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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Noxy - bad rugby weekend for all, husband English and I have ties to SA so not good all round! However I did manage to stay AF and am feeling fantastic!

    Enough! your points express exactly how I feel.... I am so tired of thinking about drinking and missing out on life! The only thing I am slightly confused about is DH, I know he knew how many bottles of wine I was sinking as I would occasionally ask him to pour me the last glass out of a bottle he had opened for me, but now I haven't drunk for the last 5 nights he hasn't mentioned it... does he really think I was at the take it or leave it stage, has anyone else had a partner like this?

    To all who drank at the weekend any tips... have a camping/fishing comp weekend with the kids and DH, will be surrounded with AL for two whole days but desperate to stay off, think the Kick the Drink will help.... ?

    Have a good week everyone!


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


      I've been MIA for awhile because, as I said on another thread, I've failed over and over so it seems pointless to come here and repeat it. Granted, I haven't gotten blotto, but have drunk enough to feel bad every morning-- like this morning.

      I know if I were happier in my life I'd be able to manage the AL better, but I don't have the guts to do the one thing I should do to be happier, plus I can't ignore those who are dependent upon me, which is draining. So-o-o, I drink to escape.

      I need to find a good therapist, and I need to exercise.

      I'm going to start Jason Vale's book tonight.

      Now I'm going to fix DH a good lunch so I can assuage some guilt.

      Talk to you later, I hope.
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Good morning all! After not drinking last night I feel terrific. This ridiculous cycle of doom... Dread... Dehydration... Headaches... Nightmares... What the hell are we doing to ourselves!

        Why on earth do we feel so dam deprived when we don't drink????

        I did not drink yesterday and I feel great. Period.

        Whenever I started to think about a drink... I changed my thought to... I am sober. I arrived home yesterday from work and even though I told hubby NOT to buy wine. He did. Even after seeing it I still did not want any. It did not take strength or determination... It's just wine.

        We all need to change our mindsets a bit and finally come to terms with ... It is only a stupid beverage with alcohol.

        Have a happy day all!!!!
        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Juja... Sorry to hear you sounding down. Sometimes with all we have going on we have little time for ourselves and doing things that make us happy. Try to do something fun for yourself. Go to the park... Watch a sunset... Polish your some loud music... Snuggle with a book. Let me know...

          ST... Forget this weekend being hard without alcohol. Instead of visualising the campfire with wine ( or wanting wine) just visualize having fun at the campfire. Be proud of not drinking.

          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            ha ha ... Enough ... I see Jason Vale is working ...

            Same story here - I went out for dinner with my ex neighbor and kids - normally I would always have wine with them - this time I said no ... the craic was mighty, we giggled and had fun telling jokes with the kids without any prompting or help from my old friend, Sauv Blanc. It was relaxing because I had good company, not because I had wine.

            So now back at home I have 1 hour to resist the night cap calling ( hubby is away with Irish drinking buddies) ... Posted here first then off to brush my teeth (wine never tastes good after that). I hope this is enough to ward off the evil spirits.

            ST - I recommend bringing AF beers with you ( Clausthaler is quite good and worked for many on many occasions this summer).

            Juja, sweetie, I got you in the other forum, still, big heartfelt hug
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Just for laughs, check out the


              don't know how to direct better, just go to page 14, Stirly-Girly has summarized the best ones ...

              Hey ... I am laughing in tears and forgot all about the night cap.
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hi all...its me again! Im doing grand! Didnt drink over weekend so 4 days AF now. Not really thinking tooi much about it, been keeping myself busy by going for walks with the dogs and stacking the log shed for the winter Sounds strange i know but i live in the countryside in Ireland!
                Anyway..... its my Mums 60th this Sat...50 people going and EVERYONE drinks! Its usually a big free for all with endless booze!! My brother is an alcoholic even though he doesnt realise it yet and no doubt it will go on into the early hours. I have offered to bring food and am going to drive there with the kids and leave when they get tired. My partner will be drinking as will everyone else but Im not going to! Find i get tired very early when im not drinking tho. Dont want to be a party pooper either. Will keep u all posted on what happens. Am bit peeved to being made contribute to the wine kitty even though i want nothing to do with the stuff...but hey, i guess a party is a party huh? If they want to drink let them!....Thanks for all the posts....really helping. Am on my own again tonight so if there was a bottle here id probably drink it but i deliberately made sure there was nothing in the house


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hey all... Spent most of the day not thinking about alcohol. Not sure if I need more or less brainwashing... care of our book kicking the drink... Does not really matter as I feel good- same ol stress. I did have 2 glasses of wine at dinner... But without all the heartache and fuss. I corked the bottle with a little left and made some tea. maybe a walk? Some tv? Will wake up tomorrow sans hangover! Btw... My kids are driving me crazy!!! Aaarrrhhhh!

                  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Shue... Good for you sweety! I read your link and whew... I never did any ordering, but very funny! I also managed to stay calm with my boys even though they were very tough today. Enjoy the giggles!

                    Athome... Congrats on 4 days! Parties are a challenge. Maybe bring some alcohol free goodies!

                    Keep in touch... More (un) brainwashing to come

                    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Hi Enough,
                      I'm good thanks Beginning of Day 3 and second morning without a hangover - god that feels good!
                      Bit addicted to this site but reckon that's ok in these early days. Lots of lurking and reading and a bit of posting.
                      It's also day 3 nicotine free
                      Wishing you all a wonderful AF day

                      GOAL: 30 days AF & NF - name changing day
                      AF/NF : 10 Oct 11
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        can't believe ... I was also (still am) addicted to this site ... but it was such a lifeline in the first month ... I was checking it relentlessly - reading about everybody's different experiences but somehow the same problems really helped.

                        Now I have to keep up the fight ... need to break out of the 2 glasses a night cycle (much better than 1 bottle + but not the point really)

                        Enough - I used to get 2 bottles of Moet and have a - stay at home - online shopping party with an Italian girlfriend ... boy, those nights turned out to be quite expensive ... Stop tormenting your brain, it could use a break . Good luck with the boys, mine is only 7 but shows good potential to be handful.
                        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Hey all! I hope to hear all your good... Bad... and not to ugly updates. I am in a strange place... Not knowing quite what direction I am going? I went for dinner with my hubby and boys last night ( after a strenuous day at the salon lightening my very dark hair )...
                          Shared a bottle of wine- had no more then 3 normal glasses and woke this morning very out of sorts- don't really remember going to bed? What I did right before bed? But I did not drink anywhere enough for that to happen. Do not feel at all hung over today? I guess my brain is just playing some tricks with me! I keep reading Kicking the Drink waiting for the lightbulb to go on and stay on!

                          Check in and have a great day...
                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            I'm with you, Enough. I'm in a strange place, and can't find my resolve to quit AL. I'm not drinking excessively, but would prefer not to drink at all. Even a little bit makes me feel hungover and irritates my H.

                            AL is my escape from stress. I'm either exhausted or wired, and taking a walk or starting a book eludes me. Having a couple of glasses of wine is easier.

                            I still haven't started "THE BOOK" yet, and am afraid that with all it's praise, it won't click for me. How do I know if I don't read it?! Duh.

                            If no one minds, I'll rant for awhile.

                            Yesterday was an 8 hour day spent shopping for my mother--6 stores trying to find her something she wants but they don't make anymore, plus other errands.

                            Today I meet my aunt to help her with my deceased uncle's estate business. She's extremely naive, not particularly smart, opinionated, and seems to want, but not want my help. She can be kind and sweet, yet gets her digs in each time I'm with her. If I hear one more word from her about the size of my hips, I'm going to let her have it.

                            After being with my aunt, I'll go see my mother in assisted living, and take her the things she wanted. I probably will need to hem a pair of pants for her while I'm there. She can't hear, see or speak well, and it's exhausting being with her, but she is a pretty fun girl.

                            I need to visit my father, too, and give him the receipts for what I bought Mom. I dread the look on his face when he sees what she owes me--$81. He's a tightwad beyond your wildest imagination, and hates to part with a penny. Plus, he's not a very nice person at all.

                            I know I'm sounding put-upon, but I'm tired of all of this. Yes, I'm grateful for all my parents have done for me, but I am weary. My H doesn't seem to understand, and isn't particularly sympathetic.

                            Now, if I can manage to avoid my sister's drunken phone calls, find it in me to have sex with my desperate husband, and eat some healthy food, maybe I'll feel better.

                            So, how's everyone else?
                            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Well, I feel like i need a drink, just the one though, who am I kidding, I get the Jason Vale just kick the poison angle and have managed for the last week, but right now for no apparent reason, kids being good, not a stressful day.... I fancy one, hey ho. Juja, been there with the Mom shopping thing, why is it everything she falls for (bras, foundations!) gets dis-continued.... Desperately trying to find something in the toolbox mind surfing or some such to get though this evening. LOL all.


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Well I am back. My daughter is ok physically. mentally is another story. You would think that would be enough to make me stop. No just the opposite. I stayed drunk from that day until today. I was awake, sober and depressed at 3am. I clicked on to this site and bc I book marked the page the 1st day, the first thing that came up was my 1st post. I realized I was in the same state as I was that day. A total mess with nothing going right. so here I go again, drinking alot of water and taking the supplements. I am not motivated or strong about this right now. I am only depressed and resigned that if I don't do this, things will only get worse.

