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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
mby82266;1160729 wrote: I lost my fight yesterday. I couldn't take the pressure of sober sex. For a man that has sex everyday 7 days was to long and I didn't want to fight so I had 1 shot of rum. After 7 days AF it hit me like a ton of bricks. 2 hours later I was asleep. when I woke up I was sick, all the symptoms of a hangover. I knew I could stop it all by doing another shot but I refused and decided to just ride it out. Head ache, dry mouth vomiting. My husband asked me how much I drank. I told him only 1 shot. I am not sure he believed me. I can tell you after that reaction I wont be doing that again! Now I have a whole new problem, He is upset that I feel a need to drink to have sex and that somehow he is not good enough.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
My somewhat iron reserve turned to ugly mush! Repeat after me... when you are a alcoholic ... one glass becomes two... two becomes four... and then we open a second bottle. The next morning we check the recycle bin to see how many bottles are empty. The answer is three!!! Ouch... but one left unopened. And I bought 4 bottles of red for what reason??? Sure... as a thank you to our hostess... who by the way sucks down 2 bottles a night and I have been commenting to my husband what a problem SHE has!
So, I am embarrassed to admit I have my first real hangover in a month! This sucks. Starting over.... I hate making promises I do not keep.
I will have to feed off the positive energy here...
SL... congrats to you on 1 week! Go girl!
Boozer... thanks for the positive vibes
Queen... you made it to 10! Super!
Noxy... I think we all should have a Womans Day! Enjoy!
Shue... Keep fighting!
MBY... sorry to hear you are having a tough time... stay close and I agree talking to a counselor can't hurt.
Fly... I think you have the huge resolve. Thank you for being such an important part of this thread.
I can't wait to be home tomorrow evening! I wish I can blink myself there now!
Talk soon
Enough!Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Enough, Hang in there you will be home soon and when you are back in your own home you will feel more in control. Not real sure what is avail to me in the way of counseling. We do not have any health insurance right now. I will check out the community center near me. I am determined to not let myself slip into my old ways. I hate that person!!!!!!
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
(((((Enough))))) I know you're disappointed, but just think of how much healthier your body is after this last month of being virtually AF compared to prior months. Now you can really compare and contrast. You know how good it felt to be sober and now you remember how dreadful it can feel to drink. You'll get right back on the sober wagon once you're home. And you're almost there. You've inspired so many people in starting this thread and have been instrumental in so many of us finding support and staying sober. Look at all you've done in a month. You may think I'm just trying to make you feel good, but if you reread this thread several people cite you as being their inspiration. It's funny what can happen on an anonymous message board. As much as you've been here for us, we're here for you now. One day at a time my friend.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Oh Enough,
There is so much positive energy here for you ... You've been there for us for so long.
Honestly, I think you did very well not to have this fall earlier. Think of the holiday as water eroding a dam (your resolve), it progressed little by little each day until it finally caved. Holidays are hard enough, particularly those with lots of family to comply with and add stress.
We cannot beam you home, Scotty, but we can sure beam some love and cheer your way.
:h:h:h:hworkaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Thank you!
mby82266;1160828 wrote: Enough, Hang in there you will be home soon and when you are back in your own home you will feel more in control. Not real sure what is avail to me in the way of counseling. We do not have any health insurance right now. I will check out the community center near me. I am determined to not let myself slip into my old ways. I hate that person!!!!!!
E!:hInsanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Could i join in on this thread? I had no idea there were so many, many successful Mom's like myself out there dealing with this dirty little secret.
Here's to my first day one in a long long time. I'm scared to death. :new:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
My friends... Fly and Shue
We have been through much together; it certainly does not seem like just a month. Yes, it is amazing when people connect from across the globe and become friends and support team. We say things we do not say to even out closest friend or spouses.
What an amazing thing when you really think about it. I know we are on the same page... in the same book.. maybe reading the same line of our lives together. I know totally sappy!
Thank you for being there... my friends! I don't really cry... but i cried! I will be back and sober when I get home. The last bottle called after SS (sober sex) which I might add worked perfectly...ahhh !!!!! Yeh!.... will be finished soon and onward. So I can make good on my promises.
:chute:Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Spec... absolutely! We are all in this together! Yes, I never thought so many functional... powerful woman all had the same issue as I do! Say as much as you would like!
Enough!Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Spectrum;1160903 wrote: Ladies,
Could i join in on this thread? I had no idea there were so many, many successful Mom's like myself out there dealing with this dirty little secret.
Here's to my first day one in a long long time. I'm scared to death. :new:
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
FlyAway;1160911 wrote: Welcome Spectrum! I really think this issue is much more widespread than we know. And people are so ashamed to come forward and say "I've got a problem." Why is there so much shame with this?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Spec... focus on making it through simply day 1... more will follow. Dinner for me was impossible; either grill or order in.. otherwise too many evils lurking! ... sauces need wine, etc.
Stay close to the thread. Post your WORST day ever; whatever works. It is not easy but if you want to make it happen... you can... because YOU are in control.
Enough!Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Cooking dinner seems to be a trigger with many women. It's a habit. It's a signal to your brain that it's time to drink. You've got to change something. Even if just for a week or two. Like Enough said, order in. Don't cook. Have alternative non-alcoholic drinks on hand. Stay busy.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
I've got a plan. I'm eating lots of small things to keep the hypoglycemia away. I usually tend to not eat at lunch or before supper cooking time so that it doesn't get in the way of my immediate alcohol saturation and satisfaction. I am imagining getting into bed sober - that will be a new thing.
I am not going to stop at the grocery store this afternoon which I do as part of my daily post work routine. And I am going to down a tablespoon of Glutamine before I leave this office (which is conveniently located at my house)!