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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Day 4. Headaches and dizziness though?? Is this normal? Severe headaches at work today, felt very woozy. May not be due to AF as I did have a huge coffee today. I had been off coffee too.


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Bet you a $ it was the coffee. Get up every morning and drink a large 16-20oz glass of water with 2 EmergenC's and one tsp of vitamin C powder (avail at your local health food store) equals about 3400 mg of vitamin C and one B complex pill. Viola you will not need coffee and you will not have headaches from quitting it cold turkey.

      I found this out by accident, in my search to aleviate cravings for alcohol. I felt SO good and clear headed that the thought of coffee was like... ? Yuck. Don't need that anymore. Totally unintentional and totally worked!

      Also, I made it past the grocery store tonight w/out stopping for whine. Whoot! Whoot! Six hours to go until I fall asleep. I hope I can sleep without it. I think I will take a mega dose of Vitamin C and B's now. I'm always good at it in the morning and terrible about it in the afternoon because it gets in the way of my drinking.

      Juley;1160960 wrote: Day 4. Headaches and dizziness though?? Is this normal? Severe headaches at work today, felt very woozy. May not be due to AF as I did have a huge coffee today. I had been off coffee too.


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        For a total of 5400mg of vitamin c. Just needed to make that clear. And I meant wine but I was whining!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Juley... It may be a combination of the caffine and alcohol. I had a headache and was jittery the first few days I quit as well. Keep with your program; the side effects will subside.

          L- Glut is a great aide combined with strong willpower!

          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            I made it through Supper AND Supper Clean up. Yeah Me. I thought I would nearly die. And then there were small moments of satisfaction too.


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Spectrum;1161052 wrote: I made it through Supper AND Supper Clean up. Yeah Me. I thought I would nearly die. And then there were small moments of satisfaction too.
              Great job!


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Okay I'm in, going to need a lot of help today.

                Woke up feeling awful still, two day hangover I guess, I was hoping to have slept off yesterdays nausea last night but never mind.

                had a small nap on the sofa and now making myself a healthy breakfast and taken some paracetamol, then I'll sort out my vitamins and L glut and get my routine organised

                Hope everyone is having a good day:l

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hey friends ... :welcome: spectrum and juley and anybody else... see a lot of new names .. ! Enough >>> sorry friend that things seemed to have gone belly up but you probably needed to get this out of your system once and for all.... I am not really sure how many of you are really following the MWO program step by step... I tried during my third week to stop the topa and guess what ???? I had the urge to drink I nearly went mad wanted that wine ... my post from last thursday friday ? I took antabuse, phoned my Dr on Sat .. he told me to get back on the program and stay on it .. if that was what I had started.. then I should just stay with it !!! Thoughts were just so erratic and I thought I was clearly off my head.. I think that goes for just about everything that I do !As for the sex I told you to watch this space ... once you have the sober sex .... the more you will want the sober sex !!!! :h promise !!! I know that I am on the topamax and that has some side effects of its own (tingling in places ) :H but besides all of that nonsense things will get better and we will cope better as long as you communicate ! I hope I have made some sense today and that some of you may consider taking the meds... lots of love friends :l:l from noxy


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    I don't know what day I am on. Monday would have been 7 but I slipped. So I guess I am on 2 again. I don't want to look back only forward. Today I will stay sober! Today I will keep busy and take all my meds on time. Today will be a good day!

                    Leave, WE are here for you, The first few days suck but you will make it!
                    Noxy , great to hear from you! have a great day!


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      LeaveinSilence--Sorry that you're still feeling bad. Hopefully you'll be clearheaded by the end of the day and sleep well tonight. What are your drinking triggers? Is there a particular time of day that you start craving alcohol? Seems like a lot of women start drinking while cooking dinner.

                      Noxy--Glad that you're back on the program and doing well.

                      Mby--Smart thinking on looking forward. What can we change about the past? I personally don't really count the days. I think if you're going to count anything it should be sober days per month. Then you can compare month to month instead of starting with Day 1 all over again if you slip. It's a whole lot easier IMO to see the progress you've made in sober days compared to how much we drank before, which was probably 25-27 days or so a month in my case!


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Hi all,

                        Feeling better today ? thanks greatly to 2 French croissants and a hefty lunch (OK, not that healthy but I needed my energy today for work) ? still, I have moments of nausea and being bloated . My supplements are still not here and no one in this country has ever heard of LGlutamine.

                        About the Jimmy Choos ? the money I saved up on expensive NZ Sauv blanc - I just gave it to my ex-neighbor (whose hubby is an alco who kicked her out of the house together with her daughter); I helped her out before, she needed some more now . I am not that altruistic but I must admit it felt good.

                        Enough, I read your message last night just before turning out the lights and it warmed my heart. I am not a crier either but I let myself sob a bit ? You have started something amazing with this thread and it has taken a life of its own. I woke up thinking of you and our journey to AF lives. Hope you make it home OK.

                        Fly ? sage words throughout (about counting the AF days in a month)- I usually fared 30/30 drinking days

                        Queenbug, I miss you ?

                        Noxy ? you are just hilarious, yes, I have to say I am enjoying SS (sober sex) more and more (I just focus on the fact that together with my hips my boobs have also gotten bigger, gotta? find a silver lining somewhere); about the crazy moments ?I hear you sister, I had some raging moments, thank God for my dog and ACDC on Bose speakers (poor mutt, he must be deaf by now)

                        Juley & Spectrum ? welcome aboard this rollercoaster, hold on tight, lovelies, and post when the cravings kick in :welcome:
                        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          A man's real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor.
                          Alexander Smith
                          Shue! What a beautiful thing you did! You could have bought yourself another possession which, when bundled into a the bulging backpack of life and carried by you would be just more weight, but you gave it away and lightened your load and lightened your neighbor's load of stress at the same time! The shoes would eventually go, but your memory of your kindness and your neighbor's memory will be everlasting. :l


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Going home!!!

                            Good morning everyone! Packing up to go home!!!!! I was never so excited for a vacation to be ending ever! Next to this week; work and back to school will be a piece of cake!

                            I will catch up with you all later on! A happy sober day to all my friends. A warm welcome to all the new arrivals here

                            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              I MADE IT!


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Hi everybody... Enough>>> I hope you feeling a little better doll ? I want you to get back to conquering day 1 !!! We are beating this with you !!! Every step of the way !!! Shue >>> was thinking .. maybe you can get a protein shake .. might help you ! Keep rocking friend !!! Fly >>> You staying strong .. thats fantastic !! mby >>> Hang in there honey bee ... keep on taking the meds , you will get stronger! Queenbug>>> Missing you too :upset:

