      While I am not interested in starting a thread of misery loves company, I think that mutual support and that fact that we are all wanting to change, is helpful.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Flyaway - thanks for the advice. the japanese method sounds really interesting, I will try that. I have noticed that as this addiction has progressed, I have found myself criticising other people's behaviour towards me a lot. I deserve this, I dont deserve that. How could they behave like that towards me? I think it is part of the perpetual cycle of self destruct. It almost makes you feel unworthy if you know what I mean, and keeps you hooked in that cycle, so that your only friend is drink that is the only thing that understands you, cares for you, takes away the pain. When it is, in fact, totally the opposite. Thanks


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Good morning all, its Day 4 for me and I am starting to feel better and more confident about making it
                          Queen, great job!! and so good to hear from you, I had a moment of anxiety when you disappeared.

                          Noxy, I sent my husband an email explaining all my fears and said I was sorry for putting him through all this. We promised we would never lie to each other about anything so me having this problem and not talking to him about it was one really big lie! He was great as always and we had a long talk this morning. I think I will steal your idea of going away even for just one day. We need some time away from stressors to reconnect.

                          Shu thanks for the relaxation tips.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            WOW - Lots of great stuff going on in this thread! I can see that once a day visits won't keep me caught up! Have been spending my first few weeks sober in The Nest, but am finding the mutual support available here is so important!

                            Queenie - That was an awesome job on your trip. You should be dang proud of yourself! If you can stay sober through THAT, you can stay sober through anything!

                            FlyAway - I do so appreciate YOU! I dunno how you can keep track of everyone here and what they are doing and how many days they's amazing really!

                            Mya - Congrats on the better blood work...the better it gets, the better it gets!

                            Mby - Awesome job getting through the first 3 days. Keep it going!

                            Hello Mum, Gizzy, Stopper, & Noxy!!
                            -Cap'n G


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Good Morning my sober friends! Looking kind of dreary around here today weather wise, but at least it's not so damn hot anymore! I've got work scheduled into the night and then an early day tomorrow. Today is Day 24. Yesterday I had a momentary flash in my brain that I should go get a beer from my husband's keg machine. No, no, no! What the hell was I thinking? My next big challenge will be the weekend of the 13th. A family reunion with my husband's siblings. They live all over the country and we only get to see them every few years. And they all drink. His oldest brother is the type that will hound me about it and buy me drinks and put them in my hand. Then I'll have to get confrontational with him and ask him what the hell his problem is. We'll be going away for a couple days to meet them. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get online or not while we're away, but I'll sure try! You all are my lifeline. You all are the only ones who I talk to about this.

                              Noxy--Positive healing vibes to you and your husband. Alcohol doesn't heal any problems does it? It only puts them on hold and once we get sober we still have to deal with them. I tend to push my husband away too, but I think it's because I take him for granted. There was a time a couple years ago where we were close to splitting and then I wanted him more than ever. I hope that the two of you can find a solution.

                              Gizzy--Welcome! It is so eye-opening when you realize that others are going through the same thing as you. I've admitted things here that I've not told my husband. And everyone is okay with what you say. And every time I've told something that I thought was horrible about myself, someone else chimes in and says, "I've done that too."

                              Mby--It's great that you reached out to your husband like that! Sometimes it's too hard to say it in words, but writing it out makes it okay. And I'm sure he appreciates knowing what it going on instead of feeling unlovable. Great solution.

                              Hello Bottlestopper, Mya, Mum, Queen, and anyone else I may have missed. Let's be strong and sober today!


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                I see Gregorino slipped in the back door when I wasn't looking. What are you plans for today? How are you feeling? Have a great sober day!

