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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    good job, queen for making it through week !

    welcome mya! great that you have such strong support at home.
    and miss sunshine, i'm glad you got rid of even the yucky stuff. amazing what we sometimes do when hit with a terrible craving.
    snap, glad we have the same day. and almost the same time zone.

    have any of you seen the black comedy, "you kill me" with ben kingsley? it's about a hit man from a polish mob family in buffalo. he keeps screwing up his contract killings with his drinking. making sloppy shots, falling asleep, etc. he's forced to move to s.f. to clean up in a.a.--it's a bit violent in parts, but also quite funny and sweet. tea leoni and luke wilson are also in the film.

    everyone sounds so positive.
    move on move on this way out. you can do it-- no doubt!!
    sundays can be so nice, can't they?


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Hello all,
      Sounds like everyone had a great weekend sober! Great job everyone!!!

      This morning after my run I was getting a coffee and had a sudden realisation. I was happy, not for any particular reason, I just felt good in general. The only thing I can attribute this is staying sober. It lifts my spirits. When I am drinking I always have have a sadness in my heart, I have high levels of anxiety. It is such a relief to be free. Drinking shackles your spirit.

      Here is to week 2!!!! Everyone enjoy your Sunday, tomorrow will be a fresh start to the week!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Good Morning Everyone, Hope u have all had a wonderful AF Sunday.Its 7.45am in OZ and I am off to work Day 3 for me......... sorry to rush will post later taday.Keep STRONG everyone:goodjob:


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Goodnight everyone - 11.30pm here and I'm off to bed and confess I only just made it another sober day!!

          I had the most horrendous craving for wine earlier today, to the point where I almost went out to buy a bottle. Had decided that if my son asked for a lift to his friends (because it was chucking it down with rain), I would stop of and get one (thinking that after four days surely I deserved a treat!!) Anyway - the rain stopped and he didn't ask for a lift - I even offered one, but he said he was happy to walk. Consequently, I ate two chocolate muffins and a whole bar of chocolate (I'm not a sweet tooth person normally and hardly ever eat chocolate!!) and felt so sick after that the thought of wine completely left me!!

          So - onwards and upwards! Day 6 begins in the morning.

          Hope everyone else is doing well - has anyone else had horrendous moments when they thought they would cave in?
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Almost everyday at some point I think.. I want a nice glass of wine. I really don't want a nice glass of wine... I want a bottle and a half of nice wine. Between 4-8 pm is the most dangerous time. Stress is way up ,more to get done, and usually on a certain time frame.

            Even tonight on my way home I thought wow it has been 8 days with no wine and I am happy, sleeping better, feel good... But where is the dam wine!!! It's the wine demon!

            Anyway it passes, but I totally understand.

            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              So many times I have wanted to reward myself with a glass of wine but like you say enough, it wouldnt be 1 glass or 2 it woud be 2 bottles. That is my problem, I cannot mod and I cannot stop at 1 or 2 glasses like normal people. Why? because I am an Alcoholic...... Simple as that! I am on day 3 tommorrow (Tuesday). I know its going to be very allways is on day 3 and 4. I am approaching things different this time. I know I will probably slip up on occassions but this time I am going to learn from my mistakes,when and if they happen. Eventually,I hope things will click for me. Lets try and support each other.Keep positive and jump on MWO when the going gets tough. I must win this battle. I do not want to drink anymore. Thanks for listening.:thanks:


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                :thanks:I reward myself every Frid with a glass of wine but then it becomes 1 to 2 bottles.Why do we think like this? Why on earth do we try so hard to not drink for a few days then reward ourselves with the very poison we are trying to give up? Its crazy, but thats how al addiction works. Cigerette Nicotene done the same thing to me 20 years ago. Good luck everone keep positive!!!


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


                  Hey boozer,
                  I've been there so many times, the moment you feel like you?ve got it under control, one glass to celebrate something and then ? the bottle. I must say that I feel a bit different this time, like my resolve is stronger, but still do not trust myself to start drinking. Oddly, I did not crave the Sauv Blanc they served at the Saturday's party (Italian, not NZ) , I managed to stay strong throughout and it did not feel hard at all ? but when I tasted the AL soaked cherries in the cake, my taste buds went ballistic screaming ?we want MOREEE?.

                  Reward yourself with something else, like tickets to your fave game, a boat trip, ice cream, fois gras, something that you must really like or want.

                  I told myself that at day 14 I am getting a new pair of Jimmy Choos. One more week to go !!!

                  Have a great week everyone!!!
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Well Done Shueaddict on 8 days,thats really good going especially if u were drinking every night and being AF over the W/E takes some doing!! Australians really like the NZ Sav Blancs........ generally thought to be better than the Australian ones. My problem is I live with literally hundreds of wineries within a 100kms radius! However, looking frwd to day 4 tomorrow


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      first weekend without AL

                      :rockon:actually, Boozer just made me realize that this is my first weekend without AL ever (except for the pregnancy 8 years ago). I am thinking hard and I cannot really rememeber AL free w/ends before gettig pregnant either ( not too many hangovers either, I used to maybe have a handful a year - this year I have lost count).

                      Let's keep it together people !!! I'm seeing my doctor again tomorrow, I am determined to get healthy again.
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        I slipped again last night and drank many beers, wine and scotch. Now hungover and will probably miss my flight today ( a business trip), as I am too sick to pack and get ready. Back to Day 1 (again). TWO


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Hi This Way Out - what was it that made you give in? was there a trigger - something you can recognise and try to avoid in the future?

                          I have a witching time between 4pm and 8pm when I have a complete personality change and start to think it would be OK to have a drink - just one little drink (ha ha right!!) It's like a gremlin climbs inside me and takes over my mind! So I'm going to try really hard to be occupied doing other things during those times.

                          Someone on a thread mentioned wearing a piece of cotton around their wrist as a sobriety bracelet. Everytime they look at it, they are reminded of why they need to stay sober. I think I might treat myself to a bracelet (with all of the money I've saved this week on not buying wine!!) to remind me of my need not to drink.

                          Chin up and good luck to everyone else on this journey - Shueaddict - have you seen the jimmy's that you plan to buy?
                          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Hi Snap - Trigger was a gathering of friends, beer, food. I thought I could just have 1 beer. I drank many more than one and embarrassed myself in the process. I should know better. I need to be more careful next time. TWO


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              TWO you can do it.
                              I'm on day 4 and woke up really tired bc I didn't slept very well at all.
                              The one thing I have to keep thinking about is how alwful I felt on Friday morning.
                              I havent been that hungover in a long time. I threw up so many times that day. Couldn't even keep water down.
                              Write down how you feel today and keep it with you so you can remind yourself the next time you want to drink.
                              Have a great Monday


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Good morning gang!

                                Day 9

                                Mya... The sleeping will get easier, but even at day 9 not perfect for me yet. Definately much much better as it is a natural sleep not a "pass out" sleep.

                                Boozer and snap great job... One week is shouting at you too!

                                This way... Rememeber you can not have one. Period. It's not easy you have to be ready to make the committment for yourself.

                                I wonder if there is a point ( and when ) the demon or gremlin stops knocking? When I arrived home yesterday ( to once again a mess of a house and hubby in charge ) and no one home it would of been soooooo easy to crack a beer or something in the liquor cabinet... None of which I really like.

                                I went outside and took 5 min pulled a couple weeds put my feet in the pool and the fam walked in!
                                Deep breaths and went into dinner mode.. With a cran/ grapefruit / pellagrino mix.

                                And remembered ALL of Sunday evening
                                Talk soon,
                                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

