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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Good Morning all - and it is a good morning, such a hugely different feeling to yesterday!! LOVE IT! I know the drive home will be hard tonight - my youngest asked me to stop at the store to get something for her breakfast - she got braces yesterday and has a sore mouth. I wonder if i can do it - I have no AL in the house and the evenings are by far and away the worst - hate saying no to her, but if I must I will, and get up early to make her muffins!!! My car has automatic pilot to one of three stores where i get my evening bottle of poison, especially after a day in the office!!! At least I am stuggling with the demons now and hopefully won't get caught off guard!
    Thanks for the welcome back life change! One thing I realsie is how much posting and committing in writing helps - a few of you have said that worrying about letting MWO friends down can influece them. When i felt like I was doing good, I started to wonder if I was focusing too much on not drinking and daily checkins were a constant reminder of AL (someone lese has said thsi too) - but now i see for me, it is my safety net and without it i fall - worse than i fall when on here!
    take care all...have a good day!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Hey everyone. Just a quick one to see how you are all doing. So pleased to read that so many of you are sticking to AF. Even AF days vs. AL days is better than going back to our old ways!

      Gonna keep this short as I want to read a bit of Jason Vale before bed. My Life- how are you finding it?

      Stay strong x


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Hello everyone - I had a difficult evening with quite bad cravings which I fortunately managed to ride out, with a lot of effort and help from re reading and re reading posts.

        Patrice, sounds like you are a teacher too. Thats what started me off tonight I think, I went to sit down and do marking and report writing and out of habit wanted my supping glass of red beside me.

        Timpin and MinStar we started together and I am so proud of you both and how you are kicking this.

        Scottish lass, lifechange and mylife, hope you are all going well too.

        Does anyone use the L Glutamine? I tried it for the first time tonight but it didn't seem to help, does it take time to build up and take effect?


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Prairie Fairy gave a great reply to my above question in Newbie's Nest if anyone is interested. Thanks PF.


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Made it! Day 3 here i go, i did sleep well thanks to Calms Forte - they work for me, but oh my, I am grumpy!!! No idea what this is about, but i am in a bitc* of a mood...hopefully that will turn around.
            I tried L Glut, but I did not notice any effect from it - I bought a bottle, so finished it, but it didn't have teh same effect for me that it did for others...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Thanks for all the help this board has given me. Trying to do it again. The urges for a drink are incredible, I was drinking up to a gallon a day of rum. These withdrawls are the worst, cant stop shaking, sweating and headaches, oh and the guilt I feel about the things I have said and done while I was drinking. I know a drink would help this all make it go away, I am just reading and reading. As alot on here said , just keep occupied.


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                AG, why not make it safer and easier and go through a controlled detox? I think you have a Plan B to do so, right? Please take care.


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  hello everyone!!

                  i am so tired i'm not sure i can make it to my bed.
                  but sober tired and ending day 6!!

                  tomorrow i have a lot of time to catch up.
                  just wanted to say a quick hello.

                  AG, i have to say i agree with unwasted. it sounds like you should seek medical help to get through the detox. let yourself be helped.

                  wishing you all a lovely afternoon/evening.


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Hey all!
                    Hope you are all doing well. AG-:welcome: though I must third what has been said. It would be safer to get help through detoxing. I read a bit about it a while back and I think it can be dangerous if you were drinking alot to stop suddenly. Also they will be able to help with the shakes, sweats etc.

                    Another day done- am retiring to bed early to read more of Jason Vale. I am still rather unsure of some of the things he says- rather dramatised for my liking but I like the constant reminder. I didn't have a craving during my normal witching hour today!

                    Lifechange- hope you sleep well.

                    Lilla- thanks for your support and encouragement. I have a glass of sparkling water with me in the evenings. Are you drinking something else? I find just being able to sip something helps.

                    Timpin- How are you doing?

                    MyLife- glad to see JV is kicking in for you. How far into it are you?

                    Hello and welcome to all and newbies- Sorry havent gone back too far!

                    Safe night/day for everyone!

                    Roll on D10 for me tomorrow!

                    Scottish Lass- Well done on D3!


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Well ... another hangover this morning. I started Campral last Saturday and didn't drink Saturday night. That was it!
                      I really think I need Disulfiram as a deterrent. I most certainly would not be drinking with that. Gotta get a mental health plan in place next week.
                      However ... I'm going to start Campral again today and make a big effort to stay with it this time. If I could just do 2 days AF, I would be over the moon.
                      Good luck to all you troopers for being so strong.
                      Thinking of you all. Take good care.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Hello all
                        Just checking in and wishing everyone well. Aspiring, good luck with the new start.
                        I am on my own this week with husband and kids away, that has thrown me a bit cos no one around to keep me busy and having time to myself was often a trigger. But so far so good, I feel in control tonight especially, last night I was a bit wobbly, but got through with thanks to this site.
                        MinStar, I found some nice rosehip tea with ginger and lemon grass which I make a jug of in the mornings and cool (its hot here) for when I get in from work. It's nice because it's not sweet, so suits me. Juicing fresh fruit and tomatoes is a treat for me too, but I have been a bit too exhausted to do that after work lately - takes ages to clean the machine. I hope you are going well. Available - are you still out there?, I know you said your Mum was coming to stay but I hope all is ok, pls check in and say hi. Have a great thursday everyone. bye for now.


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Day 4 - wish it wasn't Friday tomorrow thou. My girls are with their dad, and being alone is a big trigger for me as well, and I don't have to wrk this weekend - house to myself, a good book and a good glass of...............mineral water??? Will be trying very hard. It is funny, when i was moderating (the little while that i did it successfully) 4 days was no problem as it had an end, now no end to being AF, every minute seems like a week! I noticed it last night whilst I was struggling thru teh witching hours, and then thought this is only day 3 and I have done this many times - then I realised that Friday was going to be significantly different. Yes, I can hear Lav and Byrd saying but the end is in site...just a differnet end, a better one. No instant moment of gratification, followed by lots of regret - now something much bigger and better, but so much harder...
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Hi Lilla et al
                            Managed to stay AF last night ... gotta keep reminding myself of how I feel without the hangovers. Buckets of tea! Stayed in my bedroom from when I came home from work. My partner was wrecked by 8pm. I'm finding it extremely difficult since he starts drinking around 4pm and sometimes it's a case of "if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em' even though I know what the consequences will be the next day.
                            Hope you're doing ok AG. The rest of you are stars!
                            I'll have had 2 days AF this week and hoping I can hold out this evening.
                            Keep strong everyone


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              I did it!! my first night AF!! we went out for dinner with friends and I stuck with sparkling water, there were a few drinking and then i noticed something

                              There were others that were just on soft drinks or AF beer. Maybe it was just the way i was feeling but i suddenly realised that I wasn't alone in not drinking - it felt good to laugh with friends without it being 3 hours later and starting to slur...


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


                                Brilliant. Congrats on your first night AF. Feels good doesn't it ?

