Not tonight... many congrats on Day 5!
Shue... Keep smelling those beautiful trees.
Snap... Especially read below... I understand how difficult it is with your fianc? believing you can change.
Yes, my husband gotta love him was kind enough to point out the Coppola Claret (our fav house red) was on sale for 3$ off a bottle... Too bad he couldn't buy any. Again really! How can you be so dense! Like the rest of your significant others... No clue that starting and not finishing a bottle is an option. Yeh... Why didn't I think of that ( using one of your statements ).
So, yesterday when he came outside and asked what I was doing " are you making friends with those people"... He said with sarcasm. I said do you want to know... Sit down... I tearfully read most o this thread... From day 1. Whoow that was really tough. Really really tough.
In the end he hugged me said he was there for me ... Was proud of me... Bla bla bla.
An hour later he still questioned how and if I planned on accomplishing my mission. Couldn't I just have a couple glasses of wine? Did he really need to be married to a alcoholic.
Still doesn't get it BUT after hearing the tread I honestly think he gets it a little more? I hope!
So if you have the strength to share the thread it may help him see how hard you are working and how much you want this to happen.
I reminded my husband some of the things ( really difficult things ) I have helped get him through over our long marriage.
He did help clean the kitchen last night

At that point I realize he