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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Friday evening 4.55pm, witching hour - grocery shopping done and away, back to school supplies started - time to start to settle for teh evening - and OMG - I WANT WINE!!!!! I thought today was going so well - and my L glut is not here!!! Oh this is tough!!!!!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      S.L, you can do it! remember you are not alone. I have the same problem with evenings. took a long walk now I am headed to a bubble bath to soak my muscles. Hopefully it will be enough to distract me until bed time. I will be thinking of you.


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Hello everyone , gosh , so many of us are going through the same manic moments !!!! I felt as though I had an encounter of the third kind yesterday ! Man alive , is this the alcohol fighting back ? Have convinced myself that I have won this round ... Not the first fight I have had with old AL and probably won't be the last ... Scary stuff people , I can't explain those horrible feelings yesterday , I consider myself pretty stable mentally so I refuse to believe that I have lost my marbles ! Has anybody else had crazy moments ? On a lighter note .. Mum6 way to go ! Well done on getting yourself in an article ... Give yourself a huge pat on the back . To everyone here nthere and everywhere , happy Saturday !! Luvies from noxy xxx


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Day 6 is kicking off and this was the one I was most worried about. Its blinding hot here, about 36 degrees already and only 11 am. Its sit under a shade with a beer weather ... and its World Cup warmup weekend, so .. in the religion of my People, I must, where-ever I may be in the world, find an Irish pub to cheer on the Boys. Its an old charter or tradition or something.
          Its gonna be mighty tough.. and for a milisecond I contemplated staying in, but I know that's not going to help. Its not as if, for the rest of my life, I'm going to be able, or want, to miss important rugby matches. I'll just have to do it without lubricant.

          Watching sports is what we men have instead of conversation.

          Even now though, I'm bargaining with my Self. If Wales win, a tiny, little pint wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't even feel it.

          But Not Today.
          No bargaining.
          Day 6.


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            day 6. I have never made this far before! I don't believe I would have gotten this far without all your help. so glad I stumbled on this site 6 days ago. I was so depressed and hating me that morning. you guys are great and so inspiring. when I feel like I cant handle it I just check in. sometimes I post and sometimes I just read, just knowing I am not alone is enough to keep me going in the right direction.


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              What a short... long.. crazy ... fun week. Missed you all!
              Wished I had a connection!!! NONE! no phone no internet.. nothing.

              I have a lot of catching up to do as there are a lot of new faces to get to know.

              I started this thread about 1 month ago and WOW what changes! I can not say I am alcohol free but I have changed my ways A LOT!

              I have been at a cottage for the past week where drinking from the Noon hour til bedtime is the norm. I am happy to check in and say that for the first 5days (Sat til Wed) I had 2 drinks or less a day. Thurs and Fri, I caved and had 3-4 glasses.. but the big difference was I remembered everything and was still "soberish" at nights end. BIG difference from the stumbling around ... blank out... evenings of the past.

              So... I am very happy to be back in touch! PLEASE let me know how you all are doing!!!


              The cottage was HUGE fun and a lot of work!

              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Day 1 for me, I've been dealing with AL for over 10 years and was so glad to find this website today. I have had many day 1's and I made it about 14 days a couple of months ago. I called in sick a few days this week and now feel so guilty about staying home hungover AGAIN. And then worse when I start to drink after making that call to my supervisor.

                I take Campral but was still drinking and am tired from this struggle. I did manage to pour out half of a mickey of vodka last evening but have been fighting the urge since 9am to go to the liquor store. Mornings are my worst but I worry about not sleeping tonight. I do feel more resolved today than I have at other times and am looking at this my first step to day 2!



                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  I did it - conquered Friday and had a successful day shopping with pre teen girls today - would love now to reward myslef with a cold glass of wine - it is Saturday almost 6pm, and sadly the mail did not provide supplements. Trying hard again....sometimes, gosh it does feel a little too hard in the evenings - but the mornings it feels FABULOUS!! Have to keep the perspective - day 6 for me too - Hi fellow sixers! :goodjob:
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Congrats Scottish Lass on your day 6! It is great that you went shopping (hey that's always fun), I'm finding that its important to distract yourself and do things with those special to you.

                    Some of my friends that know I've been down (but not the severity of my prob) asked me to go out today and I couldn't. I am feeling weak from withdrawal and a little disorientated, but clearer also.

                    I haven't been sleeping off my morning vodka shots today which is my typical Saturday, and then back to drinking few more in the evening (with friends or without).

                    I did water the garden, go to the grocery store and that felt good. I think I will get out tomorrow!


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      welcome to the club, Trying! I also found this site by accident and now I am ending day 6. We are all struggling to defeat the monster. I find that he gets smaller every day I am sober. I still drop in to this site 2 or 3 times a day. Its a little easier when you dont feel like you are doing it alone!

                      Enough glad to hear you had a nice vacation, it sounds like you have found a way to keep control. It is my goal to be able to drink in a responsible way some day. I have a long way to go before I will trust myself. I want at least 3 months sober to heal the damage AL has done to my body.

                      Congrats SL, on making it. I have shopped with my teen daughters and it always ended with me drinking. Their father will have to do back to school shopping this year, I am not taking any chances!


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Welcome back Enough and well done, it sounds like you had a very nice time and controlled your AL intake fairly well. I have reduced my AL from everday 1 to 2 bottles of wine to 3 or 4 glassess on Sat and Friday nights. Today,Sunday I was at a family function and didnt even feel like a drink. So, I am hoping one day moderation might be a possibilty for me but I know I have a very long way to . Good to see u are back. Keep positive


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          All caught up!

                          Hello all..

                          Wow it has taken me the better part of the morning, but I am up to speed with you all!

                          Shue... Scottish lass... Juja... Noxy...Mya..Mum... looks like you are all making progress

                          Welcome to Greg.. Bottle... Gizzy.. Vanilla and Trying (sorry if I missed someone)

                          Queen and Fly... you are doing awesome!!! Thank you for having me in your thoughts!

                          Boozer and Mby... Yes, I managed to moderate (mostly), but it would be tooooo easy to fall back.

                          Being on vacation is really tough, I actually checked out flights home today (scheduled to return Wednesday) because staying in someone elses home is a challenge.

                          No luck... everything is either booked or way to costly to change for a family of four. So we are staying put!

                          I feel myself getting into my old habits and I have re-committed today to back to alcohol free! I see my 1 or 2 glasses turning slowly into a bottle...drinking a little faster... that familiar dry mouth 3 AM. I have worked to hard to fall backwards.

                          It is easy to pour out your own left over vino, but not so easy to pour out someone elses.
                          I am happy that I am not hung over today and grateful I am back in touch with "my support team" here!!!!

                          I will not say today is Day 1... been there done that!!! Don't want to do it again.... for me today is Day 25... out of 29

                          Talk soon...

                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            I find going back to day 1 all the time doesn,t really help me greatly. I prefer to take a look at the fortnight just gone and think well a few drinks on 2 occasions is FAR FAR better than 1 to 2 bottles everyday. I am hoping over time I will reduce my cravings gradually until I can stop completely or moderate. Actually I gave up cigerettes the same way 30 yrs ago,just slowly over a 2 year period strangled the nicotene cravings. It worked for me, started smoking slowly,one or two a day then up to 25. Stopped it the same way....... slowly over 2 yrs Can this approach work with AL?


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              I am here trying to stay focused! There are a group of a few couples where I am visiting... several bottles of nice red wine outside along with cold Coronas!!! I have cheated the past couple of days BUT need to be back on track!!!

                              Give me strength!!! I need to be strong!!!

                              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Whoaaa .. I have so much to catch up on and sorry for not being there for all of you who had cravings like crazy . Here are my excuses:

                                1. the positive ? I went to Vienna on business to report to my HQ and the bank (hence being super stressed beforehand and getting the craving from hell) ? my boss was happy and we celebrated with wine from his family estate, I did not have the right words to dodge that one, so I sipped some, poured most out, on the sly, it might kill his 2 orchids ? I went back to my hotel, enjoyed the lovely view from my balcony and ordered green tea from room service - NOT another bottle of Riesling like 2 months ago).

                                2. the negative ? I came back Friday night and felt like I was hit by a truck for the entire weekend. I slept a lot but badly, I felt nauseous, muscles ached, had no appetite, tummy playing up and absolutely ZERO energy. I never felt so out of sorts and sorry again for not even checking in with you guys. I had such a low, I did not feel like I was going to be of any help.

                                I went however to see my holistic doctor on Saturday ? he told me what I have already heard in this forum ? ?just think of it like this: in the past few years you drank all the alcohol units allowed in your life. Now you don?t drink? and then proceeded to scare me some more with estrogen dominance. I shall have to really watch my diet and take careful steps to keeping the sugar levels in check.

                                BUT ?. I am still AF, hooray !!!!
                                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

