Hi, I am new here, although I have been reading this thread for the past week or so. I came across the site when searching for some help on the net. I can relate to so many of your posts, red wine has been my friend for many years and if I admit that last week I "cut right back" to five bottles over the week, it will give an indication of how bad the habit had become. I have finally admitted to myself that I don't want it to control me and my life any longer. The battles I have read about here are inspiring and I truly hope that I can create a new future way of living, for the good of my kids and my health.
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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi, I am new here, although I have been reading this thread for the past week or so. I came across the site when searching for some help on the net. I can relate to so many of your posts, red wine has been my friend for many years and if I admit that last week I "cut right back" to five bottles over the week, it will give an indication of how bad the habit had become. I have finally admitted to myself that I don't want it to control me and my life any longer. The battles I have read about here are inspiring and I truly hope that I can create a new future way of living, for the good of my kids and my health.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
hi guys good to see we are all still doing well. ENOUGH u r now our official AF day keeper congrats lol.
Ju u will be fine, i wake up the same in the mornings still as what i did when i drank and it does get u down but by the time i get going the day gets better. today i took dogs for a walk, had a coffee, did washing, 4pm thought yep wine time and no one on forum so cleaned the tv cabinet then went for another walk. NEVER in the last few years wld i have dreamed of doing that. Keep motivated and positive.
Lilla congrats on coming on here. gee five bottles a week, god i think in the past cple of weeks i was downing two bottles a night. not proud of that one let me tell you. i decided on 1/11/11 that i would search the net, found this site and seen it was AF november well what a coinkydenky and now as of tomorrow it has been six glorious great wonderful days of AF. thanks to me and to these wonderful caring non judgemental people on here as without them i dont think i would have made day 2. welcome to our world ha haAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Feeling good this 4th HFM, but a little worried. I'll elaborate, if you don't mind:
DH has been hunting with his buds for a week, and returns today. Our marriage isn't what it once was, and I'm getting stressed thinking about his arrival home. We've been having our share of problems, and I have to say I have enjoyed being alone. That scares me, and what it might mean. I don't have the nerve to suggest marriage counseling yet, and don't know that I will. Thus, AL often comes into play. I think that's why I was down and anxious last night. I don't know.
Regardless, it's AF times ahead for Juja. I must do this.
Love to all:l"Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hey juja u r doing so well, time to think of you and being AF. be strong girl, u can do it and maybe try and talk to hubby. if it was the AL tht was affecting your marriage then now it will begin to change. I dont no about this marriage thing i got rid of mine as he was a useless twit but loved him as a friend. he was a drinker too when i didnt drink tht much. gave him to my ex best friend, so that cld be an idea lol.
think positive and be brave, we are all here for you if needed.
thinking of you xAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Morning... LOL... I insist on not counting MY days... But have no problem counting everyone else's. Hmmm let me psycho analyze that one! I did go home last night and had some wine last night not too much... Did not really enjoy it though. Together with the frozen pizza I decided to eat at 1045... Equaled a crappy night sleep and heartburn. I need to add more AF days!!!
Juju... I have been married a long time amd fully appreciate a little time to myself. We bought tickets sometime ago to a airshow tomorrow ( with gobs and gobs of people attending ) part of me would like a solitary Sunday and send my boys off for the day. Not gonna happen.
Lilia... Welcome! We hope you stick around conquering and find success!
Avail... Keep adding those daysI am not keeping track!!
E!Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi All
Glad to report that day 1 has gone fine. Drank two bottles of wine yesterday and didn't enjoy it at all ! Can't really understand why. ONly thing I can think of is tht my doctor prescribed me Vitamin B compound strong tablets and Thiamine Hydrochloride to get my vitamin levels up ? I went out and bought a bottle of Non-Alcoholic wine (less than 0.5%) and I can't face that either ? Strange. Today has gone well with no cravings and I am looking forward more and more to tomorrow. Doctor has said if I stay off AL four four to five days he will let me have Campral on prescription ! I'm really looking forward to that. Also started to read Jason Vales book, Kick the Drink easily. That is dynamite ! He states that there is no such thing as an Alcoholic, never has been and never will be !! Wish me luck.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
hi timpin and here i was telling everyone i was an alco. oh dear will have to take that back. congrats on day 1. dont go the NAL drink i reckon anything tht has AL in it even if non is a no no. i have been drinking lots of water with lemon in it. have not decided on my drink of choice yet but the guys on here say seltzer, mmmm have to look for tht in Aus. had a great sleep finaly after 6 day AF and my son walk in and wakes me up, grrr not happy and still feel as if i have woken with a hangover. oh well if i abuse my body i must expect it i suppose. i am not taking any drugs, so what does campral do?
good luckAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi available.
Glad things are going well for you. Keep it up. I agree with you about the NAL wine and I am not even going to try it ! Campral apparently reduces the cravings for AL. However I just read in the book that it is pointless substituting one drug for another. I'm a little confused, but the book really id good.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
have not bought the book, cld be due to lack of funds at the moment. will buy it though. Yeah that is wht i think about taking drugs. I am already on anti depressants and anxiety pills so dont want anymore to pop in my mouth. i am not having intense withdrawals so i will just hang in there i reckon. maybe get the script and if it gets bad then get them and if not then dont. always good to have a script in the drawer. did have bad dreams last night, woke up thinking i wass dying. oh dear.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Thanks for the welcome. I had increased to two bottles over a night of solitary drinking too so my goal last week was to cut back , which I did, so very proud of just five bottles over the week for starters. My goal this weekend was one bottle (which I drunk on friday eve), yesterday I couldn't quite do it, had one beer but at least didn't go to bottle shop to get a bottle of wine. Today I am aiming for a day totally AF, could count on my fingers how many of them I have had over last five years. I have a plan to keep busy but late afternoon will be danger time.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi Lilla
congrats on cutting down, yeah i wass two bottles a day and god working dont know how. now af for 6 days. today is hard, i am feeling really tired and down. dont feel like a drink just feel blah with the world. my time that i find hard is about 5.30pm and 4pm on weekends. house is getting cleaner though. just keep busy and read forums on here. i think i have handled it really well, the withdrawals arent bad but today is a downer for me but just taking it easy. i did think maybe a wine would lift me but i'll just ride it throughAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
available- I hope you have stayed strong and kept busy too. You will probably feel better once back to work tomorrow. I just got back from the shops and didn't buy a bottle, but I have the feeling of craving in my mouth - that is what has always got me before so the next few hours I must hang on in there.
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
u hang in there girl. i have been drinking lots of water and lemon juice. i have stayed strong but have done nothing today just felt sorry for myself. kids came ovr for awhile so that was good but i think i just need a good nights sleep. fingers crossed and hang in there
AF day 7 tomorrowAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Cracking up at this end - we all must have the cleanest houses in the world! For myself, I have been on a decluttering mission, and our charity shop must be very happy as a result. There's a definite need to keep your hands busy when not drinking, isn't there? I'm wondring if a hobby like knitting or quilting might be helpful...not that I've ever been a craft sort of person
re drinks - my favourite so far is still Roses Lime Juice mixed with Soda Water. Just discovered that there's also a Roses Lemon Juice today, so got some to try, but Lime is still my favourite. I also like soda water with fresh lemon or lime juice squeezed in. Given that I like dry wines, that might explain why I like sour-ish drinks.
re Exercise - managed one walk this weekend - was feeling tired again.
It's so great to read everyone else's messages and realise that I'm not alone going through this.
Thanks everyone
PS I just love the stomach ulcer idea...will give that one a try next week
Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?
Hi all. Day two, but a little concerned ! I slept badly last night with a couple of horrible dreams. My body was trembling a little and this morning, I ached just like I used to when I had a skinful. Is this normal. Can anyone please help me with this one. Will it get better ?