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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    i've been drinking for a while, about 9 years ago, is when I started drinking every day because I found I really liked it and it's effects, I was drinking before that also but, it was socially and occasionally and didn't really realize that I liked alcohol, just did it since everybody else was, at that time I was just getting buzzed but, eventually it made me feel 'good'.

    In about 2005 I started drinking night and day, about a 1/4 liter of vodka, everywhere, from the moment I wake up, at work, at home, at night, even had a mixed drink next to my bed incase I woke, since I also have insomnia.

    In about 2007 I heard about people getting physically addicted to alcohol, and DT's from trying to quit which scared me. I never really knew how bad it was for you except drinking and driving nobody seems to really talk about the other effects it has on you physically. Like on tv in commercials they show the effects of cigarettes, they show blackened lungs and pictures of people's teeth or faces after life-time of smoking, they talk about unprotected sex, aids, std's and show pictures in school but, they don't do any of that with alcohol, it's like you only really realize or find out when you get there or a doctor tells you when it's too late.

    I tried quitting but, when I'm not drunk little things make me irritated and annoyed at everything, I get angry and also I can't sleep which is very frustrating. I've tried to quit before and cut down but, not being able to sleep was always a big issue.

    I kept telling myself since 2007 that I need to quit but, just couldn't like there was another voice in me telling me it's ok. I got my 2nd DWI in 2008 I think, that made me stopped drinking during the day. Since then I've only been drinking at night but, every night and pretty much cut out hard liquor completely, I was able to cut down to 6-8 beers a night, with the occasional binge of 10 beers.

    I think drinking has finally caught up to me in a physical sense that my stomach is all messed up now, I get severe heartburn and stomach aches.

    My aunt also unexpectedly passed away last week, it shocked everybody and I knew she drank before from stories but, nobody knew how bad it was, well at the hospital the doctors said she had cirrhosis and said that could have contributed to her death, they were asking her husband questions and he did tell them she drank everyday. Her son is in the air force and was coming home that day to see her, took his entire leave off to spend time with her and was driving home that same night she passed away. They said she was in the kitchen cooking food for his dinner / arrival when it happened. My mom had spoken to her on the phone a couple hours before it happened, and it was like there was nothing wrong and everything was fine. Pretty sad.

    The last night of not drinking for me was in Jan. or Feb of this year because the weather was so bad, it was snowing and sleeting and I happened to run out of beer that day so I couldn't go to the beer store. I tried valerian root tea to help me sleep but, of course it didn't help.

    I'm trying to cut down and moderate again. I gave up trying to quit after I quit my job in 2008 because of stress, so a few years later I'm trying again since I'm not as depressed these days because things are starting to seem to get better business wise. I don't think I will be able to fully quit and honestly not sure if I want to, don't really want to get into the details.

    So yesterday I went to the doctor to get Lunesta for my sleeping problem, wasn't sure if it was going to work because of all the other methods I've tried, melatonin pills, valerian root, ambien, over the counter sleep aids, nothing works for me.

    I also remembered about non-alcoholic beers, because I really need something to do as i'm a complete loner I don't like going out or hang around family and friends, I just stay to myself all the time and drinking definately helped with that, having something to do to occupy myself, listening to music, watching tv etc. so I picked up Odouls non-alcoholic beer (I know it's not really non-alcoholic it has a very small amount like .5%).

    Well, I had about 8 cans of Odouls last night and I think it's going to be a good replacement for me since it tastes fine to me like beer (I always drank cheap beer anyway so I don't notice much difference) without the effects of alcohol, and with the Lunesta I actually had a great nights sleep. I don't know what's going to happen if I'm going to build a tolerance to it or what, that's always happened to me in the past with all pills, even when I would use them recreationally that's how I never got addicted to pills since the tolerance builds so quickly.

    So, today is my 2nd day (1st if you count intentionally) this year of not drinking, I feel fine right now, and clean and don't feel a craving (this is my witching hour usually). Even though I have real beer sitting in my closet just like yesterday, I'm confident I won't drink it tonight either and going to go with the Lunesta and non-alcoholic beer.

    It just feels great to me that I might have a way out, might not sound that great to others as I'm still replacing the alcohol with other things rather than just being completely sober. Although it's the only thing I can see to help me not drink large amounts of alcohol every single day without feeling like I'm torturing myself. The lunesta gets me the sleep I need, and I like my sleep and the non-alcoholic beer giving me the taste of beer.

    I was browsing this forum before and have posted before, considered waiting and continue drinking until I was ready to try the baclofen method but, I guess if I can get sleep at night and Lunesta keeps working and Odoul's being enough of a replacement for beer, it's fine with me.


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Username, just wanted to say hi. I'm so sorry about your aunt dying suddenly and no one really understanding that she had a problem. I think your plan for right now sounds good, but of course I'm no doctor. But it's sure sounds like a step in the right direction.

      I just want to wish you well and tell you to read as much as you can and post often. It really helps to connect with people who understand. I'm giving you a link to a couple of different threads that might help.

      Also, there is a lot of information about supplements that might help you down the road once you get settled in to trying to accumulate some alcohol free time. And, watch for different suggestions on books to read. I find that very helpful.

      Here are the links - and a big welcome! (The toolbox is full of great advice to help you put together a plan) :l


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Af day3

        Welcome et al. Well so far so good. After 2 years of averaging 1 bottle per day I quit 3 days ago (sounds pathetic if you have never struggled I know!) anyway apart from the first night which was not good the only symptom I have now is a dull headache.... I am not taking anything other than the omegas which were recommended. In a bizarre coincidence with Enough I also started reading Kick the Drink, and I am not sure if I was already beginning to think that the drinking didn't make sense but the book is really hitting home for me, am saving reading for between 5-7pm my trigger hours! and will let you know how I get on. A couple of thoughts on recommendations 1. Throw out all AL, sorry but DH who doesn't have a problem with drink might object and find suspicious and 2. Don't socialize with drinking buddies, what if you live in a really small community which mostly revolves around drinking... You can't exactly stay at home because boredom is also a trigger. It's like toys not recommended for under 3's nice in theory until the siblings come along!!!!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          well, felt bit crap after wine last night...had a bottle of red....starting again now i other half is gone out again to do things he enjoys and im stranded at home with baby as my car is out of action....been alone all weekend! Whats the point in it all i sometimes wonder....Ive lost my identity. Feel like a household appliance and im broken if i dont smile with it. Best get on with the chores....happy Sunday everyone


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            At Home and SNT - Just wanted to say hello and welcome you. I already posted some links here that should be helpful - to the Newbie's nest and the Toolbox.

            SNT I'm so glad to hear that Kick the Drink is hitting home with you. I read countless books on the subject, and it's the one that did it for me! Can't say enough good things about it!

            AH - all the things you describe in you post will get better if you can get alcohol out of your life. It really is a life-ruining poisionous depressant!

            I hope you'll both read and post so we can help!


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Thanks unwasted.....nice to know its normal and im not just giving up and feeling shite for nothing. Gonna try get that book and hava read...wont do any harm


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Unwasted it was you who put me on to the book, thanks, looking forward to continuing tonight. Athome, I know how you feel, I mean if you have to answer the same question 10000 times, split up a million arguments, try and feed healthy meals to kids who would rather eat biscuits, become a master flusher and bum wiper, surely it is better to be drunk? I mean drunk people don't mind having the same conversation over and over and over again... but the last couple of days have opened my eyes and as I am sure you noticed when you gave up life truly is better off the soup... Lets face it staggering though to your 5 month old, tired, hungover and sticking your tounge out to check if you remembered to brush your teeth and tougue so there is no evidence of the bottle of red, then tossing and turning with guilt and remorse (been there obviously!) is not a way to live. I would love to give out advice on how to quit, but I am just starting out and can only hope I can stick with it as I have said already I can see and feel the benifits, I would love this to be a thing of the past and not have to think about AL ever agian, but I don't belive it is going to be that easy! Wishing everyone all the best, perhaps tomorrow I can post I made it through the weekend AF..


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Wow sickntired you certainly hit the nail on the head!! First person ive spoken to who got how im feeling. Am still hangin in there, feelin bit more positive than i did earlier and gonna treat myself to a pizza! Keep with u :thanks:


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Morning everybody !

                    I see a few new names >>>> welcome ! its Monday morning here in sunny South Africa ... be it a:upset:sad one for all of us rugby supporters !!! Well done Aussie !!! I have not made a clean weekend alcohol wise .... my daughters birthday so we had friends around and I just joined in with the rest !!!! .. Today I will try and make a go of it ! I know that it can be done my longest period was 3 months and I felt like a million bucks !!Username1 >>>> so sorry to hear about your Aunt ! Just another reason for us all to take note of just what AL will eventually do !!! SnT and athome I also have 3 children and can relate to you both ! Enough Thanks my friend for always just being here , I hope to be able to moderate like you ! I am going to the bookstore to see if I can get hold of that book... Merlot >>> worried about you ! ... Keep posting and read as much as you can ... Try and get some of the supplements at least the milk thistle . It will help with the detox and will give your liver a little help.. Enough >>> any news from Shue ???Lets all stay focused and try conquering this dreadful addiction 1 day at a time !! Me back to day 1 >>> Happy Day everyone Love from noxy :wave:


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Day one again

                      Well its my day one again. Drank 2 bottles of wine last night and feel dreadful today. Have just purchased Jason Vale's book so going to try to read that tonight and stay off the alcohol. I just wish that I had someone with me when the cravings start to say stop and tell me all the reasons why to stop. I often feel I have no will power whatsoever and the more I drink the more I feel even worse, and the downward cycle continues! I hate my life and I am sick and tired of keep posing Day One !


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Hi noxy & kukani
                        I'm a new member who joined last night whilst sinking a couple of bottles of wine! Feel like crap this morning but am determined to kick this horrible addiction with the help of the lovely folk on this site. First time I've reached out for support and I was delighted last night and the people whoh encouraged me. Good luck to you both. We can do it!
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Hi Everyone

                          I had four days AF last week and felt really great. Went away on Friday for the weekend. I knew I was going to drink, I had already decided that. Had around a bottle of decent wine on Friday and then two bottles Saturday and Sunday. Didn't feel too bad and I don't actually regret it because I had already decided I was going to have a few drinks. Now going to try and have four more days AF and promise myself a few drinks at the weekend.

                          The reason I am trying it out this way is to see if the thought of being able to have a few drinks next weekend will make it easier during the week. Just a thought. Do you guys have any comment on this ?



                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            checking in

                            Hi Gang + happy to see new members,

                            Last week was pretty tough - business travel, moving office and taking out my last wisdom tooth (ouch !!!) - as a result I got so tired and got sick with the flu all weekend.

                            Anyway, not doing so badly with AL ( a few glasses of red everyday ... for the cold) ... but no more than that. I am also reading Jason Vale and so far I like it.

                            I can relate to so much, my biggest fear when quitting was "what will people think? they'll think I have a problem with AL ... "

                            Lots of love from me, will post more in the next few days.

                            Noxy - my hubby is Irish and both him and my son were crushed on Saturday by losing to Wales, good to have you back, girl

                            Enough - big hug, told ya' you're like a locomotive, look how many more got on board

                            speaking of trains ... and small kids, I posted somewhere else that staying at home at the weekends with my, then, 3 year old son while hubby was out golfing was sending me straight to the bottle, Thomas the tank engine in particular ... the little tune perfectly describes my progression with wine glasses " The're two , they're four, they're six ... they're eight ..."
                            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              So great to see so many new people! Welcome to all. The book everyone is talking about.. Thank you for the recommendation Unwasted .... kick the drink.... Really makes you think about what you are feeding your body and misconceptions of alcohol. Calling it a poison is dead on. Calling myself an drug addict ( or alcohol addict ) instead of alcoholic is also necessary. I am about a third through and it is certainly making some great points so far.

                              Shue.. Glad to see you back aboard the train
                              Nox... I am not always successful moderating... I need to stop really.

                              All the new faces... Keep posting and toss the poison!

                              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Athome... Can't... How are you doing?

                                Kukani... If saying day 1 over and over again is not motivating... My advice is to stop saying it focus on how many positives ( even if they are small for now). Maybe times you were tempted and said no?

                                Tim... If 4 days works for you and you feel better then that's what matters most.

                                Personally... I am simply tired of thinking about drinking so much. It is really exhausting.
                                Can I drink tonight
                                How many should I have
                                How many more hours should I wait
                                It's almost five clock ... Time yet?
                                I has three glasses yesterday... Maybe only 2 today
                                Should I stop and buy a bottle..
                                How much should I spend
                                Will my husband get pissed! Oh... Who cares.
                                I want to go to dinner... What shall I drink.
                                The never ending battling conversation. All I could do if I can package the amount of time spent between drinking and thinking about drinking.

                                Your thoughts????
                                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

